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Beware of Musement!

Attention! From our experience, Musement is a scam, swindler firm.

We booked a trip to the Alhambra, in Spain (Feb. 11, 11:00). We, as requested, arrived at the meeting point in front of a coffee shop 30 minutes before the supposed start of the guided trip. It seemed odd that there were no other tourists waiting with us. At 11:15, we called support. After several calls to the support and several promises to get back to us, we asked for the rebooking of the tour to a later date. This ruined all of the planning we had done for the vacation. They told us, once again, that they would call us back once the rebooking has been approved.

After 3 days of not hearing back from them, we wrote them an email that we’d like to get a full refund for booking us to a non-existent tour, for which we paid 150 euros. After finally replying, they informed us that we were not present at the tour. For which we obviously were, and even had photo evidence of us being there.

After that point, they have not answered any of our emails.

Be aware of this, stay clear of Musement!

Posted by
1626 posts

I hope you paid for this with a credit card. Just call them and dispute the charge.

Posted by
11507 posts

Awful , how frustrating.. I too say contest charge with your credit card!

Posted by
893 posts

Please keep us posted about the outcome. It may help another traveler.

Hope you can get a refund,

Posted by
23548 posts

This will be a very steep uphill fight with the credit card company because the company will claim you just missed it.

Posted by
27617 posts

These earlier threads mention that company with respect to tickets to the Eiffel Tower and the Uffizzi. There was no follow-up post to indicate that the contract wasn't fulfilled.

Link 1

Link 2

Link 3

I see that at least a couple of the Alhambra reviews on the company's own website indicate that the purchasers thought they were getting tours of the complete Alhambra, but it turned out the Nasrid Palace wasn't included. Impossible to know whether the travelers were careless in their research or the company is playing fast-and-loose with the facts.

Posted by
8439 posts

Wow. They do a 'tour' of the Alhambra but not its major element? Another good example of why signing up for a guided tour of most things in Europe is a waste of money. The Alhambra is dead easy to do on your own; it requires no special guidance. And costs a lot less than was apparently stolen from the OP.

Posted by
2 posts

Sorry I wasn't crystal clear. We booked for a tour of the entire place.
Also, the queue times were insanely long, and only for the gardens.