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Speaking of Paris clothes...

So I went down the rabbit hole for the YouTube person Not So Blonde as a result of this post about what to wear in Paris. Mostly young people, who, based on this septuagenarian's opinion, look ridiculous or are wearing clothes I had 40 years ago. Take this with a grain of salt as I don't come from a fashionable background... However, it made me think if people can look like that, why can't I wear my husband's travel blazer. It would ease transit issues through airport security and the Eurostar due to LOTS OF POCKETS. It's a small checked fabric in neutral colors. I tried it on and expected my husband to laugh and say no way! He didn't?! It's like a boyfriend's dressier blazer on a busty woman with gray hair. LOL. I am seriously thinking the pros outweigh the cons of my ego. I did find a couple of scarves that soften the look around the lapels. Of course, my white Altras will really dress it up...(I say sarcastically). Do I care? Probably not...

Gosh, I love those pockets! So can an old, practical woman pull this off do you think? Would you wear it? Looking way ahead to the Paris and Heart of France in the spring.

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1957 posts

Wray, if only we could add photos to our Forum entries. I think you are exactly the kind of practical, woman of a certain age (not old) who can pull this off. You probably fly out of Boston. I fly out of Minneapolis/St. Paul, so will probably never have the opportunity to see you in your wonder jacket WITH POCKETS. Je regrette.

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3312 posts

@Laurie Beth, I should have said "a woman of a certain age". You're right. Or I once read a novel about "a woman of substance". LOL

@Vandrabrud, It's the Swede in us.

I have to say I was waffling already, but I like Laurie's "my wonder jacket with pockets" description. It does mean packing one more outer layer because it is not for all activities. But, maybe I could pack the 3-3-3 method.

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7125 posts

Absolutely! My whole travel wardrobe is based on comfort and practicality. I'm a stout older woman and, while I'm not a Miss Marple I am maybe a little Vera.

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10538 posts

Huge jackets are back in style. I’ve seen several on TV and the internet recently. Black pants, black t-shirt, white Altras, large checkered jacket. Put a decorative pin on the lapel. Perfect. Great idea. I’m going to search my husband’s closet for our upcoming trip to the US.

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7644 posts

Wear what you like! If it feels good and you like the look of it, then it's a perfect match. But I want to see photos, Wray, as I may have to concoct one of those myself! :-)

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3312 posts

@Elizabeth, I've never been on top of a fashion curve before! LOL. I love your pin idea.

@Mardee, I'll work on that. I keep seeing your name go by on my FB friend recs. By the time I put a photo up you will not remember who I am or why I put it up, because months go by... LOL.

@Nancy, LOL. I get it.

Posted by
606 posts

In March 2023, I was in Paris and one of these YouTube vloggers was there making a video. I saw her several times. All I’m going to tell you is the Parisians were laughing at her so maybe you should not follow their advice. The Parisians thought she looked overdone . One woman told me “you do not dress to attract attention that is not elegant.”

As for your suggestion to wear your husband‘s blazer. Go for it. you’ll get a lot less attention than the wannabe dressing in totally inappropriate clothing for the weather because they’re making a video in March that they want to post in June and pretend like it was warm when they were in Paris.

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9106 posts

Wear what you like and don’t give a thought to what anyone else thinks.

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742 posts

Love the idea of wearing the blazer. It will look fantastic esp with the scarf or jewelry you mentioned. Personally I love men's socks

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3897 posts

I too vote yes. Yes, a lot of the people on Not So Blonde are wearing vintage clothes and many of them look "interesting." Thrifting is a big thing with most of the people in the videos. Many of the younger people are wearing things that they thrifted or got from their parents or grandparents. Thrifting is big in Paris and I notice that it is big with the younger generation of my family all of whom buy pre-owned items all the item for environmental reasons.

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2727 posts

I'll make a deal with you -- if you wear a men's blazer in Paris then I will wear a women's beret and a women's floppy beach hat.

I'm going to do that anyway, actually.

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50 posts

Have seen many clothing catalogs with the women models wearing a blazer from the men's section. Must be the new thing. Wear it and enjoy! Wish women's clothing had pockets.

Posted by
937 posts

Wray, I'm so glad you posted this, I too (briefly) looked through the Not So Blonde link and just thought, "UGH, how uncomfortable, I bet they're not walking far!" You should absolutely wear his travel blazer, but I'm wondering what he's going to wear? (Matchy matchy might be a bit too much?)
It's like a boyfriend's dressier blazer on a busty woman with gray hair. Perfect!!

Thanks Carol - The Parisians thought she looked overdone . One woman told me “you do not dress to attract attention that is not elegant.”

After reading your question, I went down the rabbit hole of what Coco Chanel said about fashion & style, such great quotes! "You can be gorgeous at thirty, charming at forty, and irresistible for the rest of your life."
"You live but once; you might as well be amusing."
I REALLY want to see a picture of you all dolled up in your man-style blazer with a dashing scarf and pin.

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1336 posts

Allow me to suggest that you hit the vintage sites looking for wither Willis and Geiger or J Peterman. Both of those companies made very good travel blazers with extra inside pockets. Get one that's close, and then get it tailored to you.

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3312 posts

I love all the replies. It's quite a funny subject it seems. It might be a funny sight...


"You live but once; you might as well be amusing.

I'm either amusing or annoying. Pick one. LOL

@KGC, I'm not a shopper. I am a sewer, but putting pockets in clothing rates as boring sewing for me and takes me forever to get to it.

The odd thing is my husband thinks it looks better than the tan corduroy blazer I wear all the time. That must say something about my poor taste. As I am busty with more narrow hips (TMI) it could be the blazer fits me better in some ways. My husband no longer does any international travel or long distance travel, so this blazer has just been sitting in his closet waiting for me.

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3312 posts

@avirosemail, Haha. I've worn mens or boys clothes most of my life. I had my twin brothers' clothes through college that I would pick through. When I was real young I could chose from two colors. I just never wore them to Paris...well, maybe Paris, Maine.

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561 posts

Do it, Wray! I’ve always liked (and worn) the menswear look. I think it looks sharp and yes frequently the garments are better made with interior pockets women’s clothes never get. What’s up with that?!