I'm searching for some comfortable (knit?) travel pants with lots of zippered pockets, one being big enough to hold a cell phone. In a perfect world it would have a matching "jacket" and it would come in PARKING CONE orange so I could find my husband in the airport!! The pants can't have a belt cuz that just slows us down at security. GO . . . . and thank you.
in PARKING CONE orange so I could find my husband in the airport!!
I'm laughing as I read this, and thinking, "Yes, please!"
...so I could find my husband in the airport!!
Perhaps a new use for air tags?
I like zippered pockets too. Three brands you can peruse: Scottevest; Craighoppers; Clothing Arts (aka pick pocket proof pants). But belts shouldn't be a problem if they're all plastic. I dont know any beltless pants that aren't elastic waist, which have their own problems. Traavelsmith or Magellans might have other options.
AirTags is a good idea. You can make them beep so he'll know you're looking for him. Maybe get him an orange hat.
Here's a recent thread that has lots of ideas: https://community.ricksteves.com/travel-forum/packing/travel-pants-for-men
It also turns out that many varieties of Dockers have zipped pockets. And the newer athleisure style of clothing (which don't always work IRL) often zip as well.
I transitioned over to travel pants by Bluffworks last year and love them. The Ascender Chinos have double front pockets with zippers and a rear zippered pocket. Very lightweight and comfortable. Their customer service is amazing as well. A little pricier than other pants, but well worth it.
Unfortunately Sam's used to carry a great travel pants under an Outerrim label. The were a synthetic blend and easy to care for. I worn out several pairs but have seen them in recent years.
Not sure your motivation for asking about zippered pockets, but my husband, years ago, had his wallet stolen out of a zippered lower leg pocket on his pants. (Just saying that zippers don't prevent pickpocketing.)
Costco usually has a selection of pants with zippered pockets. The are often categorized as "tech pants". They also sell hiking pants which have numerous pockets and are convertible to shorts. Some even include a nylon belt with plastic buckles which contain no metal.
Janet. --- I would love to know the details.
I tend toward the side of a less "business casual" look for travel pants. My faves are by Kühl - and they also happen to offer styles that are more "business casual"/conservative. The build quality on these pants is exceptional, the fabrics are high-tech but also quite attractive, most of them feature zippered pockets (some of them hidden), and they offer myriad cuts and styles. My faves are the Renegade Rock pants, which have plenty of pockets (some secure), a fabric with light stretch and water resistance, and a nice, tapered look (my fave, may not be everyone's cuppa).
Link: https://www.kuhl.com/kuhl/mens/pants/
If you need a belt for them: get a belt from Arcade. They seldom ever get pipped by the TSA as the hardware is plastic. I've used them for years and only once in over 50 TSA encounters has my Arcade belt been questioned by TSA agents.
Link: https://arcadebelts.com/
Good luck!
I recently bought Costco Addias men’s brand lightweight pants with zippered pockets . I’ve taken them on two trips. Super lightweight and sink wash/dry quickly.
@Frank - Sure: in Palermo, we boarded the bus for Monreale (a route known to be heavily traveled by tourists). I went to find a seat while Larry got in line to validate our tickets. He soon came to sit beside me. Shortly, the bus driver, at the front, held up a wallet showing Larry's driver's license. Evidently, the thief(s) took the wallet while he was standing at the validating machine, removed the cash, and then threw the wallet into a back seat of the bus as they exited before the doors closed. Pretty polite, actually! Larry said, "I hope they could buy dinner for their family.) All that was in the wallet besides his DL was a 50-euro note and some joke million-dollar notes that he used for business cards (all else was in his secret belt pocket). That was a pretty inexpensive lesson: sit first, then get up and validate tickets after the doors close.
In 22 trips to Europe. that's the only time we've ever had anything stolen.
The pants can't have a belt cuz that just slows us down at security. .
The zip leg pants that I have that have secure/ zippered pockets, if they come with a belt, it has no metal parts. Never been a problem. What does get noticed is the zipper on the legs or pockets.
Janet, I had one once who was even more polite. The fellow opened my crossbody (yes, it was on my hip, not in front; lesson learned!) He managed to unzip it, reach in, pull out what he thought was a wallet, and then, when he realized it wasn't valuable, he tossed it on the ground, tapped me on the shoulder, and pointed to the now dropped item!
I'll never forget that. And yes, I now always wear my crossbody in front, with my hand on it. What he had extracted was one of those zip up shopping bags, that folds into itself, becoming a plump little package that must have felt like a wallet. That was in the Paris Metro, by the way. No crowds, nobody around... or so we thought!
@Jane - that takes the cake and has to be something that has never occurred before or since! I'm glad you posted.
Have the tailor put in an additional zipped pocket. I have that feature in pants I bring over. I have a total of 5 pockets in a pair of pants, one of which is the inside zipped back pocket. No one will pick you. It has never happened.
Frank — Our neighbor Bob was sitting in a pew in St John’s co-cathedral in Malta. He had his wallet in a zipped front pants pocket. A man slid in beside him, bumped him slightly, said excuse me, sat for a few more minutes admiring the artwork, then said goodbye, got up & left. When Bob stood up a few minutes later he immediately realized his wallet was gone.
LLBean sells both men’s and women’s lightweight pants with zippered pockets. Don’t assume zippers on the pockets will prevent a pickpocket from getting into the pockets. Wear a money belt and keep one charge card and a small amount of cash readily accessible with extra cards and cash in the money belt. This applies to both men and women.
When you feel like additional protection might be warranted, a safety pin on the zipper can provide another layer of security. Sometimes, you just can't be aware of everything, all the time.