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Where else should we visit in Europe besides Greece and Czechia?

I'll be taking my 17yo daughter to Europe this summer. We will spend two weeks in Greece and a week in Prague. (I want to show her where I lived in the 90s.)

We will have another 7 to 10 days to spend the first week or so of July before we fly home. Where else would you go? My daughter has mentioned Spain, Italy, or Portugal, but she would be open to anywhere. I'm considering Slovenia, Albania, or Croatia as well. I can't afford too many more flights, so I'm looking for just one more destination before we return to Athens for our homeward flight.

If you could go anywhere in Europe, where would you go? And why?


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1676 posts

What interests you and your daughter the most? Cities, beaches, mountains...etc? What's your budget? How will you traverse the continent (flights, trains, buses, car...)?

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2444 posts

I am only speaking from personal experience but I loved Lisbon and London. Spent four days in Lisbon and six in London.

Did a shore excursion to Braga, Portugal. Did a shore excursion in Bilbao, Spain and also to Santiago Spain.

I would be glad to give you more information about any of these places if you and daughter have further interest.

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28873 posts

There are great destinations all over. I hate flying mid-trip, and you already know you're going to have to do that once. I'd be looking for a place I could reach via ground transportation from either Greece or Czechia. Although Albania shares a border with Greece, I don't know what the ground connections are like, and it's quite likely (I'm guessing) that you will not be visiting the area of Greece near Albania, so the shared border may not really be much of a benefit. All in all, I think it would be easier to choose a place convenient to Prague.

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7357 posts

There are no good ground connections between Greece and the rest of Europe. Albania is an exception, and it is very cheap so it could fit the bill.
Or Poland, on a completely different note?

Posted by
5074 posts

Oh goodness, someone interested in Albania! It’s a fairly easy reach from northern Greece, which is also gorgeous and very different from the islands and the south.

If you start in Greece, move up through Albania (maybe Gjirokastra and/or Berat) before ending with a few days in Tirana, there’s a Ryan Air flight from Tirana to Prague.

Try multi city flights: into your arrival city and home from your ending city. Sometimes those are higher but sometimes not. Especially when you consider the time and expense of getting back to your arrival city when they look to be far-flung like yours.

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6899 posts

Flights within Europe are surprisingly cheap, so your options are probably unlimited.

You didn't say if you had already booked your flights (from Phnom Penh - wow!) to/from Europe. If you have not, consider that it's (usually) most efficient (for time, and sometimes also for cost) to fly IN to one city, and fly home OUT of a different city - that saves you the wasted time and cost of "circling back" to your arrival city. This is usually called a "multi-city" flight (each airline may have a different name for this) or "open jaws" (an old airline terminology). So, for example, fly from Phnom Penh to Prague, and fly home from Athens (or whatever city works best). Trains are often VERY good for connecting major cities in Europe, but that's not true for Greece (Prague is well connected by train). There are cheap flights from point-to-point almost everywhere.

The primary limitations will be your available time (usable days) and luggage space.

If you book cheap flights within Europe, be very careful about knowing your baggage limits - they are usually very strict about enforcing these. This is NOT like flying on a long flight from Asia to another part of the world, on a major airline - many people bring a LOT of large, heavy luggage when they fly like that. On short (cheap) flights within Europe you will be much more limited for bags, so be very careful when planning.

The other limitation is, of course, your available time in Europe. Be careful not to jump around from place to place too much, because every time you change your location, you will use up most of a day. Do that too often, and all your time is spent in transit, with little time left to enjoy being somewhere.

If you have 2 weeks in Greece, and a week in Prague, you could then spend that other "7 to 10" days almost anywhere in Europe. Paris? London? Italy? If you (or your daughter) have dreamed of any of those places, go where your heart wants you to go. Pick one of those (not all three!). 7 to 10 days in Paris and London together (connected by train) would be a great option (you could do both of these cities, or either city plus a couple day-trips), or a short trip to Italy's greatest cities (maybe Rome, Florence, Venice, connected by train) would also be just depends on what interests you most.

Good luck and have fun - you will have a great trip!

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19355 posts

In Prague, you are only about 5½ hrs by direct train to Munich (even closer to Nürnberg or Regansburg) and there is a lot to see in and around Munich. Munich is a good place for non-stop flights back to the US.

Posted by
7 posts

Thanks so much for all the replies! I've already booked our RT flights from PP to Athens. It's complicated, but it is best I book RT to be at least partially reimbursed for them as part of my flights benefit.

I've been checking into trains, but I'm not finding them much, if at all, cheaper than flights, and those are the flights with baggage allowance, which while cheaper than in the US, do add up. What am I missing about the trains? I expected them to be a bit less expensive. Within Czechia they are reasonable, but cross border, I'm finding some fairly high quotes. Even the ferries in Greece don't seem to be worth the time they take. The flights are nearly as cheap.

I've been checking into "fly anywhere" possibilities out of Prague, and there are some decent rates, though all the eye-popping bargains end up being about the same as the more expensive flights when you add baggage. But that's where my problem lies. There are so many options I can't decide.

We don't have a particular preference except that I brought my daughter to Paris pre-Covid, so we aren't really looking there. I'd rather someplace laid back rather than hectic in our final days. I've strongly considered Barcelona. I've never been and I hear it is amazing. However, because I've never been, I don't know how much go, go, go it would mean. We'll have been traveling for over 3 weeks by then and I don't want to burn us out.

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980 posts

I would suggest you consider Poland; beautiful country, warm and welcoming people; good value for your money.

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5074 posts

This is not a reply to this question, but I just saw that you will be spending most of your Greece time in the north. I hope you will come back after your trip and share a trip report! Not a lot of people here spend time in the north.

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28873 posts

Barcelona is a lovely city, one of my very favorites. If you went there and primarily walked around, enjoying the architecture, and maybe went to some of the less-visited sights like the Recinte Modernista de Sant Pau, it could be a reasonably relaxing experience. However, Barcelona is massively popular and has more sights which need to be pre-booked (because of horrendous lines) than just about any other city in Europe. Therefore, based on your preference, it wouldn't be my recommendation for this trip. In addition, mid-summer is a bit risky from the weather perspective. Although super-high temperatures are unlikely, humidity can make moderate heat feel pretty uncomfortable. (I note that you're traveling from Phnom Penh, so maybe that would be no issue at all for you, but I noticed it as a 65-year resident of the southeastern US, which is known for rough summers.)

Do you really want to keep heading out to airports? With the requirement to be there at least two hours before each flight, plus the transportation time to and from city centers, you lose a lot of time when you fly.

Tickets on fast trains are often much, much cheaper if purchased well in advance. If you're looking at fares for this week or next, you may be seeing only full-fare tickets available. Crossing Switzerland is likely to be pretty pricey, but otherwise you should have some good options if you buy tickets well ahead of time. What rail trips have you found to be surprisingly expensive?

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6899 posts

Barcelona is indeed amazing, but it's also one of the places that has become extremely popular (a perfect example of a place suffering from "overtourism") so some of the things you will want to see/do there will require advance planning for tickets. It's also not exactly what I would necessarily call "laid back" - though you could try to be laid back there despite the thumping vibe you will encounter. All of Spain (not just Barcelona) is worth considering (Andalusia is wonderful), though it's likely to be uncomfortably hot for many people (myself included - I'd skip it during mid-summer). I suspect you are probably quite used to heat and humidity, but maybe you wold enjoy someplace where the weather is (relatively) cool by comparison. For summers in Europe, I like the north. Any interest in Ireland or Scotland? Some of the most beautiful corners of Europe can be found there (and the weather is usually lovely).

Posted by
7 posts

@TexasTravelmom – I will definitely come back and share about Northern Greece. However, we probably won’t go much further than Macedonia. I lived in Thessaloniki for a few years in the late 90s, so we’ll mostly be visiting friends. We will definitely go to Meteora and probably Vergina. We’ll probably also go to Marmaras. Beyond that, I don’t know if we’ll have time to visit anywhere else, but there are so many wonderful places to visit in the north.

@TravelBug79 – I have been exploring the possibility of Poland. I never got the chance to visit when I lived in Prague and it has always intrigued me.

@acraven, @David – Thanks! Your insight to Barcelona is exactly what I wanted to know. This is what I want to avoid.

Posted by
7 posts

UPDATE: I've decided our itinerary. Thanks for all your help!

Thessaloniki - for 7 days, 8 nights including Vergina and day trip to Meteora, as well as several days visiting family friends on Halkidiki.

Vienna - (by flight) for 2 days, 3 nights (not too thrilled with this, but my cousin and niece who will be joining us from Thessaloniki to Prague want to visit here. Looking into what to do.)

Cesky Krumlov - (by shared transfer) for 24 hours.

Prague - (by train) for 4 days, 5 nights

Procida - (by flight and ferry) for 3 days, 4 nights

Rome - (by ferry and train) for 3 days, 4 nights

Athens - (by flight) for 4 days, 5 nights

Return home.

My daughter said she'd love to visit a town like the one in Luca, which is based on the Cinque Terre, an area I've been wanting to explore for 30 years! However, I will NOT do those crowds. I missed my chance, it seems. (Thanks for the advice about Barcelona. It was high on my list, but I was hesitant because I feared it would be stressful. Sounds like it would be.) So I looked around for an alternative and found Procida. She has seen the pictures and is thrilled.

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5074 posts

Looks like a very memorable trip! You have a couple of destinations I am going to go look up now. Lol.

I really liked Vergina - both the museums/tombs and the town vibe itself. I could see myself back and spending a couple of nights there.