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Posted by
4586 posts

I keep wishing for Forum topics at least for the countries in Europe! I would add Romania and Bulgaria (and Ukraine for the future) to this wish list.

Posted by
7588 posts

TTM, actually Bulgaria is on the forum, which I think is strange given that Romania is not. I would also like to see Serbia and Albania on there.

Just double-checked and Bulgaria is there. In fact, I found the post that mentioned it being a new forum. So it looks like it can be done relatively quickly.

ETA: I found the original post asking for a new Bulgaria forum, but the reason was that Bulgaria was added to Rick's tours. So I checked and it looks like the individual forum countries are the same ones visited on RS tours. Right now there is no Albania, Romania and Serbia tour on there, so I have a feeling that it won't happen.

Posted by
585 posts

So every time all these request for the webmaster come up I have a question. Are you willing to pay?

We get what we get for free because it’s advertisement for Rick and unlike a lot of other forums they are not even advertisements on here.

But the more topics to moderate, etc. it gets the more expensive it becomes for, the sponsoring organization are you willing to pay for all the stuff you want?

Posted by
588 posts

I’d also like it if there was an Albanian forum, particularly as it appears to be a growing travel destination.

Posted by
7588 posts

Carol, there is absolutely no harm in asking and I don’t know why you get so upset about it. This website is a perk, yes, but people here spend a lot of money with Rick Steves, not just by buying guidebooks and travel equipment, but also purchasing tours. So why should it be so terrible just to ask for something? All they have to do is say no. :-)