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Walking with cane

Over last few weeks,I,in my research, find myself all over the map(pun is probably intended with my horrible humor)
Anyway,my wife and I find ourselves torn between, what we would love to do,and what we are able to do.
We are in our 70s,and usually use canes to get around.
We have looked at flying into various cities,but are wary of where would be the best for people of limited mobility, who need to rest every so often,whether on a bench,chair or ledge.
Places we have considered lately,in no specific order,are Lisbon,Prague,Rome,Milan,Antwerp, Florence, Rome.
Taking into consideration, what I said above,any suggestions would be welcome
Thank you

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3532 posts

How about a Mediterranean cruise and a final flight destination such as Prague? At cruise ports book excursions or local guides with cars, e. g. to Pisa or Florence.

You mentioned Rome twice - seems a big wish. But 2025 is Jubilee year of Vatican, so really tons of tourists and pilgrims are expected. I do not know if this is a good choice / timing for a visit in your situation.

Be aware that all these destinations have history and partly not most-accessible streets and sidewalks.

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85 posts

Mentioning Rome twice shows my forgetfulness.
I apologize for leaving out Madrid.

As far as cruises,we just came back from our 7th,and decided we are cruised out

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2523 posts

Have you considered England? I had broken my back and not quite healed so needed a cane and walker but it did not hold me back and found UK travel considering this fairly easy. Everyone was so very very helpful we had to almost laugh as getting on a bus in York several people hopped up to offer us seats, one man got off at our stop to help direct us back to the train station and he said would just wait for the next bus. I never missed out on anything and highly recommend travel there. Of course we did not go on any cobblestone streets. I am so sorry to have to say we did not find such courtesy at home sometimes. Go and enjoy.

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1762 posts

If you would trade in your canes for walking sticks you'd blend right into the population. They are very much in use in Germany and France, especially with folks over 50. I would pass on hilly cities like Lisbon and Rome, but there are lots of places built where the topography is such that you don't have to be climbing a grade to get somewhere. Munich is a good example of a flat city with lots of places to walk and benches every so many yards in the gardens and along the popular paths. Also in a lot of the older towns the oldest sections are built on flat ground. You can easily walk around places like Salzburg or Heidelberg on fairly level streets provided you don't decide to walk up to the castles.

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8616 posts

I have a walking stick that is retractable to a shorter size. You can put it in a large suitcase, but can't take it through airport security (TSA) in the USA.

I checked the rules on this and apparently, if I had a wooden cane (not metal) I could take in though security.

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85 posts

Yes I have considered England.
My senior moments have me forgetting to mark all of where I considered
Thank you

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85 posts

I guess in the states,we usually regard,canes and walking sticks the same.
I have 2 types,one with a base,one without.
Depends where I walk,as to which I use.

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85 posts

I have 2 canes,1 folding,1 not,both are mixture of plastic and metal
I have been allowed thru security

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954 posts

peppersdad1947 -- I don't know that my experiences would be useful to you, all of our needs and comforts are individual, but here are my last two trip reports --
2023 -
2024 -

I got along fine in London. I think my next trip will be to Prague and then by train across Europe to London.

As far as canes go it does not matter what they're made of can be wood or metal. Mine is a Carex brand aluminum derby style. All TSA is going to do is send through the machine. And give it back. Every time I've gone through, the officers offer a loaner until they're done clearing mine.

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399 posts

Almost anywhere in Portugal is a challenge for those with reduced mobility. Unless you have a specific flat location , best to avoid.