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Solo Europe Itinerary Advice

Hello! I’m a female in my 20s and doing a solo trip this June starting in Paris then would like to go to Bruges, the Netherlands, and the Bavaria region. I also have interest in eastern cities (Prague, Krakow, Vienna, etc), but I’m thinking maybe I should save that for another trip to not rush things.

I’m really looking to see some beautiful historical sights, learn history of the region, and experience the cuisine.

This is my first trip to this part of Europe, so I’m not too sure how doable my itinerary looks. I have some flexibility as well - I can add up to an additional week, and the ending city is open since I don’t have my return booked.

Here is my current itinerary:

  • Paris (3 nights)
  • Bruges (2 nights, 3h train from Paris)
  • Antwerp (1 nights, 2h train from Bruges)
  • Amsterdam (3 nights, 1.5h train from Antwerp)
  • Wurzberg (1 nights, 5.5h train from Antwerp)
  • Bamberg (2 nights, 1h train from Wurzberg)
  • Munich (2 nights, 2h train from Bamberg)

Any feedback or recommendations are greatly appreciated!

Posted by
8374 posts

I would suggest you add one more night to Paris and only stay in Bruges one night. Skip Antwerp and add that night to Amsterdam.

You could fly on Air Dolomiti to Munich and skip Wurzberg and Bamberg unless there's some reason you need to go there. My favorite region in Germany is Bavaria and Munich has so much to offer. It's a fun city, and the history of the Hapsburgs is there--palaces,e etc. There is also so much to see within 2 hours like Salzburg or the incredible Austrian Alps around Innsbruck.

Munich is a good airport to fly out of.

As experienced travelers, we like to travel to cities that are easily linked by trains and to cities that complement each other. I'm talking Paris-London. Or, Venice-Florence-Rome. Or, Prague, Vienna, Budapest. Or, Madrid-Barcelona-Paris. Or, Munich, Salzburg, Vienna. When traveling Scandinavia, we find a cruise ship out of Copenhagen works to visit all the big cities in the region, and it's far less expensive by ship. Also realize that some European countries like Spain, France and Germany are quite large.

I'm okay on trains up to about 4 hours, but the advent of ridiculously inexpensive European budget airlines has opened up visiting different regions on one trip. Travelers can see Italy and make a stop in Lisbon or Copenhagen on the way home. Happy travels!

Posted by
896 posts

I think your itinerary is ok, but you really could use more time in Paris (there is so much to see!) and Amsterdam (a lot to see and a great hub to visit bother Dutch cities/towns by train). I would spend a week in both cities and save Bavaria for another trip.

Posted by
15194 posts

I agree about Paris as well! I'm not partial to Antwerp so I'd take that night and give Paris 4 and Bruges 2.

Since you are a first timer to Europe and a solo traveler, I'd suggest you read a couple of threads for reference on how to keep your vital things safe.

A forum member reaches out to help troubleshoot:

The forum discusses how to recover from a disaster:

Posted by
16 posts

Thank you all for all of the great feedback! I’m trying to avoid flights since I’m getting a Eurail pass, but I tried to modify my itinerary a bit to give more time in the bigger cities. Should I give 4 nights to both Paris and Amsterdam?

Here are my updates:

  • Paris (3 or 4 nights)
  • Bruges (2 nights, 3h train from Paris)
  • Optional day trip to Ghent (20 min train)
  • Amsterdam (3 or 4 nights, 3h train from Bruges)
  • Optional day trip to Zaanse Schans
  • Optional day trip to Utrecht, Delft, or Haarlem (suggestions?)
  • Mainz (1 night, 4h train from Ams)
  • Munich (4 nights, 4h train from Mainz)
  • Optional day trip to Bamberg (2h train)
  • Optional day trip to Salzburg (2h train)

I’d really love to go to the Bavaria region, but if I extended Paris/Belgium/Ams, any suggestions on how to fill that time? Thank you all again for the feedback!!

Posted by
15194 posts

"I’m trying to avoid flights since I’m getting a Eurail pass,"

Did you run the numbers to see if the rail pass is an advantage to you? It may be that buying point to point tickets will be less expensive although you've probably missed the window for the least expensive tickets from Paris to Bruges and maybe Bruges to Amsterdam. Check to see if you will need to pay a reservation supplement on your Paris to Brussels train segment as well.