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Disaster has struck--lost all money and credit cards

Somehow, some way have lost my pouch with my us dollars, euros, and credit cards. Have two weeks remaining in avignon. Apartment is paid for, train trips seem to require credit cards so those Journeys are out. Instead of traveling out everyday can stay in Avignon so realistically just need money for food. Anybody have any experience with this kind of situation?Am proceeding with Western Union funds to be transferred but any other ideas are welcome.

My contact missed my eye this morning so am without one contact. I lost my sweater on the way to the apartment. Spent 4 hours trying to get internet access. And then while unpacking and organizing realized my pouch was gone. Not a good day.

Posted by
1389 posts

Obviously you need to contact your credit card company ASAP and alert them as to the loss. Most will express mail a replacement to you; cost may or may not have to be borne by you. We've had to deal with this after a debit/ATM card was the subject of card-reader fraud (and it was contactless!).

I hope your passport wasn't in that pouch; some heated discussion is underway on another thread about that.

Posted by
198 posts

You are having a rough time! I know sometimes when traveling, I put something in a "safe place" and then forget where I put it. Could you have possibly tucked your money away deep in a suitcase or back pack? I have panicked many times only to discover I hid something too well.

Posted by
21081 posts

Call credit card company and have them overnight (?) replacement. Have second put in relative name and overnighted to them. Have relative photograph numbers and send to you and you add to your google wallet or I-phone thing. Use what ever you get first.

Hitch hike to Budapest. I have an extra room .... but try credit card thing first. I did the relative thing not long ago. Worked.

Posted by
8515 posts

If you have an American Express card, you can go to their office (I think they have one in Avignon) and get cash from them. I did that many years ago when I lost my money belt that had my money and credit cards in it.

I don't suppose you have Apple Pay or Google Pay/Wallet on your phone, do you?

Posted by
357 posts

Credit cards have been taken care of it's just actually getting access to money. Have never dealt with Western Union And there is no consulate In the area so no U.S government support. So still appreciate ideas.

Posted by
1389 posts

Have you contacted your US bank to request a wire transfer from your account? Do you have American Express card? Either of those should be able to get you short-term funds. Also, have you set up Apple Pay or Google Pay? Those should let you get food, at least.

Posted by
23684 posts

And now you know why some of us preach so often about wearing a money belt and not having all you valuables in one spot. And why I still put a hundred euro note under the innersole of my shoe. You should be able to obtain a replacement credit card within two days. Replacing a debit card is more difficult. You can use your credit card for a cash advance but you will need a pin number. Have the pin sent to a trusted person in the US and call them for the number.

good luck

Posted by
1046 posts

So sorry that you are having such a trying day. One thing in additional to getting money wired from Western Union is to see if you can get your new credit card updated in your Google or Apple Pay (if you have these set up). It may be possible for the credit card company to update Google/Apple Pay electronically with the new card as they are shipping your replacement to Avignon. This is dependent upon whether the Credit Card provider gives that automatic update.

Posted by
2536 posts

Report this loss to the Police as soon as possible.
Sometimes there are honest people who find credit cards or valuables and take them to the police station.

Municipal police, Lost and found office is located at: 13 Boulevard Saint-Lazare, Avignon

If you think you have lost them on public transport, they are kept for 3 days then handed over to the Police

Posted by
10784 posts

Good grief. I am so sorry because you were so looking forward to this.
There is a Consulate in Marseille but all they can do is lend you cash, or let you know if the pouch is turned in. Have you filed a police report?

Yes, for having the credit card sent express.

I removed your name and posted in my expat group to see if anyone is in Avignon. They can look the post up on the Forum and send a private message, if anyone is around Avignon and free to lend a hand.

Nope, not a good day. Tomorrow is a new day.

Posted by
6884 posts

You didn't specify: are you traveling alone, or with a partner/spouse/friend(s)? If so, obviously more challenges...

Do you not have a backup set of contacts or glasses?

Posted by
2498 posts

It the states several years ago when I had to wire money to my college aged son (long story) but Western Union was.Super easy. He had the money within fifteen minutes from.when I deposited it. Good luck.

Posted by
8049 posts

First, take a breath and know that you are connected here on the forum. You aren’t alone, and it will all work out.

If you have your phone, do you have a family member back home who you can obtain their credit card number over the phone and load the number into your iPhone wallet for Apple Pay? Almost all restaurants, transportation, etc. will take Apple Pay from your phone instead of a physical card.

Posted by
10434 posts

Hope the idea of Apple Pay will work. Good thinking, Jean.

I hope that will work and /or you can get some Western Union money quickly, Janet. At least you are staying in one place, so hopefully that will ease the process of getting replacement credit cards to you.

Do you have an iPhone or iPad ?

Posted by
10434 posts

Hi everyone, maybe if we could keep from speculating on Janet's pouch, that would be nice. She has had a very unpleasant day. I am pretty sure that chiding or inquiries like that at this moment don't help her.

Posted by
815 posts

So I’ve been there and done that with someone else. Luckily, she was not traveling alone so we did have a back up. That said, I agree with others a cash advance and credit card probably would be the way to go. You don’t need much cash as you probably already figured out you can get by with €100 over the next few weeks. Just use your card for everything else. Did you have your card loaded in your phone? I don’t know whether to tell you to keep using it or not but it’s something to think about. If you don’t have a back of spare set of contacts contact your eye doctor and see if they will email you the prescriptions so that you can take it someplace and get more contacts. I had to do that once with glasses so I know it can be done. It’s just not ideal.

I’ve had both AMEX and Chase DHL credit cards to me in different parts of the world so it can be done. if your credit card company is being difficult about it make sure they understand that when you get home you’ll be looking for a new credit card company. (there’s a reason I no longer bank with Bank of America.)

Posted by
9021 posts

Janet, hang in there! I know this must seem overwhelming but you will work your way through it step by step. You have an entire forum of people here who are on your side. You are not alone. Keep in touch and let us know how it is going or if there is a specific way we can help.

Posted by
815 posts

Just a note. If you don’t have a pin and you get a credit card, you may still be able go to a bank and get cash advances. Get a local to help you figure out whether there’s a bank that will be able to do this for you, but I think it can still be done in Europe. I know it can be done in the states.

Posted by
535 posts

If you have travel insurance, perhaps their helpline might be able to offer some assistance. As far as train trips go, you might be able to buy train tickets online once you get a credit card again. When I was on a solo trip to Italy, I ordered all of my tickets on my phone through the Trainline app and never had to present my credit card.

Best of luck to you. I hope your trip gets better.

Posted by
357 posts

Thank you very much Especially JoLiu. Station is not far from my apartment. Traveling solo.430am now so will keep you updated as to how things worked out today. Again thanks for the suggestions. JK

Posted by
10434 posts

It's important to report the theft to the police station as they will give you a written record that you have reported it. This is essential for insurance purposes usually.

Posted by
10784 posts

In France, it's always important to document everything, therefore Kim, JoLui, and I all said to report the loss at the police station.

Corrections: my experience getting cash at the Embassy in 1981 is outdated. American Express hasn't had offices for travelers for 20+ years. A bank in France will not give a bank loan, cash, with only a credit card. As customers, paying fees for our accounts, we're lucky if we can even get debit cards out of them.

Posted by
815 posts

I hate to argue with Bets but I actually know someone who got a cash advance on a credit card at a bank in France so and that was just about two years ago. so it can be done. now we were in Paris, which may have made a difference. It’s my understanding that this is part of the terms and conditions of the credit card. Actually, what Janet might do if she gets a new card is call the credit card company and ask them if they know where she can get a cash advance on it.

Posted by
8721 posts

Can't you get a cash advance on a credit card from an ATM? Usually banks won't deal with non members directly but while it is usually a terrible idea, in a pinch you can withdraw money on a credit card as a short term loan.

Or have a friend wire some money Western Union. And travel insurance should offer some assistance.

I hope the process of coping will become a fun anecdote in about 5 years; it must be awful in the moment.

Posted by
8279 posts

One feature that people should be aware of is that with Google or Apple Pay, Credit card companies can push a new card number to you nearly instantly. You can also have a Virtual card in addition to your regular card, the Virtual card issues a new card number and CCV# with each transaction, you can have both loaded in your wallet.

Also, for cash, many ATMs are now going contactless, so you can use your phone to get a cash advance on one of your loaded credit cards.

But yeah, worth repeating the "eggs in one basket" caution.

Posted by
815 posts

Well, according to Apple, if you have US dollars in your Apple account, so you basically have a credit balance with Apple, then you can use those anywhere in the world. I’m not sure why someone above says no with such adamancy, but that’s what Apple says.

Posted by
1062 posts

Thanks Paul, I was thinking that it seems the quickest way is to have access to a credit card replacement is through your Apple Wallet. Even if Janet had never set up Apple Wallet before, couldn’t she set up her Apple Wallet in a few seconds, then ask the credit card company to push through a new cc number. Or would it only work if she had already had her original credit card number in her wallet?

Posted by
8721 posts

I pay with my card on my phone most of the time in Europe. If you can swing that -- with apple pay or your card being authorized by the bank to your phone -- that will make life suddenly easier. Everyone is pulling for you.

Posted by
1062 posts

Thanks Carol for the link. Seems to confirm that Apple Cash works for international purchases and is subject to transaction fees.

Posted by
8049 posts

Checking in this morning to see how you’re doing today. Hoping this was just a temporary pause in an otherwise wonderful time in Europe!

Posted by
357 posts

I really appreciate your inquiring how I am doing. I was going to post an update But thought I would wait a little bit. So:

The police station- so the address I had for the police station was apparently incorrect but as I was walking across the old city to get to it I happen to find someone who apparently knew where it was and so I went there because actually I knew the location as well. They opened at 7:00 so I was on my way there by 7:30. It seemed to be a substation. There was only one gal present. She called two police colleagues they didn't speak much English either but they took me in the police car to the main station where I filled out a report with two officers who did not speak English either. I explained to them that I really didn't know how the money got misplaced, lost, stolen, but that it was a loss and I needed to have a police report going forward. And I got it!

Tracing my steps; so the luggage storage facility opened at 9:00 as did the tourist bureau. Neither had found my pouch of money.
Travrl insurance: I actually have the copy of the contract with my travel insurance and it says that they assist with cash advances. But when I sent them an email the response back was that that did not seem to be part of my policy so we'll need to address that when I return since I am on an annual contract.

Western Union: tourist bureau suggested that the best place to get money wired was across the street at the Poste. So I head over there and of course they haven't handled Western Union type delivery since November of last year. They gave me a company a couple of blocks away and I had success finding that place and finding out the procedures of what needs to be done. I did go back to the tourist bureau to let the gal know that the post does not handle money transfers anymore and she gave me the name of yet another company. So I went and tracked that company down, finally found it, and by this time it's 12:30 p.m. just FYI everybody will close at 5:00 p.m. today and be closed tomorrow on Sunday.

Help with my new credit cards. It seems to me That when I got a new card They wanted me to call from The phone number that I had provided On the application or in my account. I use an international SIM card for when I travel so they don't have that number so activating the card I believe would be a problem.

Hubby; we actually live in Mexico and we are on Arizona time and he is trying to find Western Union offices in the little town that we live in. And so he is running around after being unsuccessful at the moment. The problem he is running into is that most money from Mexico gets sent to the states and so the clerk wants to know what state the money is being sent to and doesn't understand that it's Avignon city, France country.

Banks: Saturday all our closed. If you've been to a French Bank apparently everything is handled through the atms. There is no cash transaction with customer service agents inside the bank. So I don't know how much help they would be and I would need to wait until Monday to get an answer on that anyway..

More than you really probably wanted to know but throwing out the terms go to the police station and file a report, obviously not that easy if both parties don't speak the same language. Have money sent by Western Union, got to find a place on either end to make the arrangements. Then you need to make sure that the event only occurs during the week I'm not the time zones work.

Misc: I wanted to lose weight and the stress is doing it! I wanted to lose weight and conserving the very little money that I have at the moment is helping with the weight loss! Thank goodness Avignon has quite a few free museums so I've hit those. I did spend 2.40e round trip to go across the river to Villanueve les Avignon. 🙁

Posted by
521 posts

Janet, I am so sorry to hear. You have my Provence books I believe. I am sorry I don't have any local contact to share, but you seem very resourceful.

Posted by
8049 posts

Thanks for taking the time to let us know how you’re doing! I’m sending you a big virtual hug! Since it’s a weekend, I would head to a church and use Google translate to tell them your money was all stolen, and you are stuck until offices/banks opens on Monday. Show them your police report. I would be shocked if they didn’t help you with some food. Our church has an active Food Bank for someone would invite you to lunch with them.

UPDATE: Hi, just thought of a new idea. If I buy you a $100 prepaid credit card gift card, could you load those numbers into your Apple Pay? I could pick up one this afternoon, and we can correspond by text. Send me a note through the PM.

Another update:. I found out the Visa Gift cards won’t work. Here’s the details….
Can I use my Gift Card internationally?

No. The Gift Card can only be used in the fifty (50) states of the United States and the District of Columbia, excluding Puerto Rico and the other United States territories.

Posted by
15021 posts

Janet! It sounds like you have gotten a lot done today and are finding your way around. Very nice of you to go back to the TI to update them. Fingers crossed your husband works things out for you. Hadn't thought about the Western Union in Mexico being mostly used for sending money (or receiving I would imagine) to the US.

"One feature that people should be aware of is that with Google or Apple Pay, Credit card companies can push a new card number to you nearly instantly."

I 100% agree with Paul on this. This is exactly what happened a couple of months ago when my AMEX card was compromised (at home, during the night). I called in the AM and by the time I hung up from talking with the CS person, the # in my Apple Wallet had been updated to the new number and the CS had said I could use it immediately before the physical card arrived.

Posted by
1062 posts

periscope, it appears that one can only send/receive cash in the US to put into the Apple Cash account, but if the cash is in your wallet, you can spend it internationally (subject to transaction fees) anywhere Apple Pay is available. Is that your understanding?

Posted by
8049 posts

Hi, just thought of a new idea. If I buy you a $100 prepaid credit card gift card, could you load those numbers into your Apple Pay? I could pick up one this afternoon, and we can correspond by text. Send me a note through the PM.

: ( Found out the Visa Gift cards won’t work.

Can I use my Gift Card internationally?

No. The Gift Card can only be used in the fifty (50) states of the United States and the District of Columbia, excluding Puerto Rico and the other United States territories.

Posted by
1062 posts

I'm so sorry Janet, this is sounds so emotionally and mentally exhausting for you. Is that credit card the only one you and your husband have? Do you or your husband have a different active credit card besides the one you lost? You (or your husband from afar) can download the Uber app, and order groceries, and take out to your hearts desire using the app by using another of your credit cards. They've got all sorts of options for take out places in Avignon as well as at the supermarket Monoprix Avignon through Uber Eats, all of which can be picked up or delivered.

Posted by
1062 posts

periscope - Carol posted what appears an official Apple link about it, so that's why I'm asking after reading that link. I'm just asking questions, and trying to sort it all out to understand for myself.

Just personally thinking all this search for police stations, consulates and western unions seems like a wild goose chase I'd want to avoid when I travel to France next month, and would like to have a good understanding of best options that involves maybe only an international phone call to the credit card bank and a couple of clicks on an app.

Posted by
28566 posts

Janet, I have a long, sad history of losing credit cards; only once was a thief involved. In recent years I've had to activate quite a few replacement cards (all too frequently while traveling in Europe), and doing that online has recently been an option. The information sent to you with the replacement credit card should tell you exactly which website to use; it should be very easy.

Posted by
770 posts

Janet, sooooo sorry that this happened to you. On our last trip my husband broke one of his hearing aids in Portugal and lost the other one in Africa. So I spent three weeks yelling at him to be heard :-(

One silver lining in all this, your experience and all of the helpful suggestions has taught me a very good lesson. While I always try to be careful with cards and cash and passports, things can happen. I've learned a lot here about how to prepare for our next trip, just in case something gets lost or stolen.

Good luck! I hope that you are able to get things squared up so that you can enjoy the rest of your time in Avignon.

Posted by
6614 posts

Janet, when you got the new SIM card, did you happen to keep the old one? Could you pop it back into the phone long enough to activate a new credit card? Sorry if this make me "Ms Obvious," but sometimes, especially when stressed, we overlook the obvious.

What a nightmare! It's wonderful how people are trying to help. I know it's the weekend, but at least you have a safe place to stay until this mess gets cleared up.

Posted by
10784 posts

Someone in Aix-en-Provence gave me this link to a private Facebook group for English-speaking women living in Avignon, Uzes, Nîmes, etc. Maybe someone there will have ideas to help you get some food/meals until your money arrives. Maybe someone will be able to meet up for coffee.

Posted by
815 posts

OK it’s been a while but I did have to activate a card from a phone not on my one time. They’re going to ask you for everything but your blood type and sexual orientation above they might even ask that latter part, but you can do it. it will help that they know a new card has been sent to an address not normally your own.

Posted by
357 posts

7:00 a.m. Sunday now and at eight o'clock last night wrote a message to you but I breathed on the wrong position and it deleted it.

Fabulous idea, extremely helpful idea about the Facebook group here in Avignon have taken advantage of it and we'll see what happens. problem is like someone else suggested is there anyone I could reach out to here in Avignon? The only person I would know is the owner of the apartment but everything was done remotely. His suggestion had been to report it to the police so I knew there was not going to be any help there. I would have nothing to secure it with except on spending $700 on his apartment!

Thoughtful comment Jean I really appreciate it.

Laurie Ann yes your books are the reason I am here in provence! I sent you a check to reimburse you for the postage but it got returned addressee unknown! Please DM me your address and I will try again.

Appreciate all the Comments and thoughts about cell phones and Other Ideas using tech-- not my forte, it sends shivers down my spine!

Got an update from hubby on Western Union – – he had found a facility in our small Mexican town to send the money .Spent two hours with the manager of the store trying to do it. They called the Western Union bank and they said there was a problem and it would be fixed in an hour. So I found an updated message from my husband and it turned out that it was his U.S drivers license. I guess because he was in Mexico they wanted a Mexican driver's license and so my recipient is the store manager.

Has an aside for the Western Union money transfer my husband had to increase the amount that I needed, he had to convert the pesos he was using to US$, The dollars then needed to be converted into euros and so a much needed but very costly process. Heaven only knows what the Western Union Fee is!

Thanks again to all of you I really appreciate it and I think we've all learned something from this experience.

Posted by
2170 posts

Can’t your husband activate your credit card using your home phone? If you are using Google or Apple Pay and the bank pushed it to your phone, I don’t think you will have to activate it?

I’m so sorry you have to deal with this. I know how you are feeling to a lesser degree. My wallet was stolen from my purse in Rome while I was on a bus. It took hours from a pay phone to get my issue taken care of. This was before cell phones. We got disconnected every few minutes. Luckily I had relatives with me so I had cash through them. I also lost travelers checks and was able to get them replaced as well on another trip. And then my card was stolen in Mexico at a gas station. Their card reader in hand was broken ( yeah, right) so off he went to use another reader. I stopped him before he got out of sight. He handed me my card back, so I thought, and I paid cash. I knew within 15 minutes there was a problem because I got a text from my bank. I looked at the card and it belonged to a Nathaniel.
I like the 100 Euro in the shoe idea. I’m going to do that in both shoes.

Posted by
15021 posts

"Appreciate all the Comments and thoughts about cell phones and Other Ideas using tech-- not my forte, it sends shivers down my spine!"

Not for now, obviously, but after you get back home I'd suggest getting up to speed with some technology. If you don't have a smart phone, it's time to upgrade to something where you can use Apple or Google pay. You CAN learn new technology and if you use it at home it will be familiar when you travel.

Posted by
1074 posts

Appreciate all the Comments and thoughts about cell phones and Other Ideas using tech-- not my forte, it sends shivers down my spine!

Technology using a smartphone and virtual credit cards via Apple Pay or one of the other virtual wallets is the way to go. It gives you the best chance of recovering from a disaster like the one you have experienced, the loss of all cards and cash carried in one pouch or physical wallet or bag. The thought of traveling without this technology sends shivers down my spine.

At home, I rarely pull a CC out of my wallet anymore, I use Apple Pay whenever possible. I no longer carry all of my credit and debit cards on my person at home, either. You can achieve the same result when traveling abroad using Apple Pay, and splitting your cards between a neck wallet worn under your shirt, or having a travel companion carry one of yours, or also using the hotel room safe. Don't keep all of your cards and cash in one 'basket', at home or abroad.

Posted by
8049 posts

Janet, I keep checking your post twice a day hoping all is getting back to normal for you again. Your post has helped so many of us think through our own backup plans and potential gaps that we’re discovering.

I went through some of them last night with my husband as I take off for my next solo trip, especially traveling away from larger cities. Each of my items - passport, phone, ATM cards, credit cards & iPad will be evaluated for these 4 points

  1. A specific item stolen, i.e. my phone
  2. How I use it, i.e. to take photos, Apple Pay, train tickets app, texting, calling, (occasionally an app to open a lodging door)
  3. Current backup for each use.
  4. Gaps in current backup plan & approximate time it would take to recover it.
Posted by
11728 posts

We have lost credit cards while traveling in Europe. We immediately called the credit card company in the U.S. and had a new credit card in 24 hours. Didn’t you stash another credit card in some other place in case of emergency? We always do.

Posted by
9021 posts

Janet, I hope things are looking up. I had to think about some “what ifs” because of your situation. I think I will be better prepared for financial travel emergencies thanks to your post and ideas in several of the replies. Thank you for sharing your struggle so we could all learn.

Posted by
357 posts

Monday noon in France; got the money from my husband through Western union. When I had gone there on Saturday to determine what I needed, I would need the code number from the sender, and the sender's name, and my name had to be exactly like the document I would be providing to pick up the money. So heaven forbid I would have lost any sort of ID.

So when I was at the Western Union office on Saturday what I did not ask was would they be giving me the money or would I need to go to a bank to receive it and as they were open at 9:00 with the money be available at 9:00? I did not ask these questions. The answer is they at the Western Union office would give me the money but it is not available when they open it would only be available at around 10:00. And this is what happened.

Food; so what I did on Sunday was go to one of the fabulous Provence towns that had a market and took advantage of the samples of oranges, watermelon, cheese, and sausage. I did though have Euros for a lunch.

Help: so it's sunday, the last bus out of the market town is at 16:30, I could not take the train back to Avignon as I did not have a credit card so I had to be sure that I would be able to get the last bus out of town. I was not confident with the bus driver as the kiosk did not have the bus number or the bus schedule which I have found at the bus kiosks up till now. So concerned I went to a pastry shop to see if she could tell me where the police station was in case I ran into a problem. As another situation no one seemed to know where it is. A man came in she explained my concern and he spoke english. The long and the short of it is I will be forever grateful to him as he offered me a coffee, he planned to take me to the train station he planned to buy my ticket back to Avignon, and show me a better bus stop. Fortunately, the plan B bus stop was right across the street from the train station and the train would leave at 5:30. So if there was a problem with the bus for some unforeseen reason I at least now had a ticket on the train for 5:30.

St Vincent will now be my new patron saint.

Bus schedule; I checked the bus schedule on the bus line last night for today Monday. Since the Western Union office was around the corner from the bus station I verified the bus schedule for my trip to Roussillon. So I had anticipated getting my Western Union funds at around 9:00, and the bus toRoussillon was at 10:00. Of course we know that didn't work out because the bus schedule that I got on the Bus Line website last night was not correct. So there was no connection that I was going to be able to make on the bus today. So my point is that if you are traveling outside of the summer schedules may not be correct even on the transportation website. I will do some touring now in Avignon and end up at the bus station to verify my next 3 days worth of travel since I cannot rely on the bus website.

Again many many thanks for suggestions and thoughts of concern, support and good thoughts. I am going to move forward and will probably not address any more responses so maybe for the remaining two weeks can put this behind me. Sounds like we've all learned a lesson! JK

Posted by
10434 posts

So heaven forbid I would have lost any sort of ID.

Indeed. I met a lady here who had had her money, cards, and passport stolen. I had to loan her the cash so she could get her emergency passport at the Embassy. (She did pay it back once she was able to go to Western Union to get her money once she had her new passport to prove to Western Union who she was!)

Posted by
46 posts

Glad that you were able to use Western Union to get out of this jam. Your story has motivated this GenXer to set up my Apple Wallet as a somewhat failsafe backup.....though I always travel w/2 credit cards stored in two different places, and usually travel w/my spouse who does the same. I figure we can't possibly lose/misplace/have stolen all FOUR....and I like to have sufficient open credit to buy a walk-up airline ticket home (or to a safer place, should chaos unfold). It helps to eliminate travel anxiety to know that I can bug out, even if it is expensive.

May St Anthony, finder of lost things, smile on you as well as St Vincent.

Posted by
15021 posts

Thanks for updating us on your Monday! I'm glad you got money and hope you will have a wonderful rest of your trip.

After you return home and have a chance to look back at this with less emotion and fright, I'd love to know what you'd have done differently.

Posted by
1062 posts

nikkiu, I'm with you on all counts, and we set up Apple Pay as a direct result of this entire travel thread. I'm going to try to see how I can Apple Pay my way through France, Belgium and the Netherlands next month.

Posted by
357 posts

I think one of my issues also is That I do not use a cell phone With any regularity. I don't carry it around with me to talk on it, search on it, I use it to have an emergency. So that anything that I am trying to do on the device is unfamiliar to my vendors. So for instance I thought I could use PayPal but they want to verify by sending me a text because they don't know my device. They prefill in the plus feature and the country code and then I put in my phone number. But when they verify what the phone number is they don't put in the plus feature and the country code so that the text is going to never never land.

So thinking that PayPal might work, Apple pay, Google pay it might require following through and see that how that would actually work if in fact the credit card that is used for those vendors is closed.

Obviously Every day bring something new, I don't know if I've mentioned somewhere in all of this that I do live in a fairly small town in Mexico and basically everything is on a cash basis so I don't use my cell phone as a payment method. So that relates to the unfamiliarity of my device to the vendors or credit card companies.

Posted by
2774 posts

I'm so sorry your adventure has gone sideways.

As an older woman who sometimes is alone on a trip, my cellphone feels necessary and helpful, but I certainly think it's possible to travel without one if that's your preference.

I'm sure this experience will help you make changes to minimize future travel disasters.
All the best to you!

Posted by
1074 posts

I think one of my issues also is That I do not use a cell phone With any regularity. I don't carry it around with me to talk on it, search on it, I use it to have an emergency.

What kind of cell phone do you have? Is it a "smart phone"? What is the make and model?

If it is a more recent vintage phone from the last 5 or so years, like an iPhone (what I have), it is possible to have Apple Pay, and store your credit cards in your virtual wallet, and never really use the phone for any other purpose (or minimally use the functions like talk and text). To use Apple Pay, the phone only needs to be turned on with a charged battery - it doesn't need to be connected to wifi, nor does it need to be activated for phone service while abroad. I am sure that if you have a smartphone that is not an Apple (say an android phone), the same is true, but my experience is solely with Apple and what I can best speak to.

The advice you have gotten here from multiple posters RE using a smartphone is good advice, but the reality is that even with a smartphone with contactless payment options, your #1 dilemma remains where and how do you store your valuables - money, credit cards, etc - particularly when traveling. And having well thought out back up plans, like not keeping everything in one location (like a pouch), but carrying those valuables in a neck wallet or something similar worn under your shirt. With or without smartphone technology, that is your biggest issue to deal with next time...

Posted by
1111 posts

This thread has been a "learn-from-another's-mistakes" for me. I travel with my husband who takes credit cards that I don't. We complement each other with that plan. BUT, on our trip to France in September, he announced in horror at the airport that he'd left his wallet AT HOME. Fortunately, I had several different credit cards and a debit card on me BECAUSE the trip to England before that, I lost a credit card! Things happen. Therefore, I decided to load a few cc on my Google Wallet which is on my Android cell phone. Super easy to do. Mine is locked. I don't want to insult anyone's intelligence, but I'd make sure a cell phone was password protected before loading any credit cards.
I'm very relieved for you, Janet, and hope you are greatly enjoying yourself.

Posted by
132 posts

So thinking that PayPal might work, Apple pay, Google pay it might require following through and see that how that would actually work if in fact the credit card that is used for those vendors is closed.

I suspect none would work. But worth thinking about setting up at home before a future trip, if possible. I know several people mentioned getting the CC number and adding to your apple/google wallet. When you add a card to your wallet it goes to your bank for approval. The bank can tell the phone is out of your country of origin so I highly doubt they would approve it. I had a heck of a time just trying to cancel a stolen USAA CC in Europe last year- without my phone to prove my identity through text or their app.

Posted by
15021 posts

"I don't want to insult anyone's intelligence, but I'd make sure a cell phone was password protected before loading any credit cards."

On an iPhone you HAVE to have password protection in place to load stuff into the Apple Wallet. Ihave a numerical password but it's possible to have facial ID. I have not progressed that far in my tech skills, hahaha! I will add that my friends at my local RS meet up were the ones that talked me in to using AppleWallet. I did not see the point although I've had a smartphone for years. I've found it's invaluable and I mentally thank them every day for making me set this up!

Posted by
132 posts

I've found it's invaluable and I mentally thank them every day for making me set this up!

I started playing with Apple Pay during the pandemic, but travel is where I began to fall in love :) Particularly being able to use it tap in and out of the Amsterdam trams and DC metro and not worry about the cards. (Actually in Amsterdam it was in lieu of a CC not paper card.)

Posted by
1389 posts

Some of the discussion on this thread points out the double-edged nature of modern technology. Smartphones and wallet apps have made traveling abroad much easier in many ways; at the same time, they've probably made life more difficult at times for those individuals who have chosen not to adopt the tech.

The conversation has made me realize that I need to be much more patient with and solicitous of slow- and non-adopters of these tech tools. Thanks to everyone for their comments.

Posted by
30 posts

Oh my goodness, at your expense, & sharing with us (painfully no doubt), we’ve added a few backups to our upcoming travel to FR.
1. We both now have all the contact info in both our phones for banks & credit card companies. We each carry credit cards of different companies in case one is lost/stolen.
2. I’ve pulled out to pack my leather “fanny pack” (worn in front), to carry my valuables.
3. I’ve had my husband set my phone up with Apple Pay. He’s used it for quite some time but I have not.
Any other thoughts on what we should do while home to avoid the intense pain, and fear, that Janet has just experienced?
Thank you for sharing, Janet. We have learned from your very unfortunate, painful experience!

Posted by
9436 posts

My best friend said to me when i resisted getting an iPhone when they first came out:

“If you don’t keep up with technology, you will be left behind”.

Posted by
2339 posts

I wear a fanny pack in front when I travel to Europe, but I do not keep valuables in there! For that, I have a pouch I made that buttons into the waistband of my pants (or skirt - wouldn't work for dresses!). My credit and debit cards are in there, passport, and other important info, along with my European currency and a $100 dollar bill. I feel very secure with this system.

Posted by
28566 posts

I agree--a fanny pack worn over your clothes isn't secure enough for anything valuable or not easily replaceable. A thief would just bump into you ever so slightly in crowded conditions and that fanny pack would be gone.

Posted by
5308 posts


It’s good to hear that you received your money, via Western Union, and I hope the rest of your trip is wonderful!


I’ve pulled out to pack my leather “fanny pack” (worn in front), to carry my valuables.

Please reconsider keeping your valuables in your “fanny pack”.

Many years ago while visiting Rome, I was wearing a small waist pack in front (like the one you’re considering)
I was traveling on the Metro with my mom where we met a young woman who warned me about wearing such a pack because the waistband could easily be cut (from behind) and stolen (as it had happened to her…)

I keep my valuables in a hidden pocket that is attached to the inside of the waistband of my pants, or skirts, as the previous poster.

Safe travels!

Posted by
30 posts

A thought on tracking down stolen/lost items, many of you know and use Apple Tags. For those of you who aren't familiar with them, they are small disk like tracking device. We put them in our luggage and will add them to everything we actually carry on our next trip. You activate them on your Apple phone and then track them on your, "Find My" app. More than one friend, & we, have had our luggage "misplaced" by the airlines and we were able to track them down via the Apple Tag and "Find My", to tell the airlines where they were for recovery. We also put one in each of our cars here at home, in case the car gets stolen. Google them for more info.

Posted by
357 posts

I have what is called passport socks. And there is a zipper more or less about an inch or two above your ankle and it's where you supposedly can secure your passport it would certainly also be a place to put money and credit cards. Ugly but I would think very secure.

Posted by
15021 posts

@1judes1 - I'm glad your husband set up your AppleWallet. I recommend you start using it for everything at home before you travel - grocery store, pharmacy, Target, etc. You want to get used double clicking on the right side button and keying in your password so you can do it automatically.

Posted by
770 posts

Instead of using my regular purse when I travel, I use a Travelon crossbody bag with locking zippers. Passport, wallet, phone, etc. all go in there. So far the pickpockets haven't figured out how to cut the straps, and it feels secure. Since I normally carry a purse, having the Travelon bag is just a substitute so I'm not likely to leave it somewhere or lose it.

I know a lot of people use Apple Wallet, but I am very leery of loading all of my credit cards and passwords onto a phone that could easily be hacked. Just showing my age, I guess. I still use paper maps instead of GPS.

Posted by
1062 posts

naalehuretiree - the whole point with having your credit cards in your apple wallet and using apple pay, is that nobody has access to your credit card number including anyone you transact with.

With that said, I'm still taking a small paper road map with me to France because why not? I just like looking at them, even though I plan to mostly use google maps.

Posted by
3160 posts

naalehuretiree, showed my age but getting braver. Two trips ago, I loaded my primary CC into Apple Wallet. It worked great and lessened my fear of loosing the physical card.

Thanks to a recent thread about CCs & Apple Wallet, I downloaded #1 back up CC into Apple Wallet so I have an alternate bank CC handy. My #2 back up CC and only ATM cards stay as physicals cards. I also take the two physical cards that are loaded into Apple Wallet.

All cards, except my primary card, plus my passport are carried in my money belt. I carry the primary card and daily cash are in a RS lambskin wallet (there's a recent thread about this too), the same as I have done on the last two trips. The wallet is carried in a zipped pocket of my extra small Travelon purse. Just so everyone knows, it isn't so much the anti-theft features of the Travelon I like (only the clipped zippers), but the size, it's red and it was on sale a few years ago cheap. Advantage of Extra Small is it can stay crossbody or in front of my body while I sit to eat and transit or walk to sight see. If I need more room for stuff I can either carry a packable tote bag or carry my packable backpack.

Janet's experience has been an eye opener and reminder, especially for solo travelers, not to put everything in one place and have good back-up plans. She handled the ordeal much better than I would have.

Posted by
815 posts

Personally, I really think these travelon purses and pac safe bags are actually putting you in danger. If somebody really wants your bag and they try to rip it off you and it can’t break they’re going to drag you into the street. But you’ll have your purse! that’s good you’ll need it when you get to the emergency room. I’m sorry I’m giving up my purse people. It’s not worth my life.

The same concept as in the United States where the mugger held me up with a gun. I gave him my purse.

Don’t overprotect your belongings at the risk of your body

Posted by
3160 posts

Carol, your reasoning is why the bulk of your money and CCs are in your money belt under your clothes. The only amount that is in your purse is your Daily Cash and credit card.

As for nylon vs “security straps” think of this: having had horses for years, nylon halters take a lot of pressure to break. Think 1200 lb horse sitting back until the force breaks the halter. I had a horse back flip in a barn aisle when the halter broke. The hardware will break first. If you want to safely carry a crossbody purse, there really isn’t a handle that will break before you get hurt.

Posted by
815 posts

Sorry, but I watched what happened, and I will never carry one of these bags with metal in the strap. The bag that she was carrying did snap and disappear, she ( and if the non metal straps aren’t going to break then why do we need to spend extra money on the “safe”? )

But I never had all my money, credit cards, etc. in a bag that could be accessed in anyway, they would basically have to lay me down and rip off my clothes which probably isn’t going to happen or else break into my safe in my hotel. I travel solo a lot so I’ve had to think through these kind of things. how do I make sure that pickpocket etc. doesn’t derail my whole vacation. For example, a couple years ago I lost a little bitty wallet that had my credit card health insurance card and €40 in it. (It was not stolen. I lost it I know what happened.). My vacation was not the least bit impacted because in my money belt was my debit card, another credit card, all of my identification, and a few more euros. (As a matter fact, they were two credit cards in my money belt so I could have lost a 2nd credit card and kept going. My third card is one that unfortunately does charge a foreign transaction fee, but also is a true chip and pin card with cash with cash advance ability at any ATM. So it is saved just for certain types of functions like the time the debit card got eaten in Istanbul and it had to be used to get cash. )

Posted by
1074 posts

A recent experience with one of my credit card accounts that was compromised made it clear to me that storing cards in my virtual Apple wallet, carrying my iPhone and activating it abroad for data and text, and having all banking and credit card apps on my phone, is the way to go in the age of AI.

Background: over the last 15 years, I have had 1 debit and 3 CC cards compromised or used "illegally" - I have never lost a physical card, but in those 4 cases unlawful charges or debits were made. In each case, I had to speak to a customer service representative to get the card canceled, etc.

About a month ago, sitting on the couch one evening, I got a text alert for a Chase Visa card asking if I had made a particular charge...I did not recognize it...if I pressed "no" it indicated the card would be cancelled and I would receive a new card in about a week. First thing I did was I logged into my Chase mobile app and could see the suspicious charge pending. Now knowing the text was legit, I returned to the text and pressed "no", and that was the only interaction I had with Chase, the first time in one of these compromised card situations I did not have to at least notify them of a suspicious charge and/or to discuss it with someone, live, answering all kinds of questions, verifying my identity, etc. Furthermore, within hours, the new unique account number in my Apple wallet was updated and ready to use, and I did not have to call or speak to anyone at Chase to activate it, and I also did not have to call a number to activate when I received the physical card, either.

The points relevant to having a card compromised (physically stolen or used illegally) whether you are abroad or at home are that it pays to have your own smartphone in hand capable of receiving data and texts, have all banking and CC mobile apps on your phone, and have all of your cards stored in your virtual wallet. Even if you don't lose or have your physical card stolen, you can be alerted to suspicious activity via text and cancel your card via text or the banking app, and your virtual wallet will be update quickly with the new card. This also eliminates the need for the CC company to mail you a new card somewhere abroad, just have them mail it to your home address.

My compromised card experience was with Chase, so YMMV. However I recently applied for an AMEX card, approval was instantaneous, I immediately installed their app on my phone and was able to have the card stored in my Apple wallet, ready to use. I tried out Apple Pay that afternoon at a restaurant, and it worked. When the physical card arrived (it came next day, overnighted, which blew my mind), I did not have to call to activate it. So it appears to me that both Chase and AMEX are relying more on AI to deal with lost or stolen cards, and the issuance of new cards, too, eliminating the need to talk to a customer rep...of course you can call them if you want, but my recent experiences with these 2 companies were very satisfactory, and if AI allows me to avoid getting placed on hold and talking to a human, all the better.

Posted by
1111 posts

Jojo Rabbit, thank you for your very informative message. The ". . .your virtual wallet will be updated quickly with the new card" is invaluable! We recently had our Chase Sapphire card number stolen while my husband was in the Bahamas with only an AmEx card which his lodge did not honor. He had to call me in the US to get another card number for him to use. If only he had had Google Wallet! Because of this thread, I loaded two cards on my Google Wallet. I'll let him know that he didn't need to panic and to load a few cards on his Android. Thanks for the information.

Posted by
1074 posts

Jojo Rabbit, thank you for your very informative message. The ". . .your virtual wallet will be updated quickly with the new card" is invaluable! We recently had our Chase Sapphire card number stolen while my husband was in the Bahamas with only an AmEx card which his lodge did not honor. He had to call me in the US to get another card number for him to use. If only he had had Google Wallet! Because of this thread, I loaded two cards on my Google Wallet. I'll let him know that he didn't need to panic and to load a few cards on his Android. Thanks for the information.

Glad you found this helpful.

Understandably most people, particularly when traveling away from home, are focused on the fear of losing or having their cards stolen, but in my experience there is much more likelihood a CC is compromised by other means, your number gets stolen somehow, and an illegal charge is made. This could happen to you while you are sitting on your couch at home as I recently was, or while you are abroad on a trip. For that reason alone, I believe in the virtual wallet system (I love the Apple wallet and Apple Pay features) and having my iPhone with me, loaded and activated to use abroad with all banking and CC mobile apps installed, just in case one of my cards is compromised. With my iPhone in hand, I can deal with the issue quickly without making any phone calls, and the new card will be uploaded to my virtual wallet within hours, too.

Posted by
9021 posts

I just added a second card to Apple Pay due to this thread. I have to admit Apple Pay is not my preferred payment method, but it is like having "insurance." I think this is particularly important for the solo traveler. There isn't any handy travel companion with back up cards at hand. You have to solve the problem yourself, and quickly.

Posted by
1074 posts

I just added a second card to Apple Pay due to this thread. I have to admit Apple Pay is not my preferred payment method, but it is like having "insurance." I think this is particularly important for the solo traveler. There isn't any handy travel companion with back up cards at hand. You have to solve the problem yourself, and quickly.

I am in full agreement with you that solo travelers have an extra burden and need to have really thought through all of this with their backup plans locked down. At my age (late 60s), I no longer travel solo, only with my wife or one of my adult children, and having a reliable travel mate simplifies backup plans for loss of cards or money, not to mention having someone with you in case of a medical emergency.

Posted by
357 posts

I thought once I had The money from Western Union Things would be fairly normal. There are Except there was sooooo many things require a credit card. I was able to go online to book a $10 train trip from Avignon to Marseille. But no credit card. Go to the train station and I can only buy that particular ticket for $10 instead of the normal 24.50 online! On a daily basis I'm grateful that I did not lose my passport, phone, or keys to my apartment.

Something else to think about is you're not in a large city, you lose those three items above who do you go to, who do you contact how do you contact them?

Posted by
75 posts

I am surprised no one has mentioned storing backup info online. I keep copies of my passport, credit cards, critical phone numbers and select other info, eg bank and credit card, travel and medical insurance info with a secure online provider and use 2 factor authentication ( be sure authentication has two choices, phone and email). I remove the info on my return. As I may be solo again this fall, I will leave duplicate copies with a friend and with my spouse so I can reach someone. I always use a small Pacsafe cross body and every zipper locks. I tether my phone to my wrist or neck. One cc, debit and passport in a small security wallet inside front hooked belt loop. I bring an iPad as well and it would be backup should someone happen to my (horror) iPhone.No system is perfect and my greatest dangers have been self inflicted but fortunately saved by the kindness of locals picking up my credit card, reminding me about my wallet—which I now attach to inside of purse. So far so good.

Posted by
21081 posts

There is nothing anyone can do with my passport number or my insurance cards, so those along with emergency contact people are in an unsecured cloud location and the QR code around my neck and on my key chain will open that file. Hopefully when they find me face down on the streets, of Tirana someone sees the QR and scans it.

The emergency contacts have access to a cloud file with all the sensitive stuff including the location of the Will.

Posted by
922 posts

One thing not mentioned - I carry a bra wallet, has a $100 USD Bill, usually euros, plus 2 c/c and maybe my DL, depends on the day. Not obtrusive, hides right in the cup.

Posted by
549 posts

@jojo rabbit, that's a great idea about adding a second card to your virtual wallet. My main CC is the Chase United card; my other CC is my Delta Amex. I didn't bother adding the Amex to my Google Wallet because I figured I would not use it much in Europe (I just use the physical card at home). We went through a spell a few years ago of cancelling all but those two credit cards, but now I think maybe a no-annual-fee card to have as a backup might be a good idea.

Posted by
1111 posts

I have two Infinity "Scarves with Hidden Zipper Pocket to store Phone, Keys, and Wallet". I bought mine on Amazon. I did carry my phone, cc and cash that way. I bought light-weight cotton ones that were cool in the summer, and I didn't have to carry a purse.

Posted by
46 posts

Long story, but my husband had his wallet stolen on our last trip to Naples. Classic case of a too full metro, he had his hand on his zippered front pocket, but was shoved forward and moved to catch himself. In no time, they unzipped his pocket, removed the wallet and zipped his pocket back up. He realized in seconds, but we had reached a stop, doors opened and they were gone.

Here’s the important part- we were contacted by our card company (Chase) almost immediately as they noticed fraudulent activity and canceled the card. He received a new card when we returned home, activated it but had not taken it out of the house when he was notified of more suspicious activity. The digital linking of the old card with the new allowed them to make additional charges, even though the original card was canceled. That linking is convenient, but can also be a problem. If you have a case of a stolen or compromised card, check your statement for well past the time you think it is resolved! We had fraudulent charges through three statements and after canceling 3 cards & receiving 2 new cards.

He is not tech savvy, but thank goodness I had a different card loaded in my Google wallet and was able to give him my extra physical card so we could each scan in and out of transportation in the Netherlands (our next stop). Having different cards and the card in my Google wallet saved the day!

Posted by
303 posts

Leede, That's a scarey story! It makes me rethink things a bit. We are going to wear money belts but over our pants with a shirt covering them. As slick as some can be, from your story, it's possible they could slit the strap around the waist and be ready to grab it when it falls.
This thread has been a good lesson to me and many others. I guess there is some good that comes out of every bad happening.

Posted by
2568 posts

mlw5000 The money belt goes under your pants. Or you could wear a money pocket but again it goes under your pants. To wear it as you suggest would make it accessible to thieves.

Posted by
1074 posts

The digital linking of the old card with the new allowed them to make additional charges, even though the original card was canceled.

Please clarify - are you saying the replacement card delivered to your home was somehow compromised through "digital linking" with the cancelled card? How? How would a thief who stole a physical card that is cancelled have any linkage to a replacement card? Did you then have to get the new card replaced, too? Something is missing in your example based on everything I know about this.

Posted by
46 posts

Jojo, How is exactly what we said! But, yes, that is what happened. We cancelled the physical card that was stolen within 15 minutes of the theft. Chase had already refused the charges and texted us about questionable activity. We had a new card delivered, received it once we got home, activated it but never used it or took it outside the home and were notified by Chase of new suspicious charges on that card. We were surprised (to say the least). Neither card was linked to another card or used for any subscriptions or automatic payments. We were told by Chase it was the digital link that allowed it to happen. We had to cancel the replacement card. We waited 2 months before activating the second replacement card. Additional charges did show up on a subsequent statement, but those were posted late (toll booths in Malta).
The thieves were skilled at pickpocketing, but didn’t seem particularly sophisticated at the digital theft. They tried a large charge almost immediately, then nothing until we were notified on the new card when they tried to order some darts from the UK.

Posted by
8721 posts

money belts are not purses and should not be accessed while out and about and certainly not worn over your clothes. Use them under clothes for vulnerable point e.g. during transit. Then secure valuables in your lodging and use a secure method for carrying one card and little cash. pickpockets are skilled. Wearing one over the pants under a shirt is not secure. a bum bag is a pickpockets delight and is not a 'money belt'.

the neck wallets under clothing are fairly secure and a purse worn cross body under your control in crowds is pretty safe.

don't underestimate the sophistication of many pickpocket gangs. I know several people who had tens of thousands on their cards within two hours of them being taken -- before they noticed and reported the theft. Such pros know how to steal without being detected. (and FWIW. the biggest two losses I know of were from someone picked at the Musee d'Orsay and on the metro.

Posted by
1074 posts

We were told by Chase it was the digital link that allowed it to happen.

Good information to know.

That is a flaw with Chase Visa, and it appears to have nothing to do with the discussion on this thread of digital wallets. The CC companies do tell you to continue to monitor your statements for any suspicious charges that show up later, and I guess this is one of the reasons they tell you to do that. The thieves still have the stolen card and continue to use it, somehow, maybe with vendors who don't have real time payment processing when the physical card is presented.

If anything, when a physical card is stolen, this seems to be the problem with what you experienced versus what my experience has been with 4 compromised cards over the last 15 years, cards that never left my possession, but were somehow "hacked" online.

One other thing: when my Chase card was compromised about 2 months ago (again it was not stolen from me, never left my wallet), Chase asked me about a charge via text, I replied it was not my charge, the card was cancelled, and the new card number was issued almost immediately to my virtual wallet, ready to use. I did not have to activate the physical card when I received it in the mail a week later, so I find it strange you had to activate the new card unless this trip where you had the theft of the wallet occur happened sometime before this year when maybe they changed in how they replace cards and no longer needing any activation done on your end.

Posted by
357 posts

I am home. There were some additional consequences:

I had a booking with a hotel in Marseille with that said it required a 100E deposit. Unfortunately with the money my husband sent and by the time I read the booking with the required deposit, I did not have the money. Fortunately they did not ask for it.

I was supposed to have a long layover in Philadelphia which did not happen but I would have had no US currency to buy anything.

I have to stay overnight at my final flight destination and the hotel has a complimentary airport shuttle. Having no US currency I had my husband waiting by the hotel room door with a tip for the shuttle driver.

Option for US currency would have been to change my euros at a Money Exchange but I shudder to think what a few bucks would have cost me in conversion fees.

My saga ends, lessons learned. Southern Italy in November! Thanks to all for suggestions, comments and maybe only one nicely said what kinda idiot are you! jk

Posted by
1111 posts

For me, Janet, yours was a Public Service Announcement! My husband and I now have two credit cards on Google Wallet and my sisters have added ccs to their smart phones. So sorry you had to go through what you did but a big thanks for my "schooling"!

Posted by
357 posts

I think I keep saying this is my last message but....

My flight to France had to return to the US due to a cracked windshield--did you happen to catch me on the news? Short hair, white top, green pants! So now I am home looking into getting reimbursed for prepaid hotel and Marseille Soap Factory tour that were non-refundable. Looking at my Chase benefits.

If I had known, they would have replaced my credit card within one day outside the US and $1000 within one business day outside the US. IF I HAD ONLY KNOWN!

Posted by
2568 posts

Oh, wow! More good info, Janet. I will look at my Chase and other credit card benefits. I am so sorry for what you went through but you have helped so many of us.

Posted by
15021 posts

I’m so glad you are home and I’ll bet hubby is too!

Now, before Nov get a smart phone if yours isn’t. Use it as frequently as you can to improve your skills. Do the grocery stores in your small Mexican town allow contactless payment like Apple or Googlepay? If you’re not sure ask a local 20-something…I am not kidding.

Also, get a money belt and maybe a bra wallet to stash some extra cash while traveling.

Posted by
815 posts

Just a note….
From what I’ve learned now that I’m working in cyber security, your credit card risk is not that it’s going to be hacked while you use it. that’s minimal compared to the fact that it is already out there on the dark web. Have you used it at target? Have you used it at a grocery store? Have you used it as a gas station?

The only way to probably make sure it never gets hacked, is never use it anywhere and hope that your bank is never attacked by cyber criminals.

I had one get used for charges recently that has not been out of my house in over a year. But somehow they got a hold of the number and charged stuff against it. Took the bank 30 minutes to reverse the charges and send me a new card. No big deal.

Posted by
87 posts

Janet, I'm so sorry this happened to you. Your disaster turned into probably the most important post ever on Rick Steves or any travel forum. You learned a lot and taught us a lot. Here's hoping your future travels are trouble-free.

Posted by
357 posts

Isn't there a movie--the Never Ending Story? Returned home April 1. Still dealing with loss as of today.

Bank cards: Attempted to replace credit card. Was able to get sent to my temporary address, same for debit card. They arrived, ATM card did not. Because I had the credit and debit card sent to my temporary address, they notified the credit agencies I had "moved" and so I had to dispute the move with the credit agencies. (I actually live fulltime outside the US and have a US PO box in addition to a US "residence" address). Required emails and followup to make sure everything was as it should be.

A friend picked up my mail at the PO box on Wednesday, 24th. On Thursday, the 25th, I called the bank and again requested a ATM card but they cannot send ATM cards to other than residence/address on file so had to send it to my "residence" which I will not return to until September. Oh well! I received a CNN Travel article about best travel items. One was an Infinity scarf with zippered pockets. $20 on sale for $15 and the color I ordered was $11. That's intended to be the place for my money and cards. An added bonus is the color I ordered matches my eyes! So win win! Next european trip is in November so we'll see how the scarf works out. My concern is the weight of the items, even as light as they are, could distort the shape of the scarf.

I live in a small coastal town so off to the beach I go--watching the waves, dolphins and fishing boats, with the sand between my toes, better than a aspirin and worrying about a ATM card!

Again, appreciate all the comments/suggestions/concerns. Maybe this is the end!

Posted by
255 posts

My wife forget her wallet once we were at the airport. It was 3 hours to our flight, so she couldve uber'd back home, but we didnt want to risk it. So i take 3-4 credit cards and ID's with me, stash them in various spots as to not have a single point of failure. Always ready to have a back up plan. I even carry a tablet in my suitcase with all my stuff on it in case i lose my cell phone

Posted by
26 posts

I’m traveling in France and just found out my credit card number was scammed, so I had to cancel the card. Thanks to this lengthy thread, I was ready with Google Pay on my phone (which I only used because of all your information about it). Got the new credit card number on Google Pay 24 hrs later. As advised, I also brought another extra credit card to use in case this happened. Thanks for all the information, everyone!

Posted by
15021 posts

@Kate98! WOW!! So glad the advice helped you cope when your card was compromised. The GooglePay/ApplePay updating to the new number is pretty magic, isnt it?

Thanks so much for posting your positive experience.

Posted by
2339 posts

I'm just bumping this thread up to mention

I had occasion to look at it today. It is lengthy and covers many situations: lost passports, credit cards and so forth. Keep it handy!