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Rick Steves , GREAT MAN

Hubby just read that rick steves just donated a 24 unit apartment building to the YMCA for housing for low income women and children !

It's not travel related I know , but I think it's worth acknowledging this kind act !

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11507 posts

Thanks for link Going123.. I had no idea it was on this site.

Makes the money i have put into RS pocket feel like money well spent for MORE than the obvious reasons.

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11613 posts

I agree, pat. I may not share his views on every little thing, but he certainly takes his responsibilities as s human being seriously.

Bravo, Rivk!

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2252 posts

He is a very generous man and often puts his money "where his mouth is."

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3198 posts

We have a terrible homeless problem in the Seattle area. Fortunately people who made fortunes here,mlike Rick Steves. Paul Allen and other are stepping up to try to address the problem.

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6662 posts

This is a very generous action from a good and successful man. I also admire his retirement saving strategy. I hope no one will think me too cynical if I note that there will also be a very big tax deduction.