As I mentioned in a previous post, in general we try to visit new places as opposed to revisiting previous favorites because we are limited not only financially but in the number of healthy years to travel abroad. Having said that there is one reason we will return to the D-Day beaches and Normandy: Late returning passengers.
Maybe it's just bad luck on our part, but we've had at least three tours where stops were either cancelled or abbreviated due to people returning late to the bus EVERY time. In each case the tour guide remained professionally courteous, but after the second or third time was rather stern and direct, as it should be. The tourists in question had a rather laissez faire attitude and nothing changed. The tour guide told us afterwards that it may have been due to cultural differences where "hurrying" was not a priority. Anyway, this resulted in missing stops on a tour of Normandy so we're going back to better acquaint ourselves with my grandfather's exploits during WWII.
My question is, well, what can be done about this? Yes, tourists can and perhaps should be left behind but understandably the tour guide doesn't want to resort to that rather nuclear option. I recall our bus waiting and almost leaving these folks behind but of course they would show up at the last minute right before the bus started to pull out. I know many of the passengers were quite hot under the collar although there was nothing we could do about it.