The era for using this forum to discuss, debate, or comment on any non-travel-related aspect of the pandemic is over. Any comment remotely relating to the pandemic should be 100% focused on providing -- or asking for -- travel advice. ABSOLUTELY NO SIDE COMMENTARY ABOUT ANY ASPECT OF THE PANDEMIC as it inherently leads to further commentary and debate. Responding to off-topic pandemic-related replies is itself a violation. If your post could lead others to discuss something relating to the pandemic instead of the original topic, STOP.
- Use the "COVID-19 and Travel" forum section for new topics that aren't specific to a destination. Keep it focused on travel.
- Ask and answer questions about local safety protocols, mask and vaccine requirements, openings and closures, etc.
- Question or negatively comment on safety protocols (mask, vaccine requirements, etc). Simply follow them. Period.
- Discuss vaccines outside of noting requirements for travel.
- Refer to any aspect of the pandemic that has been politicized.
- Share unsolicited non-travel pandemic news.
This list of DOs and DON'Ts may be updated over time.