I will be traveling to Munich (day 0) on July 25 and leaving out of Budapest on August 10. Flights have already been booked. We plan to also visit Vienna and Prague during that time.
What is the best order to minimize train and travel time?
Right now our plan is:
• Munich -> Vienna (we’re thinking about taking the train to Salzburg and then drive from there to Vienna. My husband wants to experience driving in Europe).
• Vienna -> Prague
• Prague -> Budapest.
To break up the monotony of sitting on the train, we’re thinking of possibly stopping in Bratislava and/or Brno (open to other options) to grab lunch and walk around, but we’re also open to doing the overnight for the Prague->Budapest leg.
I could still possibly switch leaving out of Budapest to leaving out of Prague but Munich has to be our first leg and we can’t do Vienna last (Taylor Swift is playing the last 3 nights we’re in Europe and we don’t want to pay the hotel premiums that come with that in a city that’s already expensive).
Also, what company is best for the train? I keep reading there are a lot I should avoid.