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Important to read OP and respond to it & what about other replies?

Is it important to actually read the OP? And to respond to exactly what the OP asks?

Posted by
3177 posts

Kent, how can we respond to the OP if we don’t read the OP’s post? Posts get off track when we respond to each other instead of the OP.

Posted by
10344 posts

Exactly, at least that's what I'm seeing lately.

Posted by
10344 posts

Yep, I think that's what's happening here. After the OP isn't on the 1st page anymore, people just start responding to each other, instead of focusing on the original post. I'm guilty. But maybe we can refocus on politely answering what the original poster wanted? I mean, I don't just seems...

Posted by
4657 posts

Let's face it. People like to hear themselves talk, even in print and we like conversations...which can also go sideways...happens everyday here. Even one or two nicely worded reprimands from monitors goes unheeded after a day or two if trying to comply. Human nature for many forum folks.
'Just the facts, ma,'am' would kill a lot of input but some regulars. Also, a number find it our entertainment as well as a learning tool.
Kent, do you have a template for management of this that you think would be successful?

Posted by
10344 posts

No, I don't have a template. I'm not a monitor and have no relationship to RS.
I've been here for 15+ years and noticed some trends. It's a better site than it was years ago, and is getting better. I remember when the other guys (you know, TA) we're just starting up their "forums." We've stayed small but fun enough to keep coming back.
Must remember to treat newbies politely, and the Webmaster's recent discussion of that has helped.
But we can still have fun responding to each other. Or else the regulars wouldn't keep coming back.
But undeniably Rick was different 15 - 20 years ago.

Posted by
11875 posts

Good point, Kent!

I also would like to see those answering read others’ responses before posting a multi-paragraph, verbose response when the OP’s question has already been addressed.

Posted by
8317 posts

Many times I wonder. I sometimes see answers that I have to go up and check that I did not inadvertently click the wrong thread. I think more commonly I see one of two off-track threads, as an example:

  • OP asks where would be a good place to stay in XXXX for XX amount of time: Response 1: Let's talk about the Schengen Zone.....and even if you do say you know about it, prove it and lets argue about it. Response 2: You do not want to go there, you want to go here....

and then it goes downhill from there, and becomes a back and forth between a very few posters.

Yes, I suppose I occasionally contribute to that, but I hope it is to clear up misconceptions, or contribute to the original topic.

Posted by
9064 posts

This is an important issue. Sometimes the question is so general or open-ended that it lends itself to a broad range of answers. Sometimes a specific question will “trigger” a response that someone else is passionate about due to a significant key word. Sometimes there just seem to be people that want everyone to travel the way they do regardless of what the actual question is.

I will say that I often learn a great deal from this forum.

Posted by
2903 posts

Kent, which differences between now and 15 years ago are you thinking of regarding Rick?

(Note how I'm responding to a comment, not the OP, so maybe this should be a separate thread...)

Many things have changed, as the focus on cheap, efficient, close-to-the-ground concerns have been overshadowed by other priorities, for both good and ill.

Posted by
10344 posts

Thank you for these thoughtful responses, which I hope will add interest that will keep "regulars" coming back.
To answer aviro's question: 15 years ago here we had many fewer regular responders, and the questions submitted by OP's were from newbies who had somehow accidentally found their way to this forum, and their questions were, in general, less sophisticated and reflected less prior research: such as, I'm going to France, what should I see. Frank, and a few others, will remember.

Posted by
10344 posts

Regarding aviro's question about how Rick has changed, I don't claim to know Rick so what follows is very subjective to my own experience. First, I should say, my impression is that Rick himself takes little interest in this Forum, he has "people" to do that for him. I don't remember Rick ever posting on this Forum.
There was actually a time when sine forum members thought I was Rick in cognito. I wish.
About 10 years ago, the RS organization (a small business entity compared to TaxAdvisors and others), made a significant investment in new software for this website. This is when the current Webmaster was added, which greatly helped because before then the website software was primitive. Apparently, they had decided the Forum supported the RS organization's objectives and an investment in upgrading the software and monitoring was justified.

I always thought, and still do, that this is a special little corner of the giant world-wide web. Thanks to the regular contributors.

Posted by
3522 posts

Yes, the primary focus should be responding to the OP. Sometimes that may be difficult when the question or statement from the OP is not clear, then questions should be asked to clarify so proper responses can be given.

In a perfect world, the only responses not directed to the OP would be to correct misinformation posted by any of the responders that could lead the OP to make an improper decision.

But if that was how it really worked, wouldn't this be a dull place? Yes, sometimes the responses go far afield of the initial discussion, but hopefully they do provide useful information in some form.

Posted by
10344 posts

But if that was how it really worked, wouldn't this be a dull place?
Yes, sometimes the responses go far afield of the initial discussion,
but hopefully they do provide useful information in some form.

I think they do.

Posted by
10344 posts

Another difference between now and 20 years ago, on this forum, is that way back when, European travel meant France, Italy, UK, Germany, maybe the "Netherlands (including Belgium), Switzerland, Austria.
Eastern Europe was basically considered "Beyond Europe". At a certain point, Eastern Europe's cheaper prices took hold.

Posted by
9436 posts

Kent, yes, i do think people should read the OP, and respond to the OP. After that, then it’s ok to respond to other posters... imo.

I don’t think you’ve ever been guilty of anything except being kind, thoughtful, respectful and helpful.

I’ve been on this forum 15-16 yrs and i remember it differently. I remember lots of regulars (you, Ed, James who lived in Germany, Pat, Jo, Nigel and others who’s names i forget). I liked the old Helpline much better. Much friendlier, for the most part. Not so tightly regulated. I think questions and answers are similar. Except, at some point (after “Steve”), it became an expectation that certain answers be backed up with a link to prove the info was factual.

I’ve noticed as recently as yesterday
some poster’s responses aren’t even remotely related to the OP even from the get-go, before any side conversations start.

I agree that “Just the Facts” answers would be a deadly boring forum.

And i agree with Laurel about posters who write what’s already been written many times as if they were the first to write it.

Posted by
7194 posts

And to respond to exactly what the OP asks?

I'm pretty sure that this was/is the intent of community guideline #1.

Posted by
10344 posts

Susan, yes! I liked it when we could provide links outside the RS website, even pics.
It was good back then. I think the big software update and change was 2007.
Thanks for reminding us old-timers.
And thanks for your kind words.
I still see Jo occasionally here, and Nigel (fairly frequently), he actually came to London once to meet me once, glad he still hangs around after railroad retirement.
After a lifetime of European travel, I only got to the Prado last month (I know, terrible oversight). Now I understand the 3 Spanish masters better). And as of September, I've finally seen my 400th Van-Hock (as the Dutch were careful to correct my mis-pronunciation).

Posted by
9115 posts

Kent, I appreciate your comments and agree, that often the posts appear not to address the original post, or end up in a side discussion. But I disagree that there is no value in having a conversation in a thread, rather than having the first correct answer end a discussion. If a friend or stranger asked me in person where to go for a four month trip to Europe, you're darn right I'd ask them if they knew about the Schengen limit, before I weighed in on an itinerary.

Most questions being asked here don't have simple black or white answers, and many are requests for opinions which leave things wide open. When things go off on a tangent, or down the rabbit hole, I think the OP can usually pick out what's useful.

Posted by
9436 posts

Kent, both you and Nigel are gems. I’ve spent time with Nigel too (and Jo, and Roberto) and will see him again soon. So glad you both are still here.

Posted by
1878 posts

Yes, generally we should respond to the OP's query. Sometimes the OP is not asking the right question though, or missing something, and we should help them with that. Sometimes a thread takes on a life of its own though and the responses are informative. I'm not a big fan of people who post mainly post to critique the posts of others, whether the OP or someone who has responded. Those who disagree as a matter of practice are disagreeable.

Posted by
9321 posts

Ach, the old days! Kent was our father figure and many people thought he was Rick posting in disguise. Someday I hope to meet you Kent. So interesting and fun to meet people from this forum and have met quite a few already. So, if any of you are in Frankfurt, am always ready for coffee and kuchen.

Yes, it is important to respond to the OP, but there is certainly space for people to interact with each other on certain threads. It is what makes it fun to be here, otherwise would not have been here for over 11 years.

Posted by
34509 posts

and kudos to the inventor of the Rick Steves sticky.

Thanks, Kent.

Posted by
1454 posts

I think the Florida State football program has a few more years to go before it fully recovers.

Posted by
1281 posts

Good topic. I would like to second Laurel's very well-worded response:
"I also would like to see those answering read others’ responses before posting a multi-paragraph, verbose response when the OP’s question has already been addressed."

Unfortunately, I see this fairly often. Fine to chime in and say 'Sam above provides great info, and one more thing to add is xxxxx.' But to answer with an unnecessarily long post that mostly repeats things already said, or gives a laundry list of 'Here are ten things you need to know when visiting Italy', I think is not respectful to the forum and previous posters.

Posted by
12315 posts

My technique: I respond to the OP's question first, then read the thread (and edit or add another response based on that).

Posted by
8141 posts

I would add that readers should read ALL of the replies before posting. It's not uncommon for the same advice to be given, in a way that suggests that ONLY the OP was read. After I see there are over 20 replies, I might stop reading the thread, assuming that the OP has gotten something at least slightly useful.

Posted by
6691 posts

I think in theory, yes, we should respond to the OP question, but its grayer than that. When someone says, "I'm thinking of going to Granada in October what's the best area to stay in?" I think its pretty important to mention that Alhambra tickets generally need to be purchased 3 months in advance. Technically that isn't what the OP asked, but I would feel terrible if the OP didn't have that information in time. There have been many times where people have responded to my posts with information I never thought to ask, but also many times that there were responses that weren't helpful because I already had that information and made a decision. A person responding never really knows what is in the OP's head.

I think where it is even grayer, is when someone responds something like, "I would skip Granada, Sevilla is better". Without more information, I don't think that is even helpful. Should subsequent commenters, then respond, "The Alhambra is one of the greatest sights in the world", or "what makes you say that?" If I were reading a thread progressing in that way, my feeling would be, "I've been to the Alhambra, whether the OP is impacted by the response or not has no impact on me, but wouldn't it be nice to provide more info to the OP? I guess I'd rather err on the side of providing too much info than to leave an OP hanging.

Posted by
4074 posts

Is it important that the OP read and respond to the answers he/she solicits after posting a question? This is getting a bit annoying when we take the time to offer recommendations only to find that the OP has vanished.

Posted by
6691 posts

Continental, I agree, it's nice to know how the OP uses the information and what the OP ultimately decides to do, but I'm not sure its obvious to the OP, that is the expectation. It is not in the guidelines. I don't participate in any other forums, traveling or otherwise, it could be that its a general practice that forum OPs provide a follow up, but not everyone would know that. It is in practice, whether its a forum or otherwise to provide "thanks" or "got it". It just seems polite, doesn't it? Someone has taken some time so thank you is in order. However, a lot of people I communicate with don't respond on email or otherwise with a thanks or a got it. I always include in emails to my parents, "LET ME KNOW YOU GOT THIS, PLEASE." Maybe there would be a way to communicate to the OP that a response is appreciated?

The other comment I'll provide is that sometimes a person may not want to share their final decision because they fear dissent or disapproval. My husband and I travel much differently from many people on the forum. We've traveled a lot and what we do works for us. I get lots of valuable information on the forum, some works for us and some doesn't. I don't necessarily want to post a final itinerary or details so that I can be told after I've evaluated and given much thought to a trip and have people tell me I'm make a bad choice. But, I would agree that some kind of follow up is polite.

Posted by
4074 posts

It may not be in the guidelines, Jules, because it is common courtesy. That's my guess as to why RS didn't spell out the rules of what seem to be simple good manners. Maybe I'm alone! LOL

Posted by
10344 posts

Yes, it would just seem to be common courtesy. But most OP's (maybe half?) don't acknowledge the help. It's always been that way here, don't know why. Maybe that's why it's nice for us "regulars" to "talk" to each other.
BTW, thanks Nigel, you remembered!

Posted by
7194 posts

When subsequent responses ask for more information from the OP then, yes I think it's common courtesy for the OP to come back and respond. But I don't think it's necessary for the OP to come back and thank those who responded, and I don't think it's rude for them not to. Maybe the information helped them, maybe it didn't, so what. If they want more information or clarification of an answer they will come back with another response. I don't respond to inquiries because I want to be thanked for answering. Maybe I'm one who just doesn't need those strokes. I give an answer the best I can and if the OP finds it helpful, wonderful; if they don't, so be it. I really don't care one way or the other what they do with the information I give them, that's up to them. I do think it's nice when someone comes back after a trip and thanks everyone for helping them have a good trip, that's always good to hear.

Posted by
4657 posts

There are times that I want to post 'You are welcome' on those threads that have no OP a false hope it would embarrass them to acknowledge people's input.
On the other hand, I don't think one needs to provide specifics or final decisions (though it is interesting to read them). A general acknowledgement and something non committal is fine with me. "thanks for all the feedback and details. Lots to think about and research moving forward"
If I am late to a thread, I look to see if the OP has returned. If not, I don't bother. Sometimes I wait to reply to see what kind of back and forth is happening. If nothing, then I give nothing back.

Posted by
4777 posts

Is it important that the OP read and respond to the answers he/she
solicits after posting a question? This is getting a bit annoying when
we take the time to offer recommendations only to find that the OP has

Maybe I'm different. It doesn't matter to me. If the topic really interests me I may have another look at it the next day to see what others have replied, but that's usually out of self interest because I'm curious how other people have answered the same question. If my answer was worthy of a thank you or of a follow up question the OP can always PM me. I discovered this Forum earlier this year and just enjoy having an outlet to share my experiences in a helpful way, kind of a 'pay it forward approach'; if they're grateful for my help, then when they get back they should share their experiences with others.

Posted by
9436 posts

I’m with you Continental. It’s basic common courtesy for an OP to acknowledge the effort made to help them.