Has anyone experienced any travel problems resulting from the immigration?
I'm sorry, but your question does not make sense.
Do you mean when you go through passport and immigration upon arrival?
Do you mean the migrant crisis? People from Africa or Middle East coming into Europe in large numbers?
If so, no, I personally have not experienced any travel problems.
Who's immigration???? You always run some risk with immigration if you passport is not in order and probably need 6 mo remaining on the expiration although some will suggest that 3 mos is adequate.
In a word, No. When I travelled in Italy and Austria last September, there were lots of migrants in the stations, but absolutely no impact on my travels at all.
John, are you referring to the refugee situation and whether it has impacted travel? Or do you mean immigration, as in, the people who stamp your passport at the airport?
John's other recent question that he's planning a car trip within Greece.
"the immigration" makes sense to me.
Yes, last year with crossing between Austria and Hungary. Cooled off now, but who knows what warmer weather and changes in the situation in the middle east will bring. Nothing that would cause me to change plans at this time.
Yes, this year with crossings between Austria and Germany. Nothing that would cause me to change plans at this time.
Yes, this year in a couple of cities in Germany where the number of seemingly unemployed youth wandering the streets was unsettling. Nothing that would cause me to change plans at this time.
Just watch the news, especially European news sources and deal with it accordingly. Mostly just issues of inconvenience.