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EES starting November 10

I don't remember seeing this on the forum.....

The new Electronic Entry System (EES) into Schengen will begin on Nov. 10.

From that day forward, when non-EU nationals enter Schengen, they will scan their passports at an electronic gate and have their photo taken. Their passport will no longer be stamped.

For details:

This is not ETIAS which is a completely different thing.

Posted by
7313 posts

Officially 10 November is still an "intent" date awaiting official sign off- it depends which press article you read as to how precise the wording is. There is still a possibility it could be pushed out a further week depending on whether all Schengen airports are ready for implementation, the articles I am reading suggest some French airports may not meet the 10 November date.

Personally I doubt whether it is just French airports which may or may not have a problem.

That is presumably why the official web site does not yet give a precise start date.

Posted by
16011 posts

This might help:

An exerpt:

In a speech at eu-LISA, the European Commissioner for Home Affairs, Ylva Johansson, revealed that the EES would enter into operation on November 10, 2024, Schengen.News reports.

Even though it was previously announced by multiple media platforms that November 10 would be the launch date of the EES, this is the first time that the EU has officially confirmed its implementation date and set a target day.

Posted by
558 posts

Does anyone know how this will affect and/or integrate with Germany's EasyPASS?

EasyPASS is a recprocal agreement between US and Germany to provide Global Entry access to German citizens and EasyPASS to US citizens with Global Entry. I have recently enrolled in Global Entry and planned to get EasyPASS on my next visit to Germany.

Posted by
7313 posts


From the Easypass website-

With the introduction of the European Union's Entry/Exit System (EES), the framework conditions for the EasyPASS Registered Traveller Programme (RTP) are changing. Therefore, re-registration of existing participants is generally required at this time.
Participants from the Republic of Korea and Taiwan are exempt from this, as the reciprocity agreements as well as the participation examinations already take the corresponding contents into account. Participants from the United States of America and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China can re-register at a Federal Police registration office at EasyPASS locations as early as 3 July 2023. This allows users to continue enjoying the benefits of participating in EasyPASS-RTP without interruption with the introduction of the EES.

These being the 8 locations concerned-

So it sounds as if it will still work side by side with EES.

Posted by
269 posts

I wish they would provide an easy way get your passport stamped in and out. It's probably the single bit of the entry/exit process that I enjoy - the "thunk" of the stamp being added :D

I feel like every trip I take has been more and more streamlined since COVID (and maybe starting before). Other than the fiasco that always seems to greet us when departing from AMS (not sure why Schiphol is so screwy), our times in and through immigration are getting shorter and shorter. I love it, but maybe not at the expense of a passport stamp!

Posted by
11 posts

The EES information in a few articles states the non-EU (and others not exempt) traveler’s biometric data is used at the external border of countries that will be using EES. Does this mean each time crossing a land border or only at the entry and exit border points flying into Europe? Face scanning and fingerprinting for tracking and more information for hackers to find is not ideal situation. It might feel easier to get through the airport or border lines while there is another side of this to consider.

Posted by
8814 posts

I wish they would provide an easy way get your passport stamped in and out. It's probably the single bit of the entry/exit process that I enjoy - the "thunk" of the stamp being added :D

Hmmm. Sounds like a business opportunity.

Posted by
2841 posts

donh2 - this is for external borders, as in entering Schengen. There are no passport checks passing between Schengen countries, these are internal borders. And it is the same idea as entering the UK, electronic verification and Face ID, just as when re-entering the US at most entry points. There is no need for the passport stamp to prove anything, as the system has the information if any examination is required.

Posted by
14758 posts

"the 'thunk' of the passport stamp being added." Exactly.

The trip last summer and this past one I just lucked out when returning to SFO, both Immigration Agents said they themselves had no stamp when I asked them but their adjacent colleague did and, thankfully , they obliged me by giving me what I wanted, the "Readmit" stamp. Just lucked out in not having to encounter some stickler telling me , "we don't stamp anymore." What else is new?

Posted by
11 posts

Larry - What you stated is what I was thinking; however, I did not assume anything when the rules change and description. By the way, I traveled into the U.K. from Amsterdam on Eurostar this year in February and there was a Passport check and no biometrics with face scan. Maybe they already had it from some other source. There definitely was not fingerprinting like they will do starting November 10th. I may make a personal decision about traveling after November 10th.

Posted by
7313 posts

Face scan and finger printing is brand new on Eurostar. Additional space is being created at St Pancras, (also at the Port of Dover, where a marina has been infilled) for the new procedures.