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Hello. I will be spending 5 nights in wales and am planning to stay in the Fishguard area. Am wondering if this is a good centrally located place to tour Wales or shld I stay further North? We are interested in castles, gardens, historical places, etc.....Thanks

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25 posts

Glad you are planning on spending time in one of my favorite countries. Fishguard is located in southern Wales. While I haven't been to Fishguard, the town is close to Brecon Beacon National Park which is beautiful. However, I personally prefer Northern Wales. Snowdonia National Park is gorgeous. Driving in the area is stunning. I recommend going on the Snowdon Mountain Railway or a tour of a slate mine. Many of the towns in the area: Betws-y-coed, Conwy, Llandudno, etc. are lovely. A little farther afield is the town of Chester, England on the border with England. Northern Wales is also famous for the number of castles - built by King Edward I along the north/northwest coast: Conwy, Caernarfon, and Beaumarais to name a few. Please make sure you make a point of going to a male Welsh choir concert. Very special.

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6835 posts

A lot depends on how you are getting around. St. David’s is nice if you want to do some walking along the coast, and Tenby is a nice coastal town. Near Fishguard are some Neolithic sites. However, for castles I’d head either further north where you’ll find Caernarfon, Conwy, Beaumaris, Criccieth, and Harlech castles. Further east are Cardiff, Caerphilly, Coch, Pembroke, and Chepstow castles. In the grand scheme of things, 5 nights isn’t that long. Plot the places you’d be interested in seeing and be realistic as to what you could see in 4 days, then select the town that would be allow you to get you to those places of most interest to you.

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2497 posts

I would not recommend Fishguard and it is not near the Brecon Beacons National Park. It is near the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park. Public Transport is limited if you don’t have a car. Fishguard is really a ferry port for Ireland although the old town harbour is nice.

North - west Wales would offer mountainous scenery, castles, coastline and Bodnant Gardens.

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2079 posts

I too wouldn't choose Fishguard for what you are wanting to see. There are better places to choose. It isn't really central either. Tenby would be a better place for south Wales (Pembroke Castle, St David's Cathedral and ruined bishop's palace, Carew castle , Manorbier castle to mention just a few.) Otherwise chose the area around Abergavenny (Cardiff castle, Castell Coch, Caerphily, White Castle, Treetower castle, Ragland, Chepstow, Tintern Abbey...)

The other alternative is to head to North Wales with its magnificent castles built by Edward I (Caernarfon, Conwy, Beaumaris, Rhuddlan, Harlech, ) as well as Welsh castles like Ewloe, Dolwyddelan, Dolbadarn, Criccieth (although this was strengthened by Edward I). There is also the mock Norman castle of Penrhyn which is OTT bling and magnificent! Bodnant gardens are lovely. You could stop in the Conwy/Llandudno area or else Criccieth (which is also good for visiting Portmeirion and Plas Brondanw gardens)

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3 posts

Thanks to everyone so far for the information. Based upon the feedback we will be looking to stay further north in Wales. If anyone can suggest a smaller town to stay at, I would appreciate it very much. We like the small towns with pubs and restaurants. we do have a rental car.

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2497 posts

Consider Betws-Yr-Coed. Make sure anywhere you stay has parking.

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6835 posts

Conwy or Llandudno would work. Llandudno is larger so will have more options for lodging and restaurants.

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2079 posts

Conwy (lovely medieval walled town with a ruined castle) or Llandudno (Victorian holiday town) woukd work well.

If you wanted somewhere a bit different and with fewer visitors, then there is Dolgellau...