Hi, I'm really amazed at the wealth of info in the travel forum on this site! You all are amazing!
My husband and I are planning to visit Cotswolds, North Wales and London in June. Still in the midst of planning and your insights and suggestions will be most helpful. I have some preliminary ideas so far and have the following questions:
From Gatwick, take bus to Oxford, stay 1 night. Pick up rental car in Oxford, possibly Enterprise.
What's the best way to get to car rental from Oxford City? Does Enterprise pick up customers?Driving to Cotswolds, staying 3 nights at Bourton-on-Water.
Planning to visit: Lower and Upper Slaughter, Wold-on-Stow, Bibery, Lacock, Chipping Norton, Broadway, Castle Combe.
How can I best arrange the visits over the 3 to 3.5 days there?
Possible to squeeze in Highclere Castle and Brampton (Downtown Abbey)?
Any other must-sees?From Bourton-on-water, drive to North Wales.
Which is the best route to take and any good stops along the way? Stay 4 nights.
Planning to visit: Snowdonia, Anglesey, Conwy, Caernarfon, Betwsy-Coed, Llanberis, Llandudno.
Which is a good place to base at? Conwy, Betwsy-Coed, etc? Should we stay one night in Anglesey?
What's the best way to arrange the places over the 3.5 days there?
Would like to take the railway up Snowdonia. Any difference between the diesel and heritage steam trains? Would you suggest a return ticket? Would there be enough time to spend at the summit? Or should we buy one way up and walk down? Is it a nice walk? How long would it take?
- From North Wales, leave for London. Wondering if instead of driving all the way back to Oxford to return car and then take train/bus into London, is it possible to drop off the car in North Wales? Is there a convenient drop off for Enterprise there? And would it be cost and time efficient to take a train into London from North Wales? Or should we focus on South Wales to avoid the long drives?
Thanks for taking the time to look at my questions. Would appreciate any input on any of them.