Who’s ready for another International Travel Meeting? If you enjoy talking about travel and interacting with others that share the same passion, then this is the place for you.
There is a limit to the number of participants. It has been determined that more than 25 is too many. You must reply to this thread to be invited. The first 24 people to respond will be admitted to the meeting. I can send more invites in case any of the those 24 people don't log in. We will have a 5 minute grace period starting at 9:30 a.m. After that any others still in the 'waiting room' can be admitted, up to a total of 24 people. So far each month anyone who was in the waiting room has been admitted because inevitably some people aren’t able to join in as they had planned. If someone finds they can’t participate after all, I would appreciate it if you can let me know as soon as you know.
Each month there will be a topic or two to discuss. More suggestions are welcome for future months. Of course we will discuss other things as well.
Topics for this month:
- What are the pros and cons of traveling with others? Do you discuss expectations with them in advance? How do you handle shared expenses? What do you do when things aren’t going well?
- What places should be avoided and why in the off season?
Please let me know in a reply to this post or with a PM if you are interested. I will then email the Zoom meeting link. If you have participated previously I already have your email address. If you haven’t you will need to send it in a PM.
I will be out of town without reliable cell service until Thursday. I will send the zoom link after I return.
Edited to say that there have been Zoom glitches on the last international meeting and my local Sacramento meeting involving people who received links after the initial batch were sent. To keep that from happening for this meeting I will send everyone the Zoom link via email on Friday evening my time. Don’t forget to check your email for it Friday night or Saturday morning.
Future meeting dates -
October 3
October 31