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We have trip planned to Spain.
Recently made airline reservations with SkyLux.
Feel like i made big mistake from what I am reading on the forum!

Reviews saying they are fraudulent.
Advise please…..

Posted by
6285 posts

Can you cancel for a refund? Most (all?) forum participants would say to book directly with the airline. Always.

Posted by
11723 posts

Exchanges, Cancellations and Refunds
The confirmed tickets are non reroutable and non transferable. If fare rules allow refunds and/or exchanges, a SkyLux Travel fee will be charged to process any refund and/or exchange request. This fee will be collected in addition to the penalties charged directly by the airline and/or recalled by the airline from SkyLux Travel (recalled commissions). Reservations for tickets to be refunded and/or exchanged must be canceled at least 24 hours prior to scheduled departure time - NO SHOW ticket(s) will not be processed for refund and/or exchange. All exchanges are subject to fare difference and fare rules applicable on the date of change. Cancellation of reservation does not automatically initiate refund. All exchanges can be made only prior to scheduled departure. After the tickets are issued, any changes or refunds are subject to the restrictions of the fares used. Generally speaking, discounted fares are more restrictive and in many cases they are non refundable and non exchangeable. Please pay attention to the fare restrictions of your tickets. If you need more flexibility with your tickets in terms of refunds and exchanges, please consult your agent and request a less restrictive fare. Airlines offer a wide range of fares, including those that offer exchanges and refunds without any restrictions and penalties. The airlines strictly follow their policies, and do not permit exchanges or refunds in case the fare restrictions do not allow it. The airlines determine the restrictions of the fares, and SkyLux Travel has no power to override these restrictions. Once the tickets are issued, they are subject to fare restrictions

Advice.... Prayer...... that it works out for you. Have a "plan B' researched in case it goes sideways when you get to the airport

Posted by
934 posts

I've used Skylux once. It was an okay experience, but I really didn't save enough for me to recommend the service to others.

Posted by
36 posts

After reading comments…. I’m convinced i’ve made a mistake.
25 yrs of traveling I have always gone direct
to airlines.

To confirm that I understand….
So you are saying I could get to airport &
Not be able to board my flight bc of
fake/ illegal ticketing??

This is a considerable amount of money to “ eat”.
Any suggestions.?

Posted by
16024 posts

You should have your tickets by now. There should be a six letter/number record locater for the flights. Go to the airlines' website and look up your flight using the record locater. Is it there? Do the flights match what your tickets say?

If it all matches, you should be okay. However, if there is a problem, or Skylux got the ticket using miles, you could be in for a big shock.

I'm guessing you saw the great deal and jumped on it.

Posted by
4085 posts

Old, and still reliable advice, as you are learning: Buy air tickets directly from the airline. The days of bucket shops selling discounted fares at last minute are pretty much shot. And any problem is more easily sorted by dealing direct with the airline rather than depending on a secondary seller to go to bat for you..

Posted by
8789 posts

Skylux is pretty intense with their promos. I can see why it could catch someone’s eye. Don’t panic yet. If you have a record locator showing you have a ticket, chances are you will be ok. The biggest worry would be if they are really an airline mileage broker, the airline identifies the ticket as fraudulent and cancels. I don’t know that they are a broker, but that would be my concern going forward.

PS. There isn’t one of us one the forum that hasn’t made a mistake while trip planning. Don’t beat yourself up too hard.

Posted by
11723 posts

I had forgotten I had heard of Skylux previously, but found that I had commented on them in Feb 2023

Mine is the 2nd response in that topic.

When I saw your post I checked the BBB site and found they are still using the 'virus' as an excuse for not providing timely responses.

If there is a 'problem' with the ticket, the airline may have it flagged in their system, but may not be inclined to expend the time and effort to find you and tell you you have a 'problem'. It could be the agent who will tell you ticket is not valid when it is scanned at the airport.

Frank has a good analysis of the situation. If you can contact the airline and confirm the ticket, that would be wise. You will get confirmation that you have a valid ticket, or will find out now ( not at the airport) that you have a problem to fix. Better to find out now than on the day your trip starts.

Good luck

PS Where does skylux advertise? I have never seen an ad.

Posted by
680 posts

Approximately 15+ individuals separately purchased fares through Skylux last summer for travel in October of last year. We cancelled our private tour due to the events that occurred in October and following. Everyone who used the above company received a full and prompt refund without any fees or deductions. I do not say this as to recommend this company or any third party seller. I have never used them. Rather, a note of positive information is that at least in the above mentioned instance everyone was fully refunded. I ONLY purchase tickets directly from the airlines. Those of us who purchased from the airlines also received full refunds.

About twenty of us were scheduled to tour together. We had no relationship, contract or agreement with the listed company for travel arrangements.

Posted by
36 posts

Thanks all for your responses.
Good to see one the positive one!

I regret purchasing thru them.
Whoever suggested praying… I am!!

I called the airline & they do have the flight in my profile… but not as premium economy.
Although my seats for long part of trip are premium economy.

After 25 yrs of travel, still kicking myself on this one!!!
Any other suggestions?

Posted by
1034 posts

I called the airline & they do have the flight in my profile… but not as premium economy.

So using the record locator, can you now go to the airline's web site and find your itinerary/ticket?

Posted by
7259 posts

If you bought a ticket, but are unable to obtain a record of said ticket - i.e. no proof that the service has been delivered - isn't that grounds for a charge back on your CC ?

Posted by
934 posts

If you bought a ticket, but are unable to obtain a record of said ticket - i.e. no proof that the service has been delivered - isn't that grounds for a charge back on your CC ?

The poster says the fight and ticket are in his or her profile, so not sure what you're getting at. Looks like the OP should be in good shape to fly, though the fact that the entire flight isn't premium economy seems like it could be grounds for a credit card dispute. Not sure if it's worth the effort, and also not sure what likelihood of success on the dispute.

Posted by
112 posts

It is very common for an entire ticket to not be in PE, as that cabin probably doesn't exist on a domestic route.

What I would be looking for is the fare bucket that the ticket is under. Do you see a letter code for the itinerary? That may tell you if it was booked with airline points. If Skylux used someone's credit card points without transferring them, you may not be able to tell.

Posted by
11723 posts

What would the letter code be?
Where would it be on the ticket?

Not sure all airlines code the cabin class with the same set of letters.

What airline are you flying?

Are you able to go to the airline website and pull up your itinerary and see your assigned seat(s)?

Posted by
935 posts

Exactly what airlines are you flying and what is your itinerary?