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reading train schedules

The Bahn schedules show transfer times of just minutes (4-12) between trains on a long trip. Is that really how long you have to get off one train and schlep your bag and body and board the next train, as many as 5 platforms over?

Posted by
5687 posts

Yes, they really are that tight. However, in some cases, the platforms are adjacent, so the transfer may be as easy as walking across from one train to the other without steps.

I took some German trains with very tight connections on my trip to Germany a few years ago. Some of them I barely made (they weren't all on time!), but I did make them all, despite my concern about the short connection times.

One thing I did was to check for later trains after the train I could miss due to the tight connection. If there was another direct train 30-60 minutes later that I would be able to get on, then not a big worry. If the next one wasn't for three hours or wasn't direct, I'd worry more. At least I was prepared and knew what to expect.

Posted by
6024 posts

We've had five minutes to get down 20 steps, run across the underground station, and climb up another 20 steps, and it was more than five platforms over. I never could find the elevators, so don't waste time looking!
The key is light-weight luggage, getting off the train quickly, and being familiar with the track on which you arrive/from which you depart. Print out your schedule before your first train, [which includes this necessary information.] Use the restrooms on the train, and don't stop in the station to buy anything.
And- if the schedule says the train leaves at 12:00, it leaves at 12:00 and 1 second, NOT 12:00 and 59 seconds!
Safe travels!

Posted by
847 posts

I had the same experience as the other posters. Sometimes only 3 or 4 minutes and the next train was NOT always on an adjoining track. And trains are NOT always on time. As stated above, you really need to know when your stop is coming up so you can be at the train door to run right off, and hopefully know what track your next train is leaving from (we always checked this the night before on-line). We had just a 21" and day pack each and really ran sometimes. I wish I had realized all this ahead of time, I might have made some different choices in which trains I booked. But in the end, we did end up making all the connections. It was just more stressful than I had wished.

Posted by
5687 posts

I remember changing trains at Koblenz with a tight connection - and our incoming train was a few minutes late. I still managed to grab lunch (hot dog of some sort) from inside the station while changing tracks, because my next train ride was pretty long and I wanted lunch! But no time to spare.

Posted by
3 posts

Thanks to all for replies - since my footspeed isn't what it once was, I will look at rescheduling for the platforms further away

Posted by
19341 posts

Sorry to stress you any further, but if would be far more concerned about a 4 minute, one platform change than a 12 minutes five platform change. Platforms, or the stairs in the tunnel between them, are only about 30-40 ft apart. How long does it take to walk that far.

Most of your time will be spent getting off the train, locating the stairs to the tunnel, walking to it, going down the stairs, going up the next stairs, then walking to your train. Walking between stairs in the tunnel will probably take less than a minute, no matter how many platforms you change.

Posted by
15233 posts

The most taxing train station for transferring is Hamburg Hbf when you have luggage. If you're familiar with the place, you know why given the crowds, distance, stairs, time, etc. When I transfer to a regional train in Hamburg Hbf, I look when the next one is rather than "navigating" through the crowds with luggage in tow, up and down the stairs.

Posted by
34562 posts

Where are the stations you are most concerned about? We may have hints for particular stations, or combinations of trains.

Where are you going to and from?

Posted by
7280 posts

It depends very much on where those changes are. I've done hundreds of 5 min connections without problems at smaller stations, but it won't be enough on larger stations.

Posted by
9148 posts

Its doable. But I'll repeat what Pat and Isabel said about being ready to get off. I've seen this happen so many times, and its hard to explain to US travelers who are not experienced with train travel. You have to be up and ready to get off with all your stuff in hand before you arrive in the destination station or else the aisle is likely to be blocked by other travelers with their enormous bags, then by people who are trying to board before you've gotten off. Its not like airplanes where you have to wait for the seat belt sign to go off. The train you're on will leave with you still putting your coat on if you dally.

Posted by
23 posts

Glad to see this post because we have the same issue. One is a 7 minute change at Munich Ost and a 10 min change at Villach Hbf. Has anyone ever been to either of those stations?

Posted by
19341 posts

According to the Bahn schedule webpage, the S-Bahn from Munich Hbf arrives on track 5 and the EC to Ljubljana leaves from track 8. Track 5 shares the platform with track 6 and the next platform is shared with tracks 7 & 8, so it's only a one platform change.

And, as Sam pointed out on your other thread, if you are coming from the Hbf, there is an S-Bahn from there every few minutes. Even if you are coming on the S2 from farther away, there is an S2 every 20 minutes. If concerned about the 7 minute change, take an earlier S-Bahn.