I’ve been on 6 tours. I’d like to go solo to Bulgaria or Poland. Your opinion, please.
Have you been on the Best of Turkey tour? I ask because there are some similar experiences between the two: ancient sites, carpet making. If I were to choose between Best of Turkey and Best of Bulgaria, it's Best of Turkey, hands down.
I've been on both the Best of Turkey and Best of Bulgaria tours. I've not been on Best of Poland, though I've been to the larger cities on the Poland tour: Warsaw, Gdansk, Krakow. As much as I enjoyed Sofia, if you've not been to the cities on the Poland tour, I'd go there first.
If you think you might visit either country on your own, Poland is easy to use trains to visit the tour cities yourself. Bulgaria would be buses.
Regarding solo travel, I took the Bulgaria tour on my own and felt entirely comfortable wandering solo during free time, including an extra 10 nights in Sofia. And from there I took great day trips both in Bulgaria and to neighboring countries. I also wandered the big cities of Poland and felt completely at ease on my own.
My trip report for the Best of Bulgaria tour and for Warsaw (solo, not on a tour) are linked here and in my profile.
Thanks, CW! I will definitely read your trip reports.
You can also check out my Best of Istanbul and Best of Turkey reports. You didn't ask about those tours, but they are a highlight of my travels, with admittedly only 3 tour experiences. If Bulgaria appeals to you, then Turkey might as well, if you're an active traveler. Check the tour activity levels. Turkey and Istanbul are a lot of walking. Bulgaria is much less. Both include scrambling around ancient sites on uneven surfaces.
I traveled independently in Bulgaria in 2015 and in Poland in 2018 as a solo female. Both countries are fascinating, but I think a tour would be more advantageous in Bulgaria. Poland, though a lot larger, is relatively easy to visit on your own. The transportation infrastructure is better, and English is much more widely spoken. It's also unlikely you'll run into sights that aren't fully accessible to English-speakers. A tour will allow you to see Bulgaria more efficiently.
There's also the fact that a 12-day tour of Bulgaria gives you much better coverage of the country than a 10-day tour of Poland.
If you had said you will only ever be able to visit one of the two countries, I'd have voted for Poland, but that doesn't seem to be your situation.
Thanks, acraven. God willing I will be able to do both in the next few years.
I completely agree with acraven that Poland would be much easier to do on one's own than Bulgaria.
For that reason, I chose the Best of Bulgaria tour and chose independent travel in Poland - with extra nights in each case in Sofia, Warsaw, Gdansk and Krakow.
I am in full agreement with CWSocial (whose trip reports I follow religiously, thank you for those!). My husband and I took the Best of Bulgaria tour in 2023 and felt it was the right way for us -- although extra days in Sofia are definitely worth doing and easy on your own. This year, we traveled independently in Poland and had zero issues -- traveled only via train and found it very easy to navigate. Next year we are signed up for the Best of Turkey and I can't wait -- everyone seems to give it outstanding reviews!
Poland is very easy to get around on trains and trams. I took the RS tour last September. I could easily go back on my own. Listen to CW. She’s been there done that!
I have been to Bulgaria a couple of times. Lovely place. It would be my first choice, but then I have never been to Poland so it would be an uninformed choice. Sure, do the tour or hire a full time guide for about the same cost as a large tour group experience in Austria. I can even recommend a good guide. Actually, when you figure the cost of everything in Bulgaria you can probably do a full time guide and it wouldnt cost more than roughing it in Austria or Germany.
Pavlina Docheva Guide & Tour Designer Easy Bulgaria Travel
+359 87 895 6414
www.easybulgariatravel.com [email protected]
My last trip with her was a few years back. She drove us from Sofia to Istanbul. We stopped along the way at every river and stream and went fishing. Took a week. A simply amazing trip.
I took the Bulgaria tour back in September 2022. I can highly recommend it. Bulgaria is a fascinating place and well worth a visit. Tour was well organized and delivered as promised. Our guide, Stefan, was equally wonderful. As the tour price would suggest, Bulgaria is rather inexpensive as compared with most parts of Europe. Non-tour meals were excellent (as were all the included meals) and surprisingly cheap. People were delightful. Overall, a truly positive experience.
If you take the Bulgaria tour, just be prepared for family and friends giving you a quizzical look and asking, “Why Bulgaria”.
How does it compare with the Poland tour? I can’t answer that question. Haven’t been on the Poland tour, tho I am booked for it in July 2025.
I have heard such great things about Stefan as the Best of Bulgaria tour guide!! He was not the guide on my tour.
You know, I didnt pick up on "Ive been on 6 tours" meanding 6 RS Tours. Sorry. So its which RS tour to take. My apologoies for throwing in another name. I did read the iteniary for the Bulgaria trip. Pretty sweet. Ive done all of those places, some twice. But I can not compare it to Poland. My preference is generally Orthodox Eastern Europe for some reason.
I have been to both countries and I would pick Bulgaria first. I was on the RS tour in May 2024 with Stephan and it was amazing- I think that it may be my new favorite tour!
Stephan is an amazing tour guide and adds so much to the experience.
Bulgaria is a fantastic place and I can’t wait to go back!
I liked Poland too- I went on a tour there in 2018 (not a Rick Steves tour) and it was nice too - and I would like to go back someday.
Enjoy choosing and planning!
I second the comments about recommending the Bulgaria tour - it is excellent and a great way to explore a fascinating country where it wouldn't be quite as easy on your own. I've traveled solo in Poland and agree it's pretty easy to use the train to get between cities and I found it helpful to go on some day tours to get to places not as readily accessible such as outside Krakow to get to the Salt Mine and Auschwitz. Plus Warsaw is easy to navigate on your own with a guide book. Both are beautiful countries with friendly people and good food, You'll enjoy both of them!!