In rome on the train...I guess you'd call it a train, it was more like a subway, we had a 80 year old women with us who was a bit shorter. They swarmed around us, pressed in on us tight, all of them like 5 foot tall younger girls. Then when the train doors opened, they seperated the older women until someone cried pickpocket real loud, then they all scurried out.
So it does happen. Just wear a money belt and keep your bag in front of you... unless theres nothing of value in it. Hopefully there is nothing of value that you bring at all.
Its good to be reminded often of the amount of thieves in the world. Very easy to become complacent when having a good time or at home. I never felt threatened and I am not afraid.... so reminders are very good.
I was suprised at the amount of scam artists and beggers around the vatican. It was like street performers.
One begger in Rome was a cute old man. He had his pencils and art supplies out, drawing something, so I gave him $5 euro and smiled. Then I started thinking about what I saw. The art supplies didnt look very used and I dont think he drew that picture. It may have been printed lol
Anyway even here in Portland. Dont leave anything in your car anyone can see. Many breakins.
We want to feel comfortable and safe, so its a tendency to forget.
Bring your money belt leave the fear :) Be thankful for reminders.