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Florence Italy- Air BNB Crime Ring

For context- we are small business owners and saved AMEX points for many years. Those AMEX points paid for three full weeks in Italy 9/27/23-10/17/23. I admit we felt incredibly safe (too safe) after being in Rome, Lecco and Venice before arriving in Florence.

We thought we were renting from super hosts, a couple in Florence. Eduardo and Michelle. Turns out the person who checked us in confirmed they owned over 300 apartments in Florence. This building was behind the Uffizi and tourists were present on tours all day. The only way someone could enter our building would be a very weird key to a very large and old door. Then, they needed another old key to get into our apartment.

Our last day in Florence, we returned from Accademia to find every single thing we had packed vomited to the floors. Bags were emptied, toiletries, everything. Total violation. Our passports and cash were the only things missing that we noticed. Nothing belonging to the apartment was touched. Until my husband talked to the police, we didn’t touch anything. It was a very long fifteen minutes waiting for my husband to return.

We were told the thieves ONLY take cash and passports. Clean up was approved. We cleaned everything up from the floor and began putting everything back where it belonged in our bags. By the grace of God, they left our passports next to 21 post it note sizes pieces of scripture. I needed a simple reminder to “not be a wench” for 21 days in Italy. The verse on top was from Galatians and said “God will not be mocked”. Perhaps more relevant to me because they pulled the scripture from one hidden compartment and put it different place in apartment -placed neatly on a loveseat- with the passports. It very much felt like a two person crew worked the entire apartment. One left the passports and the other kept a hefty (for us) 1400 euros.

It did not ruin our trip. This happened on the 8th day we were in Italy. We hiked up to the sunset at Piazza Michelangelo within two hours of the robbery. Simply amazing! Bryan Yates can be found YouTube and playing his guitar/singing at Piazza Michelangelo. We had a great chat and ended up enjoying dinner and gelato afterward. Strolling Ponte Vecchio with this particular musician from Liverpool was the perfect end cap on Florence.

We had two more glorious weeks before returning home. Our last day, I was overlooking Pozzouli (ancient Puteoli) and posted a thirty second video on FB. I was standing there when a 3.6 earthquake occurred! Our entire trip was magnificent. But, I would be remiss to not encourage other travelers to NEVER leave anything of value or to assume they are safe.

Posted by
2648 posts

I am really sorry this happened to you.

But this does show that you should keep your passports with you, and not carry a lot of cash. In fact, I nowadays never have any cash on me anymore. CCs get you everywhere, and these aren't very useful for thieves either.

Posted by
2 posts

Obviously, I had to humble myself to admit our error in feeling too comfortable. We were not the first and certainly won't be the last. As I ended my post, " I WOULD BE REMISS TO NOT ENCOURAGE OTHER TRAVELERS TO NEVER LEAVE ANYTHING OF VALUE OR TO ASSUME THEY ARE SAFE".

Respectfully disagree on the cash needed for three weeks in Italy. Several Taxi's, boats and other places would ONLY accept cash. We had about 20% of our cash on us when our cash was stolen from the apartment. We were very blessed it was almost exactly enough to complete our trip. We came home with three or four euros.

Posted by
21484 posts

Several Taxi's, boats and other places would ONLY accept cash.

But you do not need to carry such a wad of cash for these items. In Europe, I operate just like I operate in the States. When my wallet cash gets down to 50 EUR, I stop by an ATM and get another 200 or 300. I would assume when you paid for the rental on arrival, you tipped someone off that you were carrying a lot of cash, thus making it worthwhile to pull a heist.

Posted by
3301 posts

So sorry to hear this. Did the police confirm that this was a crime ring that targets AirBnB places? If so you should report it to AirBnB.

I think the lesson here is that one should withdraw cash from ATM in smaller amounts as needed, instead of having that many €€€ all at once. We take 200€ at a time and often that is enough for the trip.

Posted by
16794 posts

So sorry to hear about your trouble. :O(
Question: did you have a safe in your rental, and were you using it?

Posted by
3301 posts

But Sam, this was though AirBnB so the apartment would have been fully paid before arrival. If the “super host” asked them to pay cash on arrival that would be a red flag and a violation of AirBnB policy.

Posted by
736 posts

I’m so sad to hear this. I am happy you went on to enjoy the rest of your holiday.
As a side note-Italy passed a law that anyone providing a service whether it’s a taxi, boat ride, restaurant, etc. must accept CC’s as payment. Hopefully, Roberto da Firenze will read this and chime in as he was the first to post the information. He can provide the correct info if I’m mistaken. That being said, some accept CC’s but only if they are attached to an Italian bank. Asking for payment in cash appears to be a way to get around paying taxes for services delivered! Quite sure that does not only happen in Italy.

Posted by
5306 posts

Another example of why one should not leave valuables in the room or safe. Just my opinion.

Posted by
2648 posts

AirBnB is fine. I have used it often, and we are hosting ourselves...

Posted by
5914 posts

I am sorry this happened to you, but good for you for not letting it ruin your vacation.

What was the response AirBnB and the Host after you reported this to them?

Posted by
17603 posts

I hope the OP returns to answer how AirBnB responded, as this should be reported to them. And could be mentioned in their review of the apartment, which will some attention from the hosts.

I did a search on Google and did find Florence apartments listed on AirBnB by Edoardo and Michela. It says they have 341 apartments listed, but it does not says they are designated Superhosts. Rather, Edoardo is an “experienced” host. They are listed as “Romanticism at the Uffizi”, “Stunning Ponte Vecchio”and others.

Just another reason why we rent our Venice apartments from a reputable Venetian agency,

And I hope the OP does not take the comments about how much cash they had as criticism or blame. It is important to say in order to keep others from making the same mistake, but there is no lack of sympathy for their misfortune.

Posted by
393 posts

I often use Airbnb and will continue to use.
A bad experience,which I'm sure was very stressful is only one data point.
I do select my Airbnb's very carefully. In addition to reading every review, I check to see if the host has other properties. Having multiple properties would eliminate that host for me.
I also typically stay in a property in which the host also lives. Two advantages to this, the neighborhood of the host is not changed in a significant way, that's important to me.
Second advantage, I have had wonderful experiences with many of the hosts, and someone is on site if I have questions or concerns.

Posted by
21107 posts

So, we know the hosts were the criminals? I doubt they own 300, I suspect it's a management company.

Barbara, so hotel rooms are never robbed? Good to know.

If it had a safe, mgmt has a key. I might also, as I own a number of those and oddly I have 1 key that fits two purchased at different times.

And apparently the OP joined to make one revenge post. Silisoect you can grind it on TA too. Doubt they are coming back.

Posted by
4369 posts

Mr. E, Not sure about hotel rooms, don’t see too many posts about them being robbed.
There are numerous reasons we don’t use AirB&B besides the damage it causes in neighborhoods where people can’t rent an apartment cause they are being used for tourists. We stay in hotels for the sheer pleasure, the amenities, being able to ask for recommendations, to call taxis, etc. When traveling I want to be pampered, not making my own bed or cooking my own food or doing my own laundry.
As mentioned here numerous times, everyone has their own way of traveling and their own budget and their own opinions.

Posted by
549 posts

I too would be very wary of having that much cash. Even if I thought I needed that much - which I never have on any of my trips to Europe - I would do as others in this thread say and take it out in smaller amounts.

I too would like to know more about the crime ring - was that confirmed by the police and or Air BnB? What if anything has Air BnB communicated to you about your hosts? What did your hosts say when you reported this theft to them? That seems like pretty vital information to this story.

And lastly I am flummoxed about the scripture. The thieves left scripture verses for you? You had scriptures on pieces of paper in your bags and the thieves moved them? I admit I can't follow that part of your story at all.

I'm glad you were able to enjoy the rest of your trip. Florence is a beautiful city and sounds like you made the best of it.

Posted by
21107 posts

besides the damage it causes in neighborhoods where people can’t rent
an apartment cause they are being used for tourists

Which neighborhood would that be? Ot is that uniform across the world?

One study says about 34 larcenies and thefts per 1,000 hotel rooms each year (US, and I am certain a place like Barcelona would be less). Since I have absolutely no idea of the statistics and facts concerning short term rentals or hotels I pass no judgment of which is safer. Even then it would mean little unless you broke it down by zip code or hotel class. It is impossible to evaluate for the common person.

That aside, I prefer hotels.

Interesting the title says AirBnb Crime ring? But nothing about who the police think did it. The OP didn't say the hosts were accused, just that a third party told her they were wealthy enough to own 300 apartments. If I believed it I suspect it's $100 million or more in real-estate and I doubt they would be pilfering from the guests. So where us the crime ring?

Posted by
4369 posts

I believe it is uniform in many cities. Here in NY new laws have been passed stating that short-term rentals hosts must register with the city and only those who live in the place they are renting and are there when the renter is, can register. Also, you can only have 2 guests at a time.
And in Dubrovnik the new Mayor is cracking down and actually cutting back the AirB&B by 10%. His reasoning is that many of the young people who were born and grew up in Dubrovnik cannot afford to live there any longer. And he wasn’t just talking about the Old Town.

Posted by
21107 posts

Barbara, interesting.

There are situations in parts of some cities where you are absolutely correct. There are situations in parts of some cities where you could not be more wrong.

Any worldwide generalization by its very nature is naive. .

Posted by
15181 posts

Since AirB&B is not an option for me, a similar situation is would I leave my Passport in the hotel room as well as a lot of cash, say 200-300 Euro. Admittedly, I did do exactly that in the past that but never in Italy. The most recent trips pre-pandemic I had the passport on me as well as all 3 credit cards and cash. Getting picked carrying the passport is not going to happen.