Very interesting. Thanks for sharing. It makes the reader ponder not
only sketchy renters and their properties, but also the ethics of
using AirBNB, VRBO, and other such companies, especially in large
cities, where they seem to harm locals by pricing those with lower
incomes out of housing, rather than to benefit them
All large cities? What is a large city? All locals are harmed? How about in some cities (forget the size) the ratio of those receiving positive benefits vs those having an opposing experience can vary widely. We sure love to help the poor guy, even when he doesn’t need helping. And we love to believe they are all victims, when they are not.
The best course of action is to rent a legal apartment, in that way you are supporting the belief system of the community that formed the laws; and your lack of understanding and personal bias has no play in it. If you cant be reasonably sure that its legal, don’t rent.
I guess I thought long ago people had figured out that most AirBnB and
VRBO listings are not Mom and Dad deciding to let their Flat for a few
weeks here and there. They have nearly always been rental listings
managed by professionals, most to skirt around permitting, fees,
taxes, even minimum safety requirements. The idea of occupying
basically a new building and doing online rentals for the whole thing
is a bit of a development, but a natural progression.
I only became aware of these rental platforms about 7 years ago. Did they begin by advertising that these were mom-and-pop rental platforms or is that something you were just inaccurately assuming? Cause they sure don’t promote that perception today.
A lot (most? I have no idea) are professionally managed (do you). I suggest if one wanted to rent one that there might be more quality consistency with a managed apartment than and mom-and-pop one. Good thing to look for.
Which “most” skirt around permitting, fees, taxes, safety? I assume you are in the business to know this? Or, you heard it someplace?
I am glad we have two posters with the statistics. Wish they would post the statistics so we can all read them.