I am sure most of you are aware of this but thought would share anyway.
Eastern European gangs operating all over Europe put whats called a skimming device onto an ATM machine where the card insert is this is used to copy your card details. always check that the card insert is solidly attached to the console a small wiggle will be enough, if you think something has been added to the machine go inside the bank to inform a staff member and do not use. Along with this some of the gangs put mobile devices such as a mobile phone or ipod camera attached to the top of the machine to film your pin when typing. Again it takes just a few seconds to glance at the machine and check for any extra devices that should not be there.
Recently pictures surfaced of people on the Underground in London with a contactless card reader waving it over peoples pockets thus taking money from their cards without them knowing, you can buy a card protector for small change which blocks any signal to and from your contactless card.
Stay Safe and be aware but don't let this put you off just simple precautions to make your trip pass off without any hiccups