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Last Supper Scam

Getting tickets to see the Last Supper in Milan is almost impossible without dealing with scalpers. I logged onto the museum site the first day tickets were available for May (that was today) and the first day we will be in Milan no tickest were available and the second day there were a couple of time slots with only 1 ticket available. The problem is scalpers buy up all the tickets at 6,50 euro and then sell Milan walking "tours" at 65 euro. A nice mark up if you can get. One of them even admitted the process, see below.

My problem is do I submit to the scalpers? With almost all tickets purchased by these scalpers on the first day of sale it forces anyone who wants to see the Last Supper to deal with them. So what if they have 10% of the tickets left unsold, they still have make a huge profit.

Below is a direct "copy and paste" from one of the sites.

"The biggest problem is that the philosophy of the organisation behind ticketing for the Last Supper is geared towards satisfying tour groups and large parties. This is, begrudgingly, understandable ... if they can fill their slots with single large bookings as opposed to multiple individual travellers, then they're going to opt for the easy route every time. This leaves us pretty much picking up the crumbs for you, the DIY traveller.
Don't misunderstand us - we do fulfill between 50 and 70% of the orders we take (this varies according to the time of year) - but that still leaves a lot of unlucky and unhappy customers.

So, we've joined forces with a Milan company that organises regular group tours, and have a long established arrangement with the Last Supper 'management' - an arrangement that gives them good access to block-bookings. The upside - we can pretty much guarantee a visit to see the Last Supper; the downside - it will cost more than a standard ticket. But standard tickets are hard to come by, and this is far more than a 'standard' tour. Over and above your guaranteed viewing of the Last Supper, you'll have either a walking tour ('In the footsteps of Leonardo') or a combined bus and guided walking tour of Milan."

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34701 posts

Having been unsuccessful using the online process a few years ago I have found that telephoning the English speaking operators at the church can usually be quite productive soon after the tickets are released. Remember the time zone difference. More tickets are available than those listed online.

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7201 posts

This post is a duplicate of one in the Italy forum, that one has lots of responses.

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85 posts

we went early in the morning and asked if there were any cancellations that day. Got tickets for the 3.15 session for 6.5 euros each.

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1 posts

I've heard about these types of scams, so when I saw that there were no tickets available on the official site I did some research. I ended up using Musement ( to book my tickets, along with my other tickets for museums/tours around Italy. Was completely satisfied with the serviced and the guide was very knowledgable. Would recommend to fellow travelers in Italy.