I see that SNCF has two official apps on the iPhone,
one called OUI SNCF and one called SNCF Assistant --
both have mostly English display options but the latter is half again as big, file-size-wise, as the former.
Have any of you compared them already --- if so, can you save the rest of us the trouble and let us know your conclusions?
If you've been using one or the other, what's your short review of their benefits over going through the SNCF website or using a kiosk at the station?
As I write this question, I'm recalling how my plans to buy several tickets ahead of time at the SNCF store right by the main plaza (Bellecour, iirc?) in Lyon were thwarted when that store was closed-until-further-notice without google maps being aware of it, thus requiring me to make a detour to the desk at the other main train terminal, where the wait was also half again as long. ha.