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What Apps are folks using to store photos of Passport, ID, etc.?

Rick suggests taking photos/scans of important documents like your Passport, driver's license, etc. just in case these documents are lost and you have to get replacements abroad. In the past I would just scan the documents and bring a paper copy. Are folks now relying on tech to store copies and if so, what Apps are you using? I'm a bit concerned about putting such documents on the cloud but that allows for the most flexibility.

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11680 posts

I do what Aimee does but I also send myself & my husband an email with the docs in them so I can call it up on another device if needed in the event of loss. Husband sends the same to me so we both have everything.

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2573 posts

Take a photo on your phone and email it to yourself.

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133 posts

I use an iPhone and I downloaded all of my tickets, passport, and vaccine info to Books. You can access your docs from there without WiFi.

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2768 posts

iPhone photos in a special album for easy access and then make them into pdfs and email to my kindle account. The kindle app on the phone (unlike an actual kindle) is full color and shows documents well. Your kindle account, free, comes with an email address where you can email PDFs and they convert to kindle format and show up in your app. If you loose your phone all you need is to download the kindle app on another device, plus the documents are now in your sent folder in your email since you emailed them to your kindle.

This also works for any research or info. You can convert a good web article to pdf and send it this way so you can have it on the go. Or take photos of especially useful guidebook pages or print articles to have them with you electronically.

Editing to add that the kindle files are available offline once you download them. As are iPhone photos.

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1721 posts

I should add that one thing I like about Dropbox is the "make available offline" feature, where I can download selected files to my devices and don't need an internet connection to access them.

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1880 posts

I generally use the notes app in my iPhone. It’s a little more flexible than using the photo albums route. In a note I can have photos, PDFs, website links and I can type in any reminders or notes. It can also be pinned to the top so that I can find it quickly.

Posted by
496 posts

Whatever you use make sure its accessible offline. I use Evernote for everything including travel - but my partner doesn't and on an iPhone he just went to the PDF he needed in his email and saved it to files - worked perfectly fine. Don't save it to icloud - because you'd need a connection for that.

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7683 posts

My ticket info is in my email account and on the Delta app, so I don't worry about those. All my train tickets are either on the DB app or the Flixtrain app. Hotel info is all in email and also saved to Dropbox (if it's a separate confirmation outside of email). I also have my Auto Europe confirmation saved to Dropbox (I do this automatically when I receive stuff like this in the mail).

I have all my vaccines in the MyChart app. Of course, I'm bringing the CDC cards and have photos of those that are saved to Dropbox and Google photos, as well as my passport ID and driver's license. All of my prescriptions are available on MyChart as well. And my itinerary, as well as all my hotels, train ticket info, and so on, are listed in a Google spreadsheet document.

Lastly, I use a password manager so I don't have to worry about saving or memorizing passwords.

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2992 posts

Like Rocket I use iPhone notes. After taking pictures of docs, I make folders in notes to easily find things, ie “travel: vax cards”, “travel: passport”. I seldom delete the pictures from my phone so I have a second copy amid the other photos.

I stash paper copies of docs and credit cards in the bottom of my suitcase beneath the liner just in case my purse/phone/moneybelt and I are separated.

I code my login info, passwords and pin #s into note folders. I’m getting too forgetful to remember a different one for each account. The lower tech things are the happier I am.

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2267 posts

Despite being prone to overthinking things like this, I've kept it simple. I have a photo folder on my iPhone labeled "docs"—it's not specific to travel. In it are pics of my passport, GE card, CDC vax card, driver's license, health insurance, car insurance, AAA.

I also have them all in my email, but that's not organized—pure chaos.

Yea, cloud. Clouds....

Posted by
7674 posts

I do both what Aimee and Laurel do. And I have a duplicate CDC card.

Posted by
2768 posts

With all the talk of cloud and offline and if you need internet to access your docs, I thought of one more thing. Make sure your files are accessible if you loose or damage your phone! iPhotos are saved to your account in the cloud, apps like Dropbox or kindle or google drive also do this, as does email. Which is good - if your phone is unusable for any reason you can access your account on another device and have your photos and documents. For example you can log into a google account from a public computer and access your files and email there. Saving directly to your phone without backup could be more of a problem in case of a lost phone.

So - use an app or service of some sort that lets you download documents so they are accessible offline and also keeps them in your account in thr cloud so they can be re-downloaded to a new or different device or looked at/printed from a public computer.