I came across this yahoo article: https://ca.style.yahoo.com/couple-earn-six-figure-salary-slideshow-wp-171722320.html
You can go to their respective websites, facebook and instagram etc to see all their photos. Beautiful looking, both scenery and pair. They take the couple shots using a timer remote and tripod. The guy says he always processes using the same lightroom settings and admits his shots have a very similar look and style. Note: bandana, bare feet, lots of facing away shots. I get freaked out with them standing or sitting at the edge of great heights.
So, if you have a Canon 5D III and a 24-70 mm L lens (total about CAD$9,000), are blessed with genes for good looks and have a decent photog eye, you too can make over than a $100,000 a year posting travel photos. Not bad for a 26 year old former carpet cleaner.
Edit: Here is the link to the instagram link: https://www.instagram.com/gypsea_lust/?hl=en
They each have a dedicated website, and accounts with facebook and twitter. And there is some fan that is going around the world copying the same photo shots using the same locations and poses.