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Watch your step

According to Slate, 379 people died from 2008 to 2021 whilst taking selfies, with tourists accounting for a third of that.

That's more than four times the number who died from shark attacks.

Half of these took place in falls from buildings, bridges, scenic overlooks and other high-up locations.

Posted by
2965 posts

I can see that I'll need to be more careful with my silent prayers if they're going to start coming true ...

Posted by
3260 posts

Not many deaths from low-down locations. The Darwin Theory in action!

Posted by
5344 posts

Sorry,but consider me unimpressed. That works out to ~13 people, 4 tourists per year (worldwide??). The leading causes of death amongst tourists are still MVAs and drowning. So be very careful driving or swimming.

Posted by
8863 posts

That's it. From now on, I see someone pull out a selfie stick, I will tackle them, for their own safety.

Posted by
618 posts

Wonder how many people were killed by the selfie people when they cut into their shot. After all their shot was going to be on the cover of the magazine and the other tourists dared to walk in there with the shot. I watched a woman in Paris have a complete and total breakdown because the teenage boys would not get out of her shot. It was actually rather funny.

Posted by
19654 posts

The animosity against those that take pictures of theselves on holiday is sort of disgusting and very telling of what is imortant to those commenting.

Posted by
1548 posts

I couldn’t agree more Mr. E! The only thing is perhaps that I find it not sort of disgusting, but actually disgusting. It’s beyond my comprehension why anyone would wish another person to die just because that person likes to have a photo of themselves in a beautiful location or in front of a historic landmark or whatever.

Posted by
987 posts

I miss the good old days when it was still possible to employ hyperbole.

Posted by
4573 posts

My husband wants to know: did it say how many people died from shark attacks while taking selfies?

Posted by
369 posts

You want to take a selfie in front of whatever, go for it. It becomes very annoying to me when you want to stand there 5+ minutes taking shot after shot and examining your phone to see if you got it just right. How about moving aside so someone else can see it or photograph it?

Posted by
812 posts

The animosity against those that take pictures of theselves on holiday is sort of disgusting and very telling of what is imortant to those commenting.

The only thing is perhaps that I find it not sort of disgusting, but actually disgusting. It’s beyond my comprehension why anyone would wish another person to die just because that person likes to have a photo of themselves in a beautiful location or in front of a historic landmark or whatever.

Count me in the camp with Mr E and Dutch_traveler. The annoyance? I couldn't care less that someone is enjoying their travels by taking and examining their selfies. They're happy and enjoying themselves, maybe even oblivious, but I just can't see being that impatient with people around me.

Posted by
19654 posts

VAP, what I find amusing, in a sort of sick way, is the fixation on the subject. It’s like Selfie Derangement Syndrome. They dont make up 1/10% of the inconvenience at a photo location, but they get 100% of the blame. And now we want them to trip, fall and die.

I live in a tourist district of a tourist city and about 300m from my front door is one of those picture postcard views. Most of those posing are posing for the significant other to take a picture. A few have big camera rigs and tripods. Some stand and wait for quite a long time till the perfect shot is possible. Sometimes there is a young lady that wants to strike 10 different poses for her significant other to photograph ........... then there is the one in 20 selfie taker who really takes no more time than the others. Ahhhh, but she (or he) is one of "them", so beneath me.

Sure, all disruptions for the "worthy traveler" but part of life and to be enjoyed as such. I stand back and watch sometimes. I always make sure I dont disrupt their shot ... just courtesy.

Posted by
987 posts

They dont make up 1/10% of the inconvenience at a photo location, but they get 100% of the blame. And now we want them to trip, fall and die.

I'm thinking zero percent of the commenters here want them actually to trip, fall and die, Mr E.

Here's the deal: many of us find these Instagram addicts to be annoying. That's about the extent of it. Some folks could benefit from resetting their outrage switches.

Posted by
19654 posts

That's right, you are coming. The Fisherman's Bastion arches with the view can get a tad crowded with people photographing their significant others, and the shoes can be a bit crowded with those looking (go early in the morning to both) but otherwise, the rest are wide open. And there are better than that list. I challenge you not to find a good spot in every city block. But I very, very rarely see selfie takers blocking anything in town. Tourism just isn't that dense here. Oh, cameras in bath houses are a bit tacky.

Posted by
656 posts

I live in a part of the world where tourists (and some locals) underestimate the risks of water and terrain everyday. Our local search and rescue teams are kept busy every weekend in summer and winter rescuing folks who have found themselves in a number of life endangering situations. Undoubtedly a certain number are trying to get great photos or selfies; others are looking for adventure and still others have been ‘influencers’. Tragedy struck just this past weekend in one of our local parks, Lynn Canyon, where four 17 year olds were exploring. One decided to climb over the fence with plenty of signage warning not to, to take a better look. He was meant to be starting university next week and had come from Ontario. There have been several deaths there in recent years.