I currently havean Iphone 4 and an older Ipad, maybe a 2, it is quite heavy. I like them both for home and do take them both for travel but I find the Ipad is heavy in my carryon. My phone has very little memory; I was not an Apple app nut when I purchased the phone.
I am considering getting the 6+ phone to use for home and travel and leaving the heavy Ipad at home. For travel, I usually use a phone minimally as a phone, sometimes as a compass and a few times on Wi fi to surf at Starbucks and when travelling with friends to text but rarely as I do not buy an international plan. Now, when travelling, I use the Ipad to transfer & store photos, Facebook, email play some games and read on Ibooks or an audiobook for the overnight flight. If I get the larger phone with more memory I would use the phone for all the stuff I had used the Ipad for.
What do you think? Is it worth the extra $$ to invest in an Iphone 6+ with lots of memory? Or stay with my current phone and get a mini? Thanks in advance.