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Upgrade to Iphone 6+ or Ipad mini for travel?

I currently havean Iphone 4 and an older Ipad, maybe a 2, it is quite heavy. I like them both for home and do take them both for travel but I find the Ipad is heavy in my carryon. My phone has very little memory; I was not an Apple app nut when I purchased the phone.

I am considering getting the 6+ phone to use for home and travel and leaving the heavy Ipad at home. For travel, I usually use a phone minimally as a phone, sometimes as a compass and a few times on Wi fi to surf at Starbucks and when travelling with friends to text but rarely as I do not buy an international plan. Now, when travelling, I use the Ipad to transfer & store photos, Facebook, email play some games and read on Ibooks or an audiobook for the overnight flight. If I get the larger phone with more memory I would use the phone for all the stuff I had used the Ipad for.

What do you think? Is it worth the extra $$ to invest in an Iphone 6+ with lots of memory? Or stay with my current phone and get a mini? Thanks in advance.

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1569 posts

I chose the 6+ to use everyday due to it's camera and video capabilities, which I use for work. For travel the phone has been terrific for convenience and I no longer bring my ipad. I have chosen to leave my dslr camera home and adapted to not having a zoom lens capability. I did purchase the largest memory phone and am happy w the decision. I do have an otterbox protection cover which adds some bulk and weight, but provides a better much needed grip to use the phobe.

Posted by
9154 posts

June my guess is that you will probably need to replace your 4 soon anyway, don't you think? I have a 4 and it is on its last legs becasue of battery issues and I can't update to ios 8. So if you will need to upgrade anyway.....

Posted by
16748 posts

I just bought an Ipad mini 2 to replace my computer. I also added a small bluetooth keyboard cover and the whole thing, with cache, still weighs over a pound less than my tablet computer.

The iphone 6 and the ipad mini can, basically, do the same thing. There are a few apps only available on the ipad but not enough to truly sway anyone.

As mentioned, the iphone 4 is getting old and who knows how much longer apple will offer upgrades.

In regard to memory, there are a couple of ways to get around that.

1) the cloud....and I don't mean icloud. I use Dropbox to store videos, music, documents, and more, and then playback through the free Dropbox app. I can also play videos or music through third party players.

2) Wireless card reader. The one I have allows you to wirelessly play anything you have on either an SD card or USB flash drive. It also turns an ethernet line into a wifi signal, bridges a wifi signal, allows you to back store from an Ipad/iphone to a card/flash drive, and is also a backup battery.

$30 and they have excellent tech support people you can reach by phone in California. Media is accessed through Kingston's free app.

My ipad mini only has 32GB of storage but I travel with over 100 GB of media.

Posted by
32417 posts


As the others have mentioned, you may have to replace your iPhone 4 soon anyway so this might be a good time to upgrade to either the iPhone 6 or 6+. One thing to keep in mind though is that if you're getting the phone on a contract plan with Rogers / Telus / Bell, it will almost certainly be locked to their network, which means you'll be stuck with whatever roaming plans they offer.

If you want more freedom in choice of carriers, either for use at home or when travelling, the best option is to buy the phone directly from Apple as it will be factory unlocked. That means if you get annoyed with your present carrier, you can just walk into the store of one of the others and obtain a new SIM card. However, buying the phone from Apple Canada will be expensive!!! The current price of a 64 GB iPhone 6 is $969.00. In reality, you'll pay close to the same price whether you buy it under contract or from Apple. With a contract plan, the cost of the phone will be spread out over a few years.

FWIW, I bought my present iPhone 4S from Apple and I've never regretted doing that, as it's been great to just pop different SIM cards in while travelling. It was a hefty initial investment though.

I don't use tablets, so don't have any ideas on how well that might work for you. I suppose it depends on the intended uses.

Posted by
800 posts

Thanks for the great feedback! I appreciate all the great advice.

For photo storage, the Iphone would be a temporary storage only until I could download them to my computer at home. I do have a P&S I like with a higher zoom.

So much to consider...

Posted by
11613 posts

I use the iPad mini and a cheap phone I bought in Italy. I turn off service for my iPhone 6+ when I'm traveling (long trips). I need a larger screen and keyboard than the iPhone provides.

Posted by
210 posts

Interesting……I had the same set-up (4 and an iPad 2) until two weeks ago. After an agonizing hour in the Apple store, I opted for the 6 and not the 6+. Here was my rationale…….6+ is a BIG, BIG phone. I do use my iPhone almost exclusively as my phone. Although the 6+ has the image stabilization feature, I only use my iPhone images for FB, twitter, & email. Being an avid photographer the images I want to value are taken with my DSLR. I understand not everyone is that far into photography. Although……...I REALLY like the new 6 camera!!!!

My iPad 2 serves its purpose as my "travel" computer. I just cannot afford an upgrade right now. It is easier on my tired eyes. Maybe by the time I can afford an upgrade another Apple "toy" will be on the market. Not convinced the 6+ is the best substitute for the "ipad-mini" world.

Surprisingly…..getting it home…... I have found the 6 enough larger than my 4……that I am MORE than pleased with its size as a phone, camera, computer, etc……AND everyone with in a city block does not know I am carrying it ……

I always chuckle when I see someone shooting images with an iPad. It is an odd look and quite noticeable. I saw that demonstrated today with a 6+.

You need to buy what works for YOU. Upgrading your phone seems to be a greater necessity. Almost exclusively everyone I talked to did not care for the size of the 6+….including an Apple store employee.

Hope this helps…….to make your decision harder :-) (jk)

Posted by
800 posts

Thanks again.

After reading the replies here and feedback from other techie friends, I will probably stay with my Iphone 4 until it doesn't go any longer and save for either the Ipad mini or the Ipad air; either of these is lighter than my old Ipad. Isn't technology fun!

Posted by
2 posts

One other thing to consider about that iPhone 4... You've probably had it long enough that it's eligible to be unlocked from your carrier. This means you can get a European sim card when you're there and use the data for much less than an international plan add on would cost.
Oh yeah, the camera on the iPhone 6 is phenomenal compared to the 4!

Posted by
740 posts

I"m going on the Scandanavia tour this summer. I'm planning to travel lighter with respect to technology. I'm not bringing my DSLR Canon, but bringing a high end compact instead. Now sure yet about the tripod. I like night photos.

I have used my older 64 GB ipad for photo storage but I have run out of room every trip I've taken, meaning some photos stay on SD cards until I get back. Today I decided to buy an Ipad mini 3 with 128 GB of storage. I think that will solve my photo storage problem while also letting me travel a little lighter.