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T-mobile has unlimited data and text

I am sure this has been covered so forgive me if this is a duplicate subject.

I am a Verizon customer with an iPhone. I signed up for the Tmobile North American plan which includes unlmited data and text in 140 countries, and most of Europe was on it. We were so pleased that for $60 we were able to text and upload and check facebook without overage worries.

Here's the Tmobile link.

My iPhone 6 from Verizon was already considered unlocked, so literally I plop the Tmobile chip in the SIM card reader and work instantly. Connection was just fine (except in the very rural areas) and my phone just piggy backed off the strongest carrier.

PM me if you have questions.

Clarification: We used it on the Viking River cruise, which included Germany, Austria, Hungary.

I have also used Tmobile in Egypt and Turkey.

Posted by
824 posts

Caveat on the T-Mobile "free" unlimited international data roaming, it's at 2G (128Kbps) speeds... At that data rate, you'll need unlimited TIME to load a web page.

For €20-30, you can by a pay-as-you-go SIM and get cheaper calling AND 3G/4G data speeds.

BTW - Your US T-Mobile SIM may not even work in your Verizon iPhone. SIM cards are geo-registered (assigned to a region) and the GSM SIM slot in your Verizon iPhone is only guaranteed to work with non US region (i.e. non-competing) SIMs. I would try a trial run with the SIM in the US before leaving on your trip.

Posted by
1455 posts

I just came back from Germany and Egypt, and had no problem with my Tmobile SIM on my Verizon iPhone 6.. I'm sure there are cheaper options in buying an overseas SIM, but in my past trips, it took more time hunting down a mobile seller than landing on the ground, feet running, and using my Tmobile phone from day 1

Posted by
9110 posts

veat on the T-Mobile "free" unlimited international data roaming, it's at 2G (128Kbps) speeds.

I have traveled multiple times throughout Europe with my T-Mobile iPhone. The speeds are often faster than 2G in practice.

I'm currently in Austria and was very pleased to discover that they have extended their summer promotion of free LTE service until the end of year for most countries in Western Europe and all of South America. Wouldn't surprise me if they made the higher speeds permanent.

Posted by
1455 posts

Agree Michael. In theory they may say 2G, but I never had an issue. Plus, in Europe, I also didn't have problems finding wifi in my hotel lobby so if I needed a faster connection to upload photos, I could wait until I returned for the day to find a faster connection.

Posted by
3331 posts

T-Mobile is a great option if visiting more than one country. I just got back from 3 weeks in Sardinia, Corsica and the Veneto and used T-Mobile. Service was flawless though non-existent in some very remote areas. I estimate that data speeds were 2G 10% of the time, 3G 75% and 4LTE 15%. Since most of my data use was in hotels, download speeds were based on available download speeds from local wifi networks, not mobile cell use.

Since you buy the SIM card and service from T-Mobile in the USA, there's no problem with the aforementioned "geo-lock."

Posted by
32419 posts


One comment not related to roaming in Europe. As you're using an iPhone 6, be very careful not to allow it to bend (ie: carrying it in a back pocket) or you could become a victim of the dreaded iPhone Touch Disease (class action lawsuits pending). Using it in a hard case is the best idea.

Posted by
16787 posts

I'm currently in Reykjavik (freezing) and in the last ten days have been in England and Ireland. I got 4g speed in all of those places.

Posted by
28860 posts

I believe, however, that most phones cannot be used for Project Fi service. The website shows just three: one Pixel brand and two by Nexus.

Posted by
1455 posts

Kaeleku: There's nothing wrong with your choice of Project Fi, but most travelers are android or iPhone users. My post is giving non Tmobile customers (like myself who is a Verizon one) the knowledge that you can go to Tmobile and insert it in your current phone.

You just need to sign up for a service (ONE or North America Plan) to get the unlimited text and data in other countries, and then discontinue the account when you get back.

No worry, no hassel and no commitment.

Just to reiterate another post: Yes, people can go to the foreign country and buy a SIM there, but that also means making sure your phone is compatible.

Posted by
1455 posts

Ha ha.. Ken.. no worries on the back pocket bend. As a woman, I don't really use my back pocket to carry my phone. :)

Posted by
1005 posts

Just got back from three weeks in the Netherlands and Belgium, and T-Mobile worked flawlessly on my iPhone. If I really needed to have a lot of bandwidth, I'd wait until I had Wi-Fi at the hotel.

Posted by
9371 posts

I tried to use a T-Mobile SIM on an unlocked Android phone in preparation for using it abroad and it did not work (they said it was because it was not an "international SIM", which agrees with the above comment about location). Not sure how you could do test run before leaving, as someone suggested, though, since it is essentially what I did.

Posted by
9371 posts

Mine is an unlocked Android global phone from Verizon. It is supposed compatible with T-Mobile.

Posted by
1455 posts

There is a link on Tmobile for you to verify if your phone is compatible.

"Most" phones from Verizon can be used on their network if its a quad band. iPhone is the easiest solution because they work with all the carriers.

Sorry to hear it didn't work with your phone, but as for an iPhone 5 or newer, it does work on T-Mobile.

PS: Kaeleku
I never said it worked on every phone. If you read my original post, I did state I am an iPhone user who is a Verizon customer.

Posted by
1455 posts

Kaeleku, This is supposed to be a helpful forum, not a school playground. There are other Tmobile users who have traveled all over who have no issues with their service. I am sad that one was not able to use her phone with Tmobile.

For Verizon or ATT customers who are gouged by outrageous international data fees, this is a viable option. You have also contributed to my post that you use a different method. Thank you for adding that option. Those who are traveling overseas, whether its Europe or Asia or Africa can have the option of "Trying" T-Mobile if they see their phone works.

I used my phone in California for a week prior to leaving. It worked. Sadly, it didn't work for one of our fellow Rick Niks. All I can say from my experience is, it worked for me.

Posted by
9371 posts

It was actually T-Mobile who told me it should work in my phone, so they gained nothing by the fact that it didn't. Apparently the guy in my local store was wrong about the compatibility. I have several months till my next trip, so I will move on and look for other options. I would rather find an option, at a good price, where I could get a US number. Maybe Verizon will revise their plans before then so I can just use my current phone. In a recent chat with customer service, the rep hinted that things might, indeed, be changing in that area before spring.

Posted by
1455 posts

Terrible the rep didn't do his homework. They even have that link on their own web site to verify. Oh well, as you said you have time til the next one. I do hope Verizon has a better international deal. I was with them since 1994 (when they were AIrtouch) and left because I travel too much, and they could not beat T-Mobile's unlimited data plan.

If you do get a Spanish SIM, your family can always use skype or wireless calling type app to call your euro number. There's so many ways to stay in touch nowadays.

Safe travels.

Posted by
9371 posts

I travel to Spain every year and am well aware of the many ways to keep in touch, thanks. There is a big difference between using a US number, and calling via Skype, etc., as far as simplicity, particularly for older family members who are not particularly tech-savvy. (And if I'm traveling, I'm not here to assist.) If Droids are incompatible with T-mobile, then all you have shown is that iPhones work with them. It isn't a solution for a lot of people.