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Spain and phone plan

We do not have unlocked phone so SIM card change is not an option.

So, we have Verizon and an Apple phone. Daughter will be in Spain for three months. Anyone have ideas of best and cheapest way to stay in touch with her?

Posted by
1561 posts

Have you tried WhatsApp? I think you need wifi to use it. We called home from Spain using Whatsapp and it worked fine. You can set it up at home and try it out before she leaves to see if it would be useful.

Posted by
34635 posts

Facetime only works if daughter has an iPhone.

WhatsApp is wonderful, very intuitive, easy to use, free, does all sorts of things from pics to text to voice calls to video calls, and can send files.

Posted by
10519 posts

WhatsApp also works if you are out and about on the regular cell network (i.e. yes it works on WiFi, which is one of its big advantages, as you can use it even if you don't have a cell connection -- but you can also use it on the cell network if you wish).

Posted by
1943 posts

Actually in some cases FaceTime is not limited to IPhones. The iPhone does need to be on iOS 15.

I do agree that WhatsApp is an easy solution. I decline to use it for privacy reasons. I find the tracking too creepy. But that’s just me. Most people don’t seem to care.

Posted by
2267 posts

The question of her staying in touch with you at home is easy over wifi connections, as stated above.

The level of connectivity to which she’s surely accustomed, and which has become the standard of modern life—data always available while out and about during her three months—will require a cellular connection. Roaming from Verizon would get very expensive quickly. You could pay off the phone so that you could unlock it and use a pre-paid sim. Or use an old or cheap new (android) phone for the same purpose. (This would also allow her to leave her current, more expensive iphone in her accommodation, reducing risk of loss or theft.)

Posted by
1974 posts

What'sApp hands down is the simplest and free. Works on WiFi which is available in many hotels, Starbucks, etc.

Posted by
239 posts

Awesome information!! We will use WhatsApp as she should have Wi-Fi where she will be living and on the University campus.

Posted by
432 posts

Verizon usually automatically unlocks your phone within a short time after purchase/activation

Posted by
8708 posts

Verizon usually automatically unlocks your phone within a short time after purchase/activation

goanywhere, that's only if you purchased your phone without restrictions. However, Verizon offers deals sometimes, like giving you a free phone when you add a line, etc. Even though you are not paying for the phone, if you leave Verizon before the value of the phone is paid off, you owe Verizon for the remainder of the cost. And Verizon will not unlock the phone until that happens.