Everyone talks about getting a local SIM card but I don’t quite understand. I need my phone number to get my calls and texts and getting a new SIM card would make calls/texts sent to me not show up until I put my old card back. Yes? So how does this work for people? Are there services to forward your info to your “new number”?
Or are people just ok with not getting their texts? I mean you can give the new number to your close family but if you are dealing with a bunch of co workers, tech clueless boss, child’s teachers, apartment hosts who have the number on your account, and services like banks or other companies...you can’t realistically change your number then chsnge it back a month later.
Plus many times a bank or other online service like email won’t let me sign in from overseas until it texts me a code to my number to prove I’m me. Without my phone number I can’t get that text.
Also are things like Uber tied to your phone number? If I’m in a country with Uber and have a local SIM can I use my Uber account?
So is there a secret I’m missing here? I’d want the sim for data (I don’t make many if any calls to European phone numbers). My phone was previously locked so I don’t bother with this, just using WiFi and a small data plan. Now it’s unlocked so I’m looking into it. But as I said I don’t quite get it.