I have asked questions before about a sim card but now I have several really basic questions on how it works and how to use it
I have had my Cellular One cell unlocked and I have purchased a Orange Holiday Sim card that has 12GB of internet data, 200 free texts, 30 minutes of international calls and unlimited European calls. I know once I land and take my cell off airplane mode in Amsterdam and put in my Sim card it will be active for 14 days.
Since I have never used a sim card, here are some very basic questions
When I have access to local WIFI, do I need to change something on my cell(like put it in airplane mode or?) so it won't use up my Sim "credit"?
If I want to stop all my emails do I need to do something with my cell, don't want it overloaded with emails
Can I still get to my contacts on my cell with the Sim card?
Can I use my apps, Goggle translate, Goggle maps, GVB info ETC?
And finally will it let get to an audio book that is downloaded
Lots of questions, tried to find info on Tech Tips to no avail
I know very basic simple questions, but Consumer was no help as they want me to use their International plan
Thanks so much for your help