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Sardinia cell service coverage


Anyone have advice on cell phone coverage within Sardinia? Normally with my Verizon plan I add international for Europe. But Sardinia will be more remote. I have not had a lot of good luck searching on this topic as most posts are 6-8+ years old. I know things have changed. Any advice?


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We’re going to Sardinia this Saturday, so I can report in a few days. We used to have Verizon, and added the International plan for trips to Europe, but have since switched to T-mobile, with no extra plan needed - the regular monthly plan covers us in the UDA and overseas. T-mobile signal coverage has been great in several countries now, for calls and for data. I recommend them, but realize other plans could meet other folks’ needs. I’ll try to remember to post again about our cell coverage after we’ve reached Cagliari.

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We’ve had hit and miss. When in Wi-Fi, of course, signal is great. Wandering into shops in Sant’ Antioco, there was no signal. Every town has a big cell tower rising above it, so calls are easy to make, but data processing is harder.

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In Bosa, with very narrow streets (really, tiny alleys) lined with old 4 and 5 story buildings, there’s not always a cell signal - nothing can get down in that canyon between the buildings. Step out into a piazza or onto a wider street (still narrow), and a signal comes back.

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I have T-Mobile and service was good in the cities and towns, but was in and out through the interior in the mountains, but much more in than it was out. It only disappeared in the most remote places, not unlike the Pacific Northwest or elsewhere in rural mountain areas away from major roads. At least on T-Mobile location apps, like Google kept track of location and our route as long as we did not log out even without service. We though also had a navigator in our car as well as a paper map just in case.