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Rent pc/laptop for remote access?

Hello: I will be in France - NO computer - for 6+ weeks starting at the end of August. Do you know how I might rent, by the hour, a laptop/desktop, to do brief remote access sessions with my own computer at home? Any advice on whom in France provides such services, appreciated. I can be in large towns, southern France, to do this task. I speak adequate french to do so 24h/d.

Merci bien. Thank you.

Posted by
5687 posts

Any reason you wouldn't just buy one and take it to France with you? Cheap laptops can be had under $300 now, sometimes under $200 on sale. You could even buy a used one for less.

Posted by
10344 posts

Yep, do what Andrew suggests.
Sometimes simpler is better than complicated.

Posted by
544 posts

I've never been to a town without an internet cafe over there. This shouldn't be a problem at all.

I do agree, however, with the above advice. I would consider bringing a laptop from the U.S. since tech is so cheap over here. I used to work at the Apple Store and let me tell you, there are many many international tourists every day buying Macs to bring them home to countries around the world.

Apple even sells Macs with AZERTY and many other non-US keyboards as a no-charge option through the online store in the United States for this very reason.

Posted by
26 posts

I agree with the laptop suggestions. You might find that internet cafe PCs don't let you use the remote access software you need.

Posted by
824 posts


Why would even consider logging into your home machine from a computer/network that could be infested with all sorts of malware? Key logging software is rampant on internet cafe/business center machines and loosely controlled WIFI has many "ears." You would be opening up your home system to all sorts of threats.

Posted by
5687 posts

Todd is correct about the keyloggers, though insecure WiFi is probably irrelevant if your remote connection is encrypted. These days, I wouldn't even want to login to my email account on an unknown computer.

Posted by
34641 posts

or the best of both worlds - a tablet. Pretty cheap for decent ones, and a keyboard (keyboard equivalent) layout you are familiar with - and if you want to switch to a French keyboard it is a simple tap on the bottom left.

Posted by
5 posts

Thanks, y'all for replies (ou merci bien, if youse like).

-I ended up bringing my iPad mini. Used splashtop. Travelled about 30 lbs. lighter than last trip. Au revoir!

Please consider my contribution to this topic closed.

Posted by
1 posts

iPad seems to be the best choice, especially with Bluetooth keyboard. I also prefer using proxies or vpn while traveling but I had hard times finding reliable vpn for iPad. I tried more than 10 services and decided to stay with Express vpn. It's a bit pricey but it's fast and stable all the time.