I'm planning a 92-night trip to Europe in 2023. On the previous marathon trip I used my point and shoot camera and transferred photos every night from my camera to my tablet. By now the point-and-shoot photos aren't as sharp as before, so I'm making the hard decision to leave a separate camera behind and just use a phone. At home I use my cell phone as little as possible, with the cheapest possible service, but will need it lots on the upcoming trip. I will need to call home and receive calls from home too.
Given all that, my plan so far is to buy an unlocked iPhone 11 and put Google Fi Unlimited Plus on it as the provider, and then to use the phone for photos. From the reading I've done, it seems like iPhone 11 is about when the camera started being better. My understanding is that with iPhone, you now can set up an iCloud account to backup automatically and seamlessly--is that correct? Then I also understand that when there is good wifi, I can download photos from iCloud onto my tablet (which I will take again) and onto an empty Google Drive as backup. This plan also would let me use Apple Pay. I understand too that Google Fi includes VPN, which will be important for making reservations during such a long trip. I would resell the phone upon return.
Please point out the holes in this plan, as I'm none too certain about it.