I’m a longtime Rick fan, but I’m fairly new to this site and forum. For years I’ve wished there was a listing of all the pieces heard in Rick’s various PBS specials. I’m told much of the non-Jerry Frank music comes from the APM libraries, but I’ve also read that there’s some agreement that whoever selects the pieces for the specials isn’t allowed to list title, artist or other info?
Here’s my idea, and I trust that the moderators will chime in to let me know if this is permissible here. I’ve combed through the RS European Christmas special using various music ID apps and such, and I’ve successfully identified MANY of the pieces used in that special. I’ve typed up a detailed list with approximate counter times, what action is happening onscreen and other place-identifying info to help. I’ve also found song titles, artist and source album where applicable/available. What I’m wondering is if I could start the ball rolling by somehow sharing the track list that I’ve compiled somewhere on this site, so that others like me can find out more info about the wonderful music pieces in this special. Then, if anyone is able to fill in some of the holes in my list, all the better. Furthermore, if I or others want to comb through other RS specials and identity the songs, we could all share our findings in the same location. Ideally, this type of thing is the EXACT thing I would want to see—whether in the credits of Rick’s DVDs/blu-rays, or somewhere online like this forum—but sadly that info is not provided. Having read some posts to this forum going back 10 or more years, I know I’m not the only one who would love a chance to find and collect the music playing during some of our favorite moments in Rick’s specials.
I’ve got maybe 80-85% of the music from his Christmas special identified and I’m willing to share…as long as it’s ok with the moderators and the community rules…and if there’s a more efficient way of sharing this info than typing in a post-field like this one. Also, I’d love it if others wanted to join the search and share their findings, too!
Anyway, my name is Colin and I’d love to hear from anyone else interested in this endeavor!