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Making photo books

I know many people love to make photo books of their trip. I don't know all the different programs, I am only familiar with shutterfly and My memories suite. Hands down for creativity and flexibility and so easy to use is my memories suite. $40 to download the software. If you want more info, please pm me and I can get you started. I do not work for the company or get anything in return, just like to help and I have been doing scrapbooks for many, many years. After creating the book, I have shutterfly print it. Love the quality of their books.
Here is an example of what you can do. This was the second album I made using the software.

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8103 posts

I just create mine through Costco’s options and sometimes wait a few weeks to see if they will have a sale. The hardest part for me is deciding which photos are NOT going to be included in the final draft!

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6024 posts

I make mine thru Costco, also, and love their 12"x12" glossy option, as the book can lay flat when opened.
I also have a personal rule: review and edit photos each night , and keep no more than 40 per day, so that the project doesn't become a huge monster. With good internet, I download those 40 photos off to Costco each night, but often the signal isn't strong enough.
Safe travels!

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2521 posts

I clicked on the link you included and it wanted me to sign in. I don't have an account with google.

I will check out My memories suite. I have started a Shutterfly book but haven't finished it.

Also I might check into Costco's options.

I agree I need to delete photos everyday and I like the idea of no more than 40 per day. I'm leaving on a trip next week for Israel - 9 days on the ground with 2 travel days. I will aim for no more than 360 photos this time. Wish me luck!

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144 posts

Diveloonie I am curious what My Memories software is or does.. I have used Shutterfly for years and I love. I have two books that need to be worked soon. I have always just used Shutterfly .. do I make page in My memories then upload those pages to Shutterfly?
Thanks in it easier that way?

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5047 posts

Loved the books! You need a google account to see them, though. I lack discipline in reducing the number of photos I put in mine..... nor do I have a creative eye for making the books. Still, though, they do provide an easy-to-share visual of my trips!

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800 posts

Thanks for the info. has $8 off for a few days with restrictions.

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3630 posts

@Judy B—yes, Judy you do need a goggle account to view my book.

@Sue—my memories is a software program to make your photobooks. Much, much more creative and more choices than making your book in shutterfly or Costco.
However, it does require some creativity, but not a lot. The program is very easy to learn and comes with pre loaded content like papers and embellishments.