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iPad Mini as Backup for iPhone

In a recent post, which I can’t find, someone mentioned they would not travel without their iPad mini because it is a good back up to their iPhone. This stuck in my mind since I live in fear of losing my iPhone on vacation. I hate the idea of extra weight, but I checked and it’s only .6 pound. I’m not crazy about spending the money, so I’d prefer the internet only model. Besides serving as a backup, I would like to be able to view and edit my photos on the iPad mini. My question is - how would I get them from my phone to my iPad mini?

I’m thinking I could use WhatsApp to communicate with people via the internet. I could also use my husband’s phone for emergency calls and GPS. Is there anything else I would miss if I got the internet-only iPad mini.

One more question — if I got the version with cellular capability, I know it costs another $250, but wouldn’t I also have to pay more to Verizon to access it. I am not interested in giving Verizon any more of my money!

Thank you.

Posted by
8112 posts

I have T-Mobile, so I'm not needing to ask the Verizon questions since my data & texts are free internationally. I use FaceTime through either my phone or iPad to have free video conversations with my family back home. And most European small hotels or B&B have wanted to communicate with WhatsApp, so I have that on my phone, also. When I am in a hotel, I do connect to their internet for using my iPad in the evening.

I access my photos on my iPhone & iPad mini through the iCloud folders.

Posted by
8668 posts

One more question — if I got the version with cellular capability, I know it costs another $250, but wouldn’t I also have to pay more to Verizon to access it. I am not interested in giving Verizon any more of my money!

Carroll, yes, you would have to pay Verizon to have an extra phone line to use it (and I don't blame you for not wanting to give more $ to Verizon, lol!). But there's really no reason to get cellular service when wifi is so prevalent. I really do think it's a good idea to bring something extra like that. I bring my Macbook but lots of others bring iPads.

It's easy to get everything from your phone to your iPad (mini or regular) as it's all in the Cloud, just waiting to be transferred. I would suggest that you go to an Apple store and look at the iPad mini there. You can try it out and a sales clerk will show you the functions and show you how to use it (it's simple if you already have an iPhone), but can also show you how to transfer your data over the iPad mini when you set it up. And if you don't want to do that, the set up process will give you explicit instructions that are very easy. I promise! :-)

Posted by
8668 posts

I’m thinking I could use WhatsApp to communicate with people via the internet. I could also use my husband’s phone for emergency calls and GPS. Is there anything else I would miss if I got the internet-only iPad mini.

Carroll, honestly it's easy to communicate with people. I use FaceTime to communicate with my family (all have iPhones), but for friends and relatives with Androids, I use WhatsApp for calls. Just as easy. And you can also text (using Messages) on your iPad mini as well. Just make sure that you have wifi when you are doing that.

Posted by
15156 posts

I am one with an iPhone and iPad Mini. I love the Mini which I used to replace my Kindle maybe 10 years ago (on my 2nd Mini now).

Pictures: When you take pictures on your iPhone the automatically show up on your iPad mini the next time you open it and are connected to wifi.

Notes: Everything on your iPhone syncs with the iPad mini so if I add a screenshot of a museum or train ticket to my iPhone it shows up on my iPad so this is very useful if you worry that you will lose your phone.

Cellular capability: Mine does not have cellular capability. I don't even use my iPhone for calls in Europe so would not want to spend that money on the iPad mini. I can communicate with WhatsApp or FaceTime when I have wifi so that would not be a dealbreaker for me. And yes, you'd have to pay for a separate line. For some reason I am paying for a separate line for my watch but as usual with tech purchases I let the Verizon person talk me in to something I did not understand, lol. (insert eye roll emoji here!)

My main use of the iPad is the Kindle app and then of course reading the forum, lol. I'm a reader and need to read every night, lol. I also sometimes will carry it for the day when I'm traveling if I am planning some garden time in a big city.

IF you are a Costco member, do check the prices there. I just purchased a MacBook Air and it was $200 less at Costco than the Apple Store. Same set up, same memory and such. Apple has a rebate going but they don't tell you right out of the gate how much it is so I went with the Costco deal. That is also where I got my iPad Minis.

Posted by
268 posts

Carroll- just another approach to consider... especially if you would only use the mini when traveling? You mention fear about losing your phone and ability to view and edit photos (presumably easier than on your phone).
If the real concern is the loss, do you worry the same when traveling within the US? I have real peace of mind with the Koala phone "lanyard" although there are many similar concepts. I tether it to an inner zipper of a jacket if in my pocket or a tiny loop on my tiny crossbody when carrying it that way. It's eliminated the stress of dropping it although also would make theft more challenging.
Just another consideration, apologies if it's not helpful!

Posted by
6738 posts

I have the ipad mini. Love it. I mostly bring it for my husband, he gets stressed out trying to send his emails from a phone. I did not get the cellular capability. I don't carry it around during the day. Our hotels typically have wifi.

When I'm out and about in the U.S., I can use the ipad, with my phone as a hotspot.

Posted by
2852 posts

Thank you to everyone who answered my questions. I think I get it now, which is testament to your teaching skills because I am not exactly tech savvy, lol.

I am going to follow Pam’s advice and go to the Apple Store and have them show me everything before I fork over the money. That is if I can get over the $499 hurdle. I am very happy to learn that I don’t need the cellular version, sorry Verizon. (Actually, I’m not the least bit sorry, lol.)

Thanks, Jean for the link to the thread I was referring to. I was looking under Tech Tips and never thought of Packing.

Again, thank you all!

Posted by
2852 posts

Whoops, I see it was Mardee who advised going to the Apple store. Sorry, Mardee. B

Posted by
384 posts

I just bought a 1T external drive at Costco. It cost $89. It also is designed to work for iPhone. It’s the Lexar portable SSD with mag attach. Supports iPhone 15 and above. It will definitely be handy!

Posted by
688 posts

I've been wondering about the Ipad mini as well. I currently use my phone when I'm out and about, but take my regular sized Ipad when traveling to use in my room in the evenings to browse the internet, watch a show or movie, read, etc.. I'm not sure how much smaller the mini actually is, so I'll have to stop by a Best Buy to see it in person I suppose. Plus, there are probably various models of it. I'm not a techy person, so it's pretty easy for me to get overwhelmed by the specifics of it all.

It sounds like Costco might be the least expensive place to purchase one then?

Posted by
6738 posts

I got my mini at Best Buy. I believe it was a Black Friday type of thing. I chose the mini because it fits nicely in a purse or smaller places, we I do decide I want to carry it along somewhere. I don't notice the size difference from my previous fuller sized ipad when I use it. I believe the mini, at that time, was more expensive than the larger one.

Posted by
2852 posts

Bon voyage, I am only paranoid about losing my phone when I am traveling. I need it to take and store photos plus it has all my travel info, tickets, etc. I am going to checkout the lanyard you suggested. I have a wrist strap that attaches to my phone case, but it broke do I have to get a new case or new type of strap.

Mo R, I’m not sure what an external drive does for me, but I will look into it.

Again, thank you to all who responded. I am sold on the iPad mini, though I’m not enthusiastic about spending the money. My laptop, which I need for other reasons (but don’t travel with), is on its last legs, and I hate spending this much money on tech stuff in one year. I’m not traveling until late March, so I’ll re-evaluate in February.

Posted by
8668 posts

Whoops, I see it was Mardee who advised going to the Apple store. Sorry, Mardee.

Ha ha, no worries, Carroll!!! Have fun checking them out!