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19373 posts

International access is not "down". The interruptions arent "massive" as in the article title. The issue is intermittently affecting some international roaming service.

Oddly enough not mine, and I use my US phone most every day in Europe. Tonight I am watching the debate on it.

But I guess you can be inconvenienced from time to time till fixed, and that can be frustrating. Good thing for wifi.

Posted by
133 posts

Thanks for posting. I was in London this past week and my usually reliable T-mobile service was horrible. I thought it was due to the fact that I didn’t purchase the international pass, so I paid $30 for the 10 day pass and it still was still shotty at best.

I was going to post a question about it, but you answered for me.

Thanks again!

Posted by
112 posts

There are still many people saying their service is still out across Europe in various Reddit and Verizon support threads. There were some dire predictions about it taking 48 hours to fix -- hence my suggestion to grab a cheap eSIM for the time being. Good luck!

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40 posts

One thing many folks don't try is the old IT Crowd solution: fully powering down the phone and powering it on again. That forces it to rebuild its cellular awareness and often fixes laggy network issues.

The eSIM option is also good, though if the phone, itself, is the cause (and it can be if a patch to the operating system is trying to download and run) then an eSIM isn't necessarily a fix.