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Instant money converter using iPhone calculator

I just saw this on Facebook in the Travel Fashion Girl group and had no idea you could do this.

You just plug a number into the default calculator, then press the calculator icon (to the left of the zero). A pop-you menu will show you a “Convert” toggle button. Turn that on and it will convert the number to the currency of your choice. The default appears to be the Euro but you can change that to another.

You can actually leave it like that and it will continue to work as a converter, or go back to the icon and click “basic” to get back to the calculator function.

I don’t know if Androids have that option but it wouldn’t hurt to try.

EDIT: here’s a link to Apple Support that shows a photo and gives a bit more detail of the process

Posted by
9112 posts

It works. Thanks. So, this implies that your phone is keeping up with daily interbank exchange rates?

Posted by
8586 posts

Stan, Apple is evidently using the currency rates provided by Yahoo Finance, and the bottom of the screen will show when they were last updated. One source said you can use this feature when your phone is in airplane mode.

ETA: I just checked and when you go into the list of currencies, at the bottom it shows when it was last updated. I just did this and it said it was updated two hours ago, so it sounds like it’s pretty current.

Posted by
189 posts

For you Android folks, my older Android phone w/ Android 12 doesn't do this. It does do a lot of conversions, area, length, temp., volume, etc... but not currency. I use an app called "convert pad" for currency conversions, and a few zillion others. (500 cubits = 1.13 furlongs).

Posted by
15082 posts

I saw this last night on TFG as well! I didn't try it then and forgot this morning. This is SO cool!!

Thanks for posting this....

Posted by
34480 posts

I do that, and I often just ask Siri. Siri, 12 pounds 90 in dollars

Posted by
8586 posts

Cyn, yes, I believe you do need to have the latest software installed to use this function. I think it's IOS 18.

Posted by
3175 posts

Interesting Mardee. I just gave it a try for £. Who would have thought…
I use Units Plus app which, because I’m use to it, is quicker for me. Currencies toggle between US$ and whichever. There are also weight, length, etc conversions.
It’s nice to know there are more options. I also use EZ Calculators for time value. It also has currency but is not as user friendly.

Posted by
33 posts

That is really helpful, I was using an app that does the same thing but this is easier. Thank you. Is there any way to convert meters to feet or kilometer to miles in the calculator?

Posted by
944 posts

Thank you, Mardee! And Nigel, too. Not sure why I never thought of asking Siri.

Posted by
8586 posts

Muniman, yes, I just checked and you can convert a lot of things. Temperature (Celsius to Farenheit), length (meter to foot, etc.), pressure, and many other things. When you are in the calendar, click on the top number, there will be an option that pops up that will give you a variety of things to convert. You just click on the one you want and check what you need.

Posted by
32408 posts


I saw that item on one of my news feeds the other day, and I had no idea that Apple had added that feature. I don't use the default iPhone calculator too often as I have an RPN calculator app that I much prefer, even for simple calculations. I also have the XE app so I can also use that for currency conversion.

Posted by
1405 posts

Mardee, you continue to be such a wonderful (unpaid) resource for us message board denizens. You are truly a mensch!

The standard Android calculator appears not to offer any such feature, and I don't use it in any event as I learned Reverse Polish Notation on my first Hewlett Packard calculator, meaning that's all I can use and need a calculator app featuring RPN. But the Google Play store has several available apps that look like they do essentially the same thing.

For my case, I try to establish a general fraction relationship for the currency in use and then figure the approximate conversion in my head. But at my age, who knows how long that approach will work and keep me out of bankruptcy?

Posted by
32408 posts


It's nice to see another RPN fan on the forum! I use RPN whenever needed, but can easily use algebraic if necessary (although it always feels so "clunky"). It appears that the RPN app that I use is only available for iPhone or iPad, but I imagine there's something similar in the Android world.

Posted by
1405 posts

Ken, the Android app I use is RealCalc. Perhaps other RPN users will benefit.

Posted by
8586 posts

For my case, I try to establish a general fraction relationship for the currency in use and then figure the approximate conversion in my head.

Ha ha, jphbucks, I do that do, sometimes, but my head usually makes the rate more favorable than it really is. I'm sure this is my subconscious rationalization for buying something. :-)

Posted by
5965 posts

Mardee, I join the chorus of "I had no idea!"
At least this tip of yours doesn't cost me any money..........

Posted by
1917 posts

It’s a nice new addition. I just wish there was a way to save a short list of “favorite “ currencies instead of having to scroll or search the full list.

I have been using an HP 12C financial calculator for years. The Apple app staore has an emulator that works well. It’s put out by vicinno and is worth the few bucks for it. No in app purchases necessary in my experience.

Posted by
2844 posts

Mardee, I just wanted to let you know I have been using this feature since you posted about it. I never thought to say thank you until now. Thanks!

Posted by
344 posts

I've noticed that.

But I just use the XE app. It's what many businesses use so it's good enough for me.

The Apple tool is a bit too opaque for comfort.

Posted by
1917 posts

I was just curious about different sources for FX rates so I did a little comparison

For 100€ USD equivalents were

  1. Apple calculator 104.95
  2. XE 104.96
  3. Google 104.97
  4. Yahoo finance 104.954

For £100 USD equivalents were

  1. Apple calculator 125.87
  2. XE 125.79
  3. Google 125.872
  4. Yahoo finance 125.872

All close enough to each other for my purposes and seems to confirm that Apple uses yahoo finance FX rates. I will also note that the dispersion amongst rates may be more pronounced during a weekday when markets are more actively traded.