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219 posts

I "walk" through towns I plan to visit using the little yellow person feature in Google Maps.

I cannot tell you how many times I've had deja vu when I arrived in a new city because I had "already been there" by going up and down the streets via Google Maps.

I also cannot tell you how surprised I was with the hills in Assisi. They were steeper and more plentiful when I walked the town than when I had walked the map!

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2886 posts

AirBnB doesn't give you an exact address until after you book, but there are often enough pictures included in a listing so that you can figure out exactly which building it is in using google maps' walk-through features.

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1532 posts

Thanks for sharing Frank! Pretty darn cool! Not great news for my son in law who works for Apple Maps:)

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4657 posts

@Avirosemail, though not relevant to this topic, I have never been denied the the specific address when I have asked the AirBnB host before booking....though there are often enough clues in reviews or photos to get close.