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Ideas on which jet lag eye glasses to buy?

I'm looking for new tech ideas to deal with the age-old problem of jet lag. While there's quite a bit written about it on the Forum, there doesn't seem to be much that's well, new. I travel 3-4 times a year between CA & Europe & would appreciate any new technology or science that might be out there.

  • Has anyone tried Blue light Glasses and have specific ones to recommend? I'm thinking of a budget around $175 max for 2 pairs, daytime & evening, and won't that be weird wearing them on flights?? Wondering if anyone has used these?

I found some of their suggestions interesting (not recommending, just learning!) - "Airplanes and airports actually have a huge impact on our bodies because they use a lot of artificial LED and fluorescent lighting throughout their corridors and aircrafts. This sort of “junk” light is harmful to our eyes and can disrupt the physiology happening in our minds and bodies — making us more susceptible to jet lag no matter how short or long your flight is.
Before you leave
Invest in headwear or eyewear that will help protect your eyes from harmful LED and fluorescent lights throughout airports and on airplanes. If you’re particularly sensitive to any amount of light, consider wearing a hat on a plane to block overhead light leakage."

  • Thanks to many on the Forum who recommended the Timeshifter app, I've downloaded it. I'm going to start shifting my wake up time a bit earlier each day ahead of my next trip.

  • I follow Dr Huberman at Stanford, & while his ideas about setting Circadian rhythm have been great, he doesn't address jet lag as much. (Warning, he's VERY long-winded. Maybe check out a quick Youtube clip first.)

Hoping to report back in late August on the efficacy of these tips, thanks in advance!

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15172 posts

I have listened to a few of Dr Huberman's pod casts. You are right, he loves to talk, lol.

I looked quickly to see if there is anything on the Oura Ring re: jet lag but don't find anything except basic advice we are reading everywhere. The Timeshifter is much more detailed with the times on when you should see light whereas the Oura advice is just "daylight".

If you do go for the Blue-light glasses (and there is some discussion of them on the Timeshifter app) I'd love for you to circle back with your impressions.

I had really nagging jet lag in the spring when I traveled. I thought I was doing OK the first few days then just had to crash for afternoon naps a couple of times. My next trip is just a couple of weeks instead of 4 or 5 so I really don't want to spend half of it having a sinking spell in the afternoon!

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1107 posts

I'm still hoping to find a Forum member who's actually tried these or similar glasses to help mitigate jet lag There are also expensive SAD sunlight glasses to wear to help with the time adjustment & depth of winter in Sweden. Has anyone purchased these or something similar? "PEGASI 2 - Smart Light Therapy Glasses, Improve Your Sleep in 7 Days, Feather-Light, Research-Backed Blue-Green Light, Boost Energy, Beat Jet Lag (Traveling Case Included)"

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274 posts

No idea re glasses, but getting up earlier and earlier starting 3 weeks before my trip had me cycling safely from the airport a few weeks ago. First time I've had no jet lag issues with a 5 hour time difference.

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1107 posts

Thanks @ phoffen2001! That sounds like good advice, will start moving wakeup earlier over next 2 weeks, hoping it helps. I asked the Forum about a scientifically-based book for jet lag here -

Here are the blue light-reducing glasses I ended up buy for the flight.

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1107 posts

Hey thanks! Very interesting article. I ended up returning the glasses mentioned above, they didn't seem to do anything. Bought a second pair that may have eased eye strain under the airport fluorescent lights & on the airplane. I noticed the brightness when I took them off on board, which is of course totally unscientific!

The jet lag experiment using TimeShifter, Gunnar glasses & melatonin is still in process, will report back when the trip is over!

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531 posts

I'm going to be using Timeshifter in about a month and I'm just going to put on sunglasses, turn down the lights, and stop using my phone one hour before bedtime. On the plane, I will use an eye mask.

Buying yet more eyewear to travel with seems unnecessary. I already have sunglasses, contacts, reading glasses, and another pair of glasses I wear when I'm not wearing contacts. Oy!

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1107 posts

HAHA you're so right! I more or less came to the same conclusion, but since I had already bought the new glasses, I brought them along. BTW, I think TimeShifter did help, maybe I've gained some hours of intelligent thought since arriving a few days ago....

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15172 posts

I’ll just add that I think it helped me a lot on the way over from Idaho to Scotland. I traveled a week ago today (Sunday) and started the program on the Friday before. I tried to adhere to sunlight and caffeine times and did use a sleep mask on the plane. Subjectively I felt I had less fuzzy headedness and less fatigue. I’ll do a post as well after I get home and see if it works on the return journey.

@Sandancisco, happy you think it’s helpful too!!