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Posted by
3247 posts

I believe that I am being goaded into a response that will most assuredly get me in trouble with the supervisors again.

Posted by
11185 posts

Considering how many selfie stick users, use it, Lane's link is spot on.

The link from Mr E shows the user was never in a crowd making a nuisance of himself. If everyone was as considerate, there would not be the need for the 'suggestion' in the link Lane posted.

Posted by
3166 posts

I have recommended that method to some very annoying people. They seem not to appreciate my suggestion.

Posted by
882 posts

I am considered an annoying person. What's a selfie stick? Have I missed something?

Posted by
4879 posts

Blue, if you are an annoying person without one, then I'm not going to tell you what it is in case it gives you any ideas. Lol.

Posted by
17957 posts

I travel a lot less than most of you. Still, in 20+ years of doing it, I can not remember a single instance where someone's selfistick was an issue for me. Not many this year. But quite a few cell phone tripods.

Posted by
846 posts

I can not remember a single instance where someone's selfistick was an issue for me

It's not the actual selfie stick that is an issue. It's the PEOPLE who are using the selfie stick and how unaware they are of the people around them, how their actions impede with other people's ability to enjoy their visit.

Posted by
6416 posts

Great video Mr É!

I live in a place that gets a lot of tourists and I've worked in one of the most visited places in Sweden. More than once have I been annoyed with tourists behaving like idiots and not respecting those of us who actually live here. Never have a selfie stick or someone using a selfie stick been the source of that irritation.

Posted by
17957 posts

It's not the actual selfie stick that is an issue. It's the PEOPLE who
are using the selfie stick and how unaware they are of the people
around them, how their actions impede with other people's ability to
enjoy their visit.

Never saw that to any memorable degree either. The only problem I face, almost daily, are people with their nose in cell phones becoming a nusiance to everyone around them. But we all use cell phones, thats "WE" issue so we accept it (never seen the post here at least), we dont all use SelfiSticks so thats a "THEM" thing and we berate them.

There should be a law that says you can only look at your cell phone if neither foot is moving and your back is firmly planted against a wall.

Posted by
4114 posts

There should be a law that says you can only look at your cell phone
if neither foot is moving and your back is firmly planted against a

Wise words, I love it. I've never owned or used a selfie stick and have never been bothered or whacked by one. In fact, I'm not sure if I ever saw one when I was in Italy last Spring. I probably did, but obviously it was a non-issue for me. At least by taking a selfie or even using a selfie stick, nobody is walking in front of me while I'm trying to take a photo. I can't say the same about people who are oblivious when someone is trying to get a point and shoot photo.

Posted by
931 posts

Hello, there are a few reports, but I'm not going to be heavy handed here. It's clear this is a joke from a comic website - perhaps more funny if you have an irreverent sense of humor and you've ever been thwacked by one - and we're all adults here (so, yes, don't be goaded into guideline violations! ;). Thanks to Mr E for providing realistic uses for this item to help this stay more on theme with the forum.

Posted by
636 posts

I guess I'm in the Mr. E & Badger camp. Work in a museum popular with tourists, in a tourist oriented city and selfie sticks just have never been a problem. Complaint about selfie sticks seems to be more about taking issue with younger generations, or old guy yells at clouds. I'm not getting worked up over someone else's foible and don't have the urge to control others.

Posted by
1188 posts

There should be a law that says you can only look at your cell phone if neither foot is moving and your back is firmly planted against a wall.

Or a plain ol' paper map, or a guide book.

I mostly agree with the above, and that we have all probably been situationally unaware at times and slammed on the proverbial brakes while walking, even if just when in awe of a beautiful sight. But I am a person who has been whacked twice in the head by these things. Both were in high-traffic areas (a bridge in Paris, the Trevi fountain) but I didn't see either one coming, because one was from behind and the other from the side. And this is the difference with selfie sticks. If someone 3 feet behind you or to your side stops abruptly to look at their phone, it most likely will have zero impact on you. The situationally unaware with a stick, however, most certainly can affect those roughly 3 feet in all directions.

I've learned when entering a selfie-stick forest to keep my head on a swivel and get out as quickly as I can :-) As the old saying goes, when the wind changes, it's easiest to just adjust one's sails.