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Help in downloading to IPad

I'm attempting to download the tours of Italy on my IPad, with no luck! I could do so on my iPhone, but can't find the apps for iPad and want to have for our trip. I can't get them from RS website either.

Can anyone help please? As specific as possible to save frustration! ;-). Thanks.

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559 posts

Hi Terri, I don't think the apps are available for the IPad. I think they're just do you rphone. Sorry!

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260 posts

It's under podcasts: rick Steves audio tours. Should work.

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260 posts

I just tried it on my iPad mini. Works just fine.

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355 posts

In the app store you can download a iphone app to your ipad, you just have to switch the catagory.

Hope this helps.



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107 posts

Sometimes on my iPad mini, when I'm searching for apps, it will be showing me "ipad only apps", and often when I can't find something that I know is out there, I will notice that there's also a tab for "iphone apps", I try that tab and find the app I was looking for.
Most every iphone app that I've downloaded on my ipad mini works fine. Some of them are sized for the iphone so they don't take advantage of the larger ipad mini screen, but they still seem to work fine. you can check the details on the app, and it should say what platforms it supports..