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FNAC rejects my mobile number

I'm trying to buy tickets to the Musee Marmottan and the form keeps rejecting my mobile number. I tried giving it the number of a Paris hotel in the hopes of skipping the problem but it rejected that too. I tried putting a 1 in front of my 10 digit number, I tried it with punctuation and without. It's a FNAC site, if that helps.

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14995 posts

I was looking at the English version of the Marmottan website yesterday and kept getting sent in a loop when I tried to look at buying tickets. FWIW, I felt the website implied that pre-purchased tickets were not mandatory so you may be able to buy at the door.

"Access to the museum is limited to 250 people simultaneously. Priority is given to holders of a pre-purchased ticket."

Try putting a + sign as well.

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9436 posts
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34350 posts

never use punctuation or spaces in European numbers. French numbers are often in groups of pairs.

If it doesn't want pairs it almost certainly wants all run together.

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34350 posts

I had a little play. I used a different museum on the FNAC site. When I got to fill in the details of the purchaser, on the English language site, it ask for a mobile phone number. There is a little French flag with a pulldown tab. The format shown for French numbers is indeed pairs. Pull down the flag and one of the choices is an American flag. Click that and it already knows the +1. It shows that once you have chosen the US flag it wants area code and number in the usual US format of (123) 456-7890 . Is that what you saw?

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4 posts

Yes, I got the US flag and entered the number in all the possible permutations and it still rejected it. I tried running it all together, and in pairs like a French number. Still getting an error message.

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9436 posts

Ivy, that is frustrating! I’d try a fake French #, it’s not like they’ll ever actually call you. I often use a fake # here, cuts down on spam.

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4 posts

I tried using the number of a hotel in Paris. That time the error message was 'this is not a mobile number.'

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5907 posts

You’ve probably tried this, but the format I usually try first is +12025551212 (if my US number were 202-555-1212). The next format I would try is 0012025551212.

Posted by
755 posts

Hi Ivy, when I used the “inscription express” on the FNAC website, I had the same problem as you with my US mobile number. I shop from time to time on the FNAC website, so I tried signing in to my account and then adding my US mobile number. No problem. Then I went to the Spectacles portal and was able to add Marmottan to my cart and get all the way to the payment screen. Perhaps try setting up an account first, maybe there’s a glitch for the US mobiles on the Inscription Express option. Hope this helps.

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34 posts

I tried all the tricks mentioned to buy tickets for the Equestrian show at Versailles. Rejected all formats of my real mobile number even though the flag was set for the US and my country selected was US. Mobile numbers in France start with 06 or 07, so made up a ten digit number starting with 06. That was okay until I entered my payment information and the website crashed. Pretty sure it detected a problem but fell through the cracks of the error processing. I got an email from the Equestrian Academy of Versailles thanking me for creating an account. Logged on and corrected my address and phone number. Selected the ticketing option while I was logged in (this was all in French but Google Translate got me through it). Got all the way through the credit card submission and a page was thrown up to verify my personal information for the charge. Everything was okay, including the phone number. The validate button was not selectable, only the cancel button. I tried walking through the form hitting return for each field. Sure enough, after I hit the field for the phone number I got an error message saying that field was required. I've sent an email asking how an American can buy tickets to their show. If I get an answer I will post it here. The FNAC software is broken, or at least very brittle. After I have a calming walk and a glass of wine I will see if I can find a tech services contact. If anyone has ever actually solved this please let us know. I have tickets for Versailles itself, but that site doesn't book the horse show as an add-on for the dates I will be there (12/29-12/30).

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10768 posts

It could be that the FNAC is forwarding requests for those tickets to a different vendor with a different card processor. And in France, not all processors accept US credit cards online. For example, IKEA takes my US Visa in store but rejects it online. Same with Darty (now part of the FNAC), and Carrefour auto rental, but I can shop til I drop with my US card in the store. We have to use our French card in these situations. Employees are baffled when asked, but the ex-pat community knows what is going on. Good luck getting those equestrian tickets. Perhaps, you should start your own thread to get more info.

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3603 posts

Perhaps you can wait till you get to Paris and get your hotel to book it for you, or a Tourist Office?