Hi all,
My wife and I recently completed a 14 day excursion to the SW coast of the UK including Cornwall, Devon, and Dorsett. And I just wanted to share what I hope are some helpful words of advice.
The first 4 days, my wife spent clutching my arm as our in-car SAT NAV seemed to constantly pick the smallest single-track roads possible. No matter what settings we used (e.g. most use of freeways), same results. The only reason for this I could figure was that the data the SAT NAV was using was telling it these roads were somehow advantageous.
So to save my arm hair (and probably our marriage), we went old school and used a paper map to pre-plan our daily routes selecting only the finest A roads or B roads that looked the most promising. Worked like a charm. We still used the SAT NAV, but when it told us to get off the highway on some cow path or cut through a busy downtown, we would just ignore it. And in some cases, when we did ignore it, it would shave 20 minutes off the total trip drive time.
Hoping this information might save someone else the hassle.