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Download those apps and make sure you have data

Today my sister and I were faced with a flight cancellation message when we went to check in for tomorrow’s flight. This started a scramble! I used my airline app to chat with agent and get rerouted. It was still painfully slow back and forth, but it worked. My sister tried calling the airline and received a message to email them and they would get back to her when they could. Chatting through the app was the only way to make contact.

The only option that was going to work for us was to leave from Madrid instead of Malaga. I used my Renfe app to purchase train tickets for Madrid while we were on the way to the train station for the last train of the evening.

We needed a new place to stay tonight and I used an app while on the train to book the hotel near the airport.

I don’t know if our journey will continue to call on us to adapt, but if it does, I will continue to be thankful for my smartphone.

Posted by
298 posts

This is very good advice. Glad things worked out for you. I would not travel these days without a smartphone and data.
One other thing to remember is to make sure you have a stash of your passwords for those apps in case you get logged out.

Good luck on the rest of your trip!

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2252 posts

Thank you, Carol for this great advice! I’m happy everything worked out (so far!) for you and your sister. You reminded me how important it is to download all the apps you need or think you might need before a trip!

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8373 posts

My wife carries a smartphone. I carry a tablet and find it easier to make changes and travel arrangements on the larger screen. They each have different formats for the different devices.

It sure is nice to be able to communicate when you're on the road.

Posted by
15145 posts

I'm so glad you've been able to reroute yourselves using your phone! In addition to having downloaded the apps folks need to have some skill in using them, too.

And yes!!! to having a cheat sheet of passwords stashed in your money belt!

Let us know when you get home!

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21369 posts

I rely on my cell phone for the same Carol. But had one snafu earlier this year. I was with my son about 30 miles out of town and realized I had left the phone in the car that dropped us off. No problem, my son had his phone, so i'll call the driver. But the drivers number is in my phone. Now I carry a few numbers un my wallet.

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10495 posts

Way to launch into action, Carol ! I am so glad you had the tools you needed to keep yourself moving . Thank you for coming here to remind folks how this can be so helpful / important.

Posted by
8664 posts

Carol, so glad it is working out and yes, you are so right up how handy our smartphones are for times like this!

Someone above mentioned having a stash of passwords handy, which is a good idea; OR you can use a password manager, which is even handier. I use 1Password, so all I have to do is go there for the password for any of my apps. I used to use LastPass but switched to 1Password a few years ago and love it. I don't have to worry about remembering passwords, or keeping a cheat sheet (which is not that secure).

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11814 posts

When facing cancellations I use both the App and Twitter for airline and hotel problems. I called and called one time about our airport large chain hotel room not having adequate heat with no results. Then I tweeted about it and a repairman appeared!

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15145 posts

"I don't have to worry about remembering passwords, or keeping a cheat sheet (which is not that secure)."

Oh yes, I agree, they are not secure at all. I did think I was very clever in that I've got mine slightly coded...but then one time I could not remember WTH the password was with my little encoded clue. So...I take a run thru the cheat sheet before every trip to make sure my pea brain can recall what I meant. Yeesh....maybe I will try iPassword!

Posted by
8664 posts

Can you get to your ipassword from a device other than your phone?

Mister E, yes, I can access 1Password on my laptop as well (or any other device). It's really invaluable. They have a free 14-day trial period for anyone wanting to try it.